Take it to court? + Instagram, Facebook, Reddit & TikTok Updates
Katie McKiever, MA
Award-Winning Social Media & Communications Consultant | Employee Advocacy Strategist | Personal Brand Expert | Brand Journalism Leader | Speaker | LinkedIn Trainer | Thought Leader Partner
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Stick around for the Social Media News to Use below. This week's top five (or more!) most important updates to help you grow your brand.
Full names only.?
If you’re introducing yourself to someone new, along with maintaining eye contact, please say your first AND last name.?
People, women in particular, will only give their first name thinking it’s not formal enough of a situation to warrant their full name or they want to come across as more casual and friendly, but you miss out on such an opportunity to show up in all of your powerful presence in this first-impression moment.
You also take away the opportunity for the other person to connect the dots in so many ways - for them to remember your name for future encounters, for them to recognize that they’ve heard of you before, for them to put your name in their phone or their notes app to look you up online later, for them to say “Oh, I know another McKiever. Are you related to XYZ?”
I don’t care if it’s to another parent poolside at your child’s swim meet or a new board member at the quarterly meeting - full name only.
INSTAGRAM: Outside of Reels, use the music add-on sparingly for feed posts. They can be distracting for those viewing your content.
INSTAGRAM: Continuing their strategy of more intimate sharing on the platform.
FACEBOOK: A hacked account is the most frustrating thing in the social media world. Some are taking it to court and I don’t blame them at all.
REDDIT: The massive surge is because of Google.
SOCIAL MEDIA: If nothing else, I’m glad social media's negative impact on kids continues to be discussed and taken action on.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Why Elon can tout that X is the most downloaded news app on a technicality when it’s not actually correct.
TIKTOK: The new app allows “you to be your most authentic self,” according to its description.