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Real Wireless
We have helped to build the wireless world of today. We are helping to build the wireless world of tomorrow.
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Real Wireless successful in the DSIT Spectrum Sandbox competition
We are delighted to be part of this groundbreaking project, along with two other winners, who will test the sharing of spectrum in an Ofcom-licensed Spectrum Sandbox environment to help identify how technology and regulation could provide greater intensity of spectrum sharing, bringing benefits to the economy.
Real Wireless wins UK Net Zero Living Digital competition
Real Wireless’ winning project titled MoRTEC (Monitoring Real Time Electricity Consumption) will take place over 6 months exploring how the wireless industry can accelerate its net zero agenda. Managing Consultant,?Awnit Kumar, will lead the work as Project Director and Head of Network Modelling and Simulation,?Dr. Anastasios Karousos, will support as Project Manager.
SCWS 2024 round up
Small cells, spectrum standards, Open Ran and private networks were just some of the topics covered at the Small Cells World Summit Conference, in London last month. Managing Consultant,?Costa Tsourkas?shares his round up of the event, from 5G to neutral hosts.
Real Wireless works with clients to find sustainable solutions to the challenges they face in the telecom ecosystem. Contact us today to learn more.