Message from the President: Part3/3
We will contribute to solving social issuesthrough power and analog semiconductors,and aim to become a company chosenby society and our customers as a major global player.
*This interview was originally published in the ROHM Group Integrated Report 2024.
Further strengthen corporate governance to maximize corporate value
In order to overcome the tough times and achieve the Medium-Term Management Plan, an outside director will chair the Board of Directors and promote governance reform.
ROHM constantly pursues the best corporate governance in order to realize its objectives and policies, including the Company Mission and Basic Management Policy.
Based on the recognition that ROHM is supported by all stakeholders, we believe that the company’s operations and actions must be rooted in fairness, soundness, and transparency. Governance reform efforts have produced steady results, including increasing the ratio of independent outside directors and continuing discussions on the composition of compensation and how directors should hold shares in the company.
From April 2024, we have asked Tadanobu Nagumo, an outside director, to chair the Board of Directors, a position previously held by the President. When I was chairperson, there were lively exchanges of opinions, but on the other hand, I began to feel uncomfortable with the fact that my comments and thoughts as President would also be those of the Board’s chairperson. Mr. Nagumo, who served as President and Chairman of Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., has a wealth of knowledge and experience, and a proven track record of proactively promoting global strategies. With Mr. Nagumo as chairperson, it has become easier for me to express my opinions frankly, and I think we have more active discussions than before.
In addition, Ms. Aiko Kozaki, who has been appointed as an outside director, will join the Board of Directors and the Sustainability Management Committee. We look forward to her advice on how to realize management that integrates both financial and non-financial aspects of the company, based on her extensive experience in business creation through the utilization of her expertise in sustainability finance. We also expect her to actively communicate with our employees and support the creation of an environment in which a diverse range of employees can take on challenges. In June 2024, we reviewed our policy and system for directors’ stock compensation with the aim of further deepening value sharing with our shareholders. In order to become a major global player, we will continue to search for the optimal compensation system that will lead to the sustainable enhancement of corporate value.
To become a company that continues to support people’s affluent lives and social development 50 years and 100 years from now
Although it is difficult to predict the future 100 years from now, ROHM will continue to hold on to its founding belief that it will be a company that produces good products and is useful to society.
The outlook for the global economy is uncertain due to a variety of factors, including geopolitical risks. However, in the electronics market, in addition to further promotion of energy-saving measures to combat climate change and to achieve a decarbonized society, investment in factory automation and digitalization is expected to continue in many countries. In particular, in the automotive and industrial equipment markets, which ROHM has been focusing on, technological innovation is progressing with a focus on electrification in order to reduce environmental impact and achieve carbon neutrality. Power and analog semiconductors are key to that process. One of the major developments in recent years has been the spread of AI. There is concern that the spread of AI will expand the demand for servers which consume large amounts of power. I believe that ROHM’s power and analog technologies can contribute in that kind of situation as well.
As society and our customers’ expectations of us grow, we believe that ROHM’s mission is to solve social issues through electronics (products and technologies), and we have clearly stated this in our Statement and Management Vision. Based on them, until around 2050, we will continue to hold on to our desire to be a company that is useful to society by using electronics technology to solve the world’s problems and to create products that enrich people’s lives. For further years, say 100 years from now, it is of course impossible to predict the future with accuracy. What we can say, however, is that our Company Mission since the foundation of the company, “contributing to the advancement and progress of culture through the consistent supply of good products in large quantities, on a permanent basis both domestically and internationally,” will continue.
“High-quality products” 100 years from now might not be electronics, but if we conduct business activities based on our Company Mission, we will create new products that are useful to society. To that end, we will build a solid management foundation. I will take the lead in striving to contribute to the environment and society through our technologies and products under the Basic Management Policy, to “secure reasonable profit through a concerted company-wide effort for a comprehensive quality assurance program.”
We thank all of our stakeholders for their understanding and support.
The ROHM Integrated Report special web page also introduces other contents related to ROHM's management and financial strategies.