Copy of Stacked Skills Issue112: The Science of Building Strong Habits
And remember, every small step forward is a victory worth celebrating. Let's stack those skills and conquer our goals together!

Copy of Stacked Skills Issue112: The Science of Building Strong Habits

Hey there, Skill Stackers!

Welcome back to another electrifying edition of Stacked Skills, where we mix a dash of wisdom with a sprinkle of humor to create a delicious concoction of self-improvement. Today, we're diving deep into the mysterious world of habits. Yep, those pesky little things that can make or break our productivity, success, and overall sanity.

Coffee grab, back kick, and let's unravel the science behind building habits that stick like gum on a hot sidewalk.

1. Habit Loop De Loop:

First things first, let's talk about the habit loop. It's like a rollercoaster ride for your brain, but without the nausea (hopefully). Every habit has three components: cue, routine, and reward. The cue is the trigger that sets off the habit, the routine is the action itself, and the reward is, well, the reward for completing said action.

Imagine this: you hear the ding of an email notification (cue), you check your inbox like a Pavlovian dog (routine), and you feel a rush of satisfaction because you cleared your inbox (reward). Voilà, you've just completed the habit loop.

Use this knowledge to hack what you do. Squeeze in 5 pushups before checking your mail, and you’d be buff by the end of the month once the habit sets in.

2. The Power of Tiny Tweaks:

Now, here's where it gets interesting. You can hack your brain's circuitry by making tiny tweaks to each component of the habit loop. Want to start exercising regularly? Set out your workout clothes the night before (cue), do a 15-minute workout instead of an hour-long session (routine), and reward yourself with a guilt-free Netflix binge (reward). Before you know it, you'll be sweating it out like a champ without breaking a sweat.

3. It's All About Consistency, Baby:

They say practice makes perfect, and when it comes to building habits, consistency is key. Think of it like watering a plant. If you water it every day, it'll flourish and bloom into a beautiful flower. But if you forget to water it for weeks on end, well, let's just say you'll have a sad, droopy plant on your hands (RIP, plant).

You could always get a cactus.

But repetition strengthens a habit.

4. Embrace the Power of Keystone Habits:

Some habits are like magic keys that unlock a treasure trove of positive changes in your life. These are called keystone habits. Want to become more productive? Start by making your bed every morning. It sounds simple, but this small act sets the tone for the rest of your day and creates a ripple effect of productivity in other areas of your life.

Or lace up your shoes at a minimum, on run days. That alone should give you enough impetus to step out of the door.

5. Fail Forward:

Here's the thing about habits: they're stubborn little critters. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, they just don't stick. And you know what? That's okay.

Failure is not the end of the road; it's just a detour on the journey to success.

So, if you slip up and binge-watch an entire season of your favorite show instead of hitting the gym, cut yourself some slack and get back on track tomorrow. You've got this!

6. Celebrate Small Wins:

Last but not least, don't forget to celebrate your victories, no matter how small. Did you resist the urge to hit the snooze button this morning? Give yourself a high-five. Did you finally conquer that mountain of dirty dishes in the sink? Treat yourself to a mini dance party in the kitchen. Remember, every step forward is a step in the right direction, so celebrate the heck out of those small wins.

Small wins is something you see me say often, but it’s true. It’s like bricks in your skyscraper. You need many of those to lead to a huge achievement. No brick should be un-appreciated.

And there you have it, folks! The science of building strong habits, served up with a side of humor and a sprinkle of encouragement. Now go forth and conquer those habits like the skilled stackers you are!

Until next time, stay stacked!


Clarence Cheong

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Ali Shabaz

Chief Creative Officer (Ex) M&C Saatchi | Grey SEA | JWT | Multi-award winning brand architect | Keynote speaker | Podcaster and Thinkfluencer | AI driven marketing nerd

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Learning about the science behind habits and how to build them effectively is going to be so beneficial. Clarence Cheong

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Author of the best selling ???????????? ?? ???????? Positive People Leadership Skills You Wish Your Manager Had | Mentor | Leader of positive cultural change | Keynote speaker

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Do bad habits count Clarence?? Asking for David, who was too shy to check.. :)

Clarence, that's awesome! Excited to dive into the new edition! ?? What's your favorite keystone habit? Alex Belov

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?? Smartist - an Artist who does Strategic Management Consulting

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Hmm - so far I don't have that loop with art - maybe on a Monday 1. Set up stream 2. Make coffee 3. Start stream - no one there 4. Paint 5. Drink coffee 6. Chat with those who pop in 7. End stream 8. Repeat the next week There's probably too many steps for a reward loop - its a buzz to chat with people who pop in from LinkedIn though


