Problem solving capability is a core competency in manufacturing

Problem solving capability is a core competency in manufacturing

Between countries, different cultures result in diverse approaches to problem-solving, as shown in the diagram below, highlighting these differences.

Similarly, such variations exist between companies and individuals. Regardless of these differences, to resolve an issue, it must first be acknowledged. If one only focuses on addressing the person who raised the problem, it’s like ignoring the issue itself, which can lead to more severe consequences later on. Even the most advanced companies face problems, and their competitiveness depends on the number and severity of these problems. If a company were entirely problem-free, from a Lean perspective, any non-value-adding position would be unnecessary, meaning all management would be redundant.

If we compare all the issues within a company to an iceberg, top management can typically only see about 4% of the problems on the surface. Outstanding companies design systems that expose as many problems as possible.

Once we acknowledge the objective existence of problems, we should understand what a problem truly is: the gap between the current situation and the target or standard. For example, a company’s quality management system may not meet ISO 9001 standards; performance indicators for safety (S), quality (Q), delivery (D), and cost/efficiency (C) may fall short of targets; new product development may not proceed as scheduled; or employees’ current skills may not meet job requirements. Once problems are clearly defined, we can delve into their structure.

After fully recognizing the problem, the next step is problem-solving, which involves a systematic investigation to determine the root cause of the gap, followed by corrective actions to eliminate the gap and prevent recurrence.

Most manufacturers experience ineffective problem-solving, leading to significant waste in the workplace. The reasons for this waste can be summarized into three points:

  1. Lack of communication and absence of an effective problem-solving process.
  2. Insufficient skills and techniques for effective problem-solving.
  3. Stubborn or deep-rooted industry or company culture, where internal resistance or inconsistency hinders effective problem-solving.

Learning how to “solve problems effectively” is a vital skill for business professionals to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction. Companies should establish a systematic problem-solving mechanism shown in the figure below, for your reference, to continuously strengthen their competitiveness.

Systematic problem-solving mechanism

First, establish a foundation that encourages exposing issues and mobilizing everyone to continuously find ways to solve problems. Next, design an organizational structure for problem-solving, clearly defining responsibilities and requiring different skills at each level. The earlier problems are identified, the smaller and easier they are to solve. When all levels master problem-solving techniques and continually improve, a culture of effective problem-solving is created, leading to excellence.

All levels problem-solving skills

Additionally, a standardized problem-solving process and training system should be implemented to ensure everyone has the necessary skills and tools. This mechanism will continuously enhance company values, customer satisfaction, and competitiveness.

"Effective problem-solving" requires the right attitude, the correct methods, and the appropriate resources (such as systems, knowledge, and skills), all of which are indispensable. The tools used in continuous improvement, including management tools, Lean/IE tools, quality/Six Sigma tools, and digital tools (ERP, OA, MES, etc.), represent the correct methods for problem-solving. These methods can be divided into two categories: tools for exposing problems and tools for solving them, as illustrated below.

Tools for exposing problems

Tools for solving problems

Therefore, when considering the popular information systems modules used in today's intelligent or digital factories, such as APS, MES, WMS, and QMS, we must recognize that these advanced tools themselves do not solve problems. Rather, they expose issues fully and in real time. To fully leverage these systems, enterprises should first focus on improving internal capabilities and enhancing production management levels.

Industrial 4.0 bases on the production manegament level

Otherwise, these advanced information systems will merely serve as window dressing. It’s like buying an Airbus A380 but trying to drive it down a narrow country road. According to lean principles, the best tools for such roads are tractors or vans, not sports cars or airplanes.

All companies, regardless of size, face issues to varying degrees. The key differentiator between businesses lies in the severity and number of problems they encounter. To assess a company's competitiveness, one must evaluate the problem-solving abilities of its entire workforce. The ability to quickly resolve problems forms the fundamental core of a company's competitive advantage. To achieve this, the company must establish a robust problem-solving mechanism to ensure continuous and efficient resolution of challenges.


