Copy of Roars of Legends; Lasting Impacts of Volunteers
Sustainable Development Advocate| Community Development Champion | Pan-Africanist | Community Trainer and Facilitator | Youth Champion
It is on the first day of deployment and all that has filled the mind is fear and anxiety. To the strange land deep into the villages, a place one will call home for the next couple of months. Like any other human, fear seem to be taking over. There are series of questions lingering in the mind; Who will I meet and how will each day unveil? Will the host family welcome me? Where exactly will I start? The mind cannot seem to rest, and it continuously create imaginations of how things will unveil. But it is a decision made after truly reflecting from within. A decision to volunteer and facilitate the change one has always yearned for.
As days unfold, one slowly starts meeting the community members. Some are receptive and want to know about the new guest in the village, some fear you as a stranger they do not know, and to others, if you are branded as an NGO, you are a savior who will solve all their problems. Each has created their own perceptions about you and the whole burden of correctly identifying yourself is on your shoulders. From the chief, the village elders, the community gatekeepers and leaders, the community members, all have to get your right identity. You have to go introducing yourself to each and everyone you meet; who you are, where you come from, the organization you are working with, what you are doing in the village and the big question, how you will help them.
Before one even realizes, some two or three months are already gone, and the community members are getting free with you. But this only happens if they see you as a valuable asset. One has to move from one group to another, starting a conversation which one is hopeful will move from being a mere conversation to a valuable discussion and eventually an activity that will help the group. Its never guaranteed that the conversation will take the positive direction. Some end as just conversations and others actually end before they start. Yes, that is nature of group dynamics.
For the groups that proceed positively, the volunteer has to facilitate the impactful activities and trainings with the hope that the groups will take up the activities and trainings, own them up and sustainably continue benefitting from them. This is never obvious and sometimes, the first activity or training the volunteer facilitates becomes the last one the group will ever do. Well, one has no control over that. Nevertheless, one ought not to be discouraged but remain hopeful and continue with the good work. Sometimes, it may call for the volunteer to have a conversation with such groups to establish any challenge that made them not proceed after the first training or activities. The results of such conversations can be positive or negatively. Still, the fire of volunteering does not allow one to stop or give up. Who does not know that change is gradual and always take time. As a volunteer, one has to be patient with the community members in this phase of change.
Oh! Its project time and time is really moving fast. The community is struggling to select the best and most impactful project; its even disagreeing and a disunity is about to erupt. The volunteer need not to take any side but needs the whole community together - It is the only way that the project will proceed and be successful. The community has to mobilize some of the resources for the project and show ownership of the project. The project proposal is under review by the organization and other funders. In all these areas, the volunteer is the contact person, one at the centre and a defining factor. At this point, the pressure is too much, and exhaustion is about to kick in. But the work is not yet done – project implementation is waiting.
The materials, the workers, tools, funds, all fill the mind of the volunteer. It is the project implementation stage. At this time, there is some motivation that the project has started, and you get some energy to proceed. But it does not last long as one has to spend extra time and energy at the project site to ensure that all is going as per the plan. Sometimes, the community members may fail to turn up for the project work, other times the materials get delayed and without noticing, time is already gone. The launching dates are fast approaching, and the project is not yet halfway. The volunteer needs to keep motivating the community members and keeping everything together, never allowing anything to fall apart. From ensuring that the quality of the project is maintained, the funds are within the set budget and the project is completed within the set time. At this point, the volunteer’s perseverance, patience and passion is truly tested. As the project near its completion, the clapping starts and the smiles from the community members can now be seen on their faces.
They have successfully completed the project and it is launching time! Everyone is overjoyed and news spread across the village and beyond to the neighboring villages. What a journey it has been! It is at this point that the news are broken that the time for the volunteer to be around is over. Faces immediately change as the community members receive the news. They seem not to agree with the news and want a little bit more time with the volunteer. They are carried away by emotions as they reflect about the beautiful memories they have created with the volunteers. Though they are happy and grateful of the impactful trainings and activities the volunteer facilitated, they still want more of the volunteer. They had already created families and friends, and the bonds had grown stronger. Unfortunately, the service is over and the volunteer has to call it over. At this time, goodbyes are hard and some are unable to control their tears. The whole village can recap from the first days when the volunteer landed, the journey of positive transformation they have walked together and now a sad but sweet goodbye. Yes, it is a GOODBYE!
CorpsAfrica CorpsAfrica/Kenya CorpsAfrica/Senegal CorpsAfrica Rwanda CorpsAfrica/ Ethiopia CorpsAfrica/SA CorpsAfrica/Ghana Corpsafrica/Gambia CorpsAfrica/Malawi CorpsAfrica/Maroc UNV Online United Nations Volunteers Michael Muiya Raymond Abaifaah Garrett Mason Angella Chizimba Ryan Dale SHARON JELAGAT Betty Mutua Nelly Iminza Augustine Njuguna Grace Mathinji Abderrahmane Boujenab