Microsoft Data Platform News 2024 - Week 09

Microsoft Data Platform News 2024 - Week 09


Power BI

  • Updates and enhancements for Reference labels
  • Devil is in the detail. Become a Power BI champion by thinking out of the box
  • Dax limitations with inactive relationships and row level security


  • Introducing managed private endpoint in Microsoft Fabric (Public Preview)
  • Announcing Azure Private link support for Microsoft Fabric (Public Preview)
  • Trusted Workspace access for OneLake shortcuts
  • Building common data architecture with OneLake in Microsoft Fabric
  • Introducing trusted Workspace access for OneLake shortcuts
  • Measuring The Total Time Spent Querying Sources In Power BI DirectQuery Mode
  • Initial tests to copy a Direct Lake semantic model to another workspace using Microsoft Fabric Git integration
  • Mapping Azure Synapse Dedicated Sql Pools to Fabric Data Warehouse compute.
  • Extract zip files with notebook
  • Eventhouse overview handling real-time data with Microsoft Fabric
  • Reduce egress costs with s3 shortcuts in onelake

Power BI

Updates and enhancements for Reference labels

Uncover a host of updates and enhancements to our new card visual reference labels. This February 2024 update brings many great features including improved alignment of elements, new placement options for reference labels, a new tabular style, a transparency slider for the divider, new per-card customization, and enhanced layout control.


Devil is in the detail. Become a Power BI champion by thinking out of the box

What if I tell you that I managed to speed up the performance of the report page more than twice, without changing a single line of DAX code behind the calculations?!


Dax limitations with inactive relationships and row level security

When you apply row-level security to a semantic model, there are limitations in using the USERELATIONSHIP function. This article shows the issues, provides a workaround, and its restrictions.


Introducing managed private endpoint in Microsoft Fabric (Public Preview)

We are excited to announce the public preview of Managed Private Endpoints for Microsoft Fabric. This feature allows secure connections to data sources that are behind a firewall or not accessible from the public internet.


Announcing Azure Private link support for Microsoft Fabric (Public Preview)

We are excited to announce the public preview of an enhanced networking feature, Azure Private Link for Microsoft Fabric, for securing access to your sensitive data in Microsoft Fabric by providing network isolation and applying required controls on your inbound network traffic.


Trusted Workspace access for OneLake shortcuts

Along with Managed Private Endpoints, another security feature was released at the same time called Trusted Workspace Access for OneLake Shortcuts.


Building common data architecture with OneLake in Microsoft Fabric

This article will look at some common data architecture patterns and how data can be secured with Microsoft Fabric.


Introducing trusted Workspace access for OneLake shortcuts

We are excited to announce Trusted workspace access, a new feature in Fabric that allows you to securely access firewall-enabled Storage accounts.

Measuring The Total Time Spent Querying Sources In Power BI DirectQuery Mode

Now that the queries Power BI generates to get data from your source can be run in parallel it means you can’t just sum up the durations of the individual queries sent to get the end-to-end duration. The good news is that there are new traces event available in Log Analytics which solves this problem.


Initial tests to copy a Direct Lake semantic model to another workspace using Microsoft Fabric Git integration

In this post I want to share the results of some initial tests to copy a Direct Lake semantic model to another workspace using Microsoft Fabric Git integration.


Mapping Azure Synapse Dedicated Sql Pools to Fabric Data Warehouse compute.

The following is an article in a series that focuses on the migration from Azure Synapse Analytics to Microsoft Fabric. The first article, Azure Synapse dedicated SQL pools to Fabric migration, discussed options to migrate DDL, T-SQL, and data from Synapse Dedicated SQL Pools Gen2 to Fabric Data Warehouse.


Extract zip files with notebook

Who needs NOCODE? Patrick takes you on a journey where you can extract ZIP files within a Notebook in Microsoft Fabric. Also found a very cool feature in Notebooks!


Eventhouse overview handling real-time data with Microsoft Fabric

Fabric introduces the Eventhouse (preview), a dynamic workspace hosting multiple KQL databases as part of Fabric Real-Time Analytics


Reduce egress costs with s3 shortcuts in onelake

Fabric allows workloads to easily access data across clouds through OneLake shortcuts. Define a shortcut once and use it with Power BI reports, SQL, Spark and Kusto. This ease of consumption allows users to start analyzing their data in minutes rather than hours or even days, but this can also lead to increased egress charges.

Luká? Karlovsky

Power BI | FABRIC | Power Query | SQL | Data | DWH | Excel | VBA | Instructor

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Joyful Craftsmen

Joyful Craftsmen is a data design and data engineering team. We’ve been learning and building data solutions since 2014. We focus on our vision to do the data craft as smartly as reachable. Humanity, teamwork and joy is part of our game, regardless you are our partner or one of us. Altogether we are valued for delivering cutting edge data solutions, on time, in top quality.


