Copy of SWCS 2030 – Special Warfare Training For The Peer-To-Peer Fight – BG Will Beaurpere & CSM Lee Strong
The Jedburgh Podcast
Conversations with transformative leaders, visionaries and drivers of change.
One hundred men will test today. But only three win the Green Beret. Less than 1% of the Army wears the Green Beret. Developing America’s Green Berets takes a vision for the future, knowledge of the past, and an understanding of the present.?
The John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School is the home of both training Green Berets and developing the policy and doctrine our Special Forces operate by. To share the mission of SWCS, Fran Racioppi sat down with Commanding General Brigadier General Will Beaurpere and Command Sergeant Major Lee Strong from the JFK Special Warfare Museum at Fort Liberty, NC.?
BG Beaurpere and CSM Strong explained how SWCS 2030 will develop a more prepared Special Forces Regiment through the establishment of three Branch Schools for Green Berets, Civil Affairs and Psyops, each under their own O-6 level command.?
They also break down irregular warfare, why it’s important, and how it’s complemented by psychological operations; another school being developed through SWCS 2030.?
Finally they talk recruiting as the Global War on Terror generation of soldiers is retiring and SOF was directed to cut personnel. The CG and CSM share how they are meeting the personnel needs of the Regiment, while enforcing the standard, continuously improving professionalism, and integrating technology and automation into the force.??
Take a listen, watch, or read our conversation about the past, present and future of SWCS. Then head over to our YouTube channel to watch BG Beaurpere and CSM Strong share the importance of the Jedburghs in the Jedburgh Media Channel’s first documentary, Unknown Heroes, Behind Enemy Lines at D-Day, the story of Operation Jedburgh.???
The Jedburgh Podcast and the Jedburgh Media Channel are an official program of The Green Beret Foundation. Learn more on The Jedburgh Podcast Website. Subscribe to us and follow @jedburghpodcast on all social media. Watch the full video version on YouTube.