The Power of Coaching for Job Performance Improvement
In workplaces everywhere, employees of all levels and ranks are not performing at their full potential or, worse, completely failing to carry out their job responsibilities. These underachieving individuals often pose a significant challenge for the company’s management.??
The typical response is to resort to disciplinary actions and performance improvement plans (PIPs). When these don’t succeed, often the situation ends in the employee’s termination from the organization. The failed employment is a poor outcome for the employee and the company. It is loss of livelihood for the employee, even if temporarily, and causes despondency. It is a loss of the company’s investment in that hire, not just from the expected contribution the employee was unable to fulfill, but also the cost of recruiting again, training again, and the time it takes for the replacement employee to become fully productive.??According to Gallup, the cost of replacing an individual employee can range from one-half to double the employee’s annual salary.
But is there a more constructive, positive, and practical way to save the organization’s investment and the employee’s job? Coaching!?Yes, coaching can be a powerful tool for unlocking an employee’s hidden potential, boosting morale, and improving overall team productivity. Here are a few examples of the results coaching can bring:
1)???? Coaching helps employees enhance their skills and knowledge. It provides a focused and personalized approach to address specific areas for improvement and helps individuals grow professionally.
2)???? As we’ll discuss in this article, providing clear, constructive feedback and guidance, along with customized coaching, can significantly improve an employee’s performance. This can lead to increased productivity, better quality of work, and higher overall effectiveness.
3)???? Coaches work with employees to set and achieve goals. This process ensures alignment between individual and organizational objectives, promoting a sense of purpose and direction.
4)???? Coaches help managers and employees develop practical communication skills within their team and with stakeholders. Improved communication contributes to better collaboration and understanding.
5)???? Coaching is crucial for nurturing leadership qualities in employees and team leaders. It helps individuals understand their leadership style, develop leadership skills, and prepare for future leadership roles.
So, let’s discuss the steps where we include the power of coaching to turn around underperforming employees and help them become successful contributors to the organization.
Step One: Identify the Issue
The first step is understanding why the employee is performing differently than expected. The reason could be a lack of motivation, unclear expectations, personal issues, a skills gap, or a combination of these. Where a skills gap may contribute to the employee’s underperformance, provide relevant training and development opportunities to enhance their capabilities. This investment not only benefits the employee but also adds value to the overall skillset of the team. It communicates the organization’s commitment to employee growth and development.
However, an employee’s underachievement may be rooted in a lack of adequate communication between the manager and the employee. Therefore, it is essential to begin with an open and honest discussion with the employee to identify the cause of their underachievement. This understanding forms the foundation for a tailored coaching plan.
Step Two: Ensure Clarity
There must be crystal-clear communication between the manager and the employee about job performance expectations. A manager may avoid having a straightforward conversation with an employee about the employee’s unsatisfactory performance. While the manager shouldn’t be unkind, it is essential to be clear in your communication so there is no ambiguity about performance expectations. Be specific about goals, responsibilities, and performance expectations. This provides a roadmap for improvement. Regularly revisit these expectations with the employee to ensure alignment, encouragement, and constructive feedback.
Set SMART goals with the employee for performance improvement. (SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.) The SMART goals should align with the overall objectives of the organization. Break down significant goals into incremental steps, each with a target date. This incremental approach helps to boost the employee’s confidence, motivation, and sense of accomplishment.
Step Three: Provide Coaching Support
Having the employee work with a professional coach can be the lynchpin to achieving successful performance.? Establishing an environment of trust and confidentiality is an essential component of coaching. Coaching encourages open communication where the employee can share their concerns without fear of judgment. Managers can support the process by being approachable, understanding, and empathetic.? Fostering a positive atmosphere motivates the employee to actively engage in the coaching process.
Step Four: Give Constructive Feedback
The manager should give regular feedback to the employee. The feedback should be specific, timely, and actionable. The feedback should also include the employee’s strengths and areas where they have exhibited improvement. This is an opportunity to encourage a positive mindset and that past setbacks are the basis for learning and continuous improvement.
Step Five: Assess Progress?
The employee’s progress towards established goals should be regularly assessed, and coaching strategies may be modified as necessary.??
In summary, providing coaching services to employees is a strategic approach to developing human capital within an organization. It not only enhances and improves individual performance, but also contributes to the overall success and sustainability of the business.