Dare to Duet: Collaboration, creation, celebration
To be or not to be … a brand who shares the spotlight. Over the years, we’ve watched the way brands interact with audiences change from a monologue to a dialogue. But now, it’s time for Act III to change the genre entirely. Brands are trying something new by starting a duet.
A dialogue is a back and forth. Companies stay in the lead by creating the conversation and shaping the brand. But customers and fans are more engaged, asking questions and commenting on the brand’s journey. (Think Wendy’s sassy tweets.)
A duet is more collaborative with the brand and the consumer working together. There is a level of partnership where they share responsibility for guiding where the brand is heading. (Think when Chipotle added a new menu item based on a TikTok hack.)
And, when it’s done right, both parties benefit.
Duets conduct audience insights
Brands that create spaces for their customers to actively participate in the brand and give feedback are quickly able to tailor their products to customer wants. LEGO uses its Ideas program as a space to encourage customers to share ideas to learn where LEGO should focus its efforts next. The brand gets more insights; fans get products that they want.
Duets create engaging performances
Brands can open opportunities for fans to share the impact of their product for powerful engagement. Apple has been doing this for a while with their “Shot on an iPhone” campaign. But they took it one step further this past November with a Paris art gallery where every piece was shot on an iPhone. Duets allow brands to showcase their products, and fans get a chance to show off their ingenuity.
We’re not saying starting a duet is easy. It requires letting go of a little bit of control and engaging your customers in a new way. But, for brands that are comfortable taking that risk, duets are a way of creating a symbiotic symphony where both the brand and customer get to shine.