Kapil Srivastava
Founder - Guitarmonk | Innovator of Bachelor Degree Guitar Program | State Awardee | Music Career Coach | Expert in Live Performance Coaching & Album Creation | Bollywood Musician | Guitarist | Teacher | Author | CC
As a citizen journalist, I want to bring everyone's attention to this latest movie produced by SRK'S Production (Red Chillies Productions), which is BHAKSHAK (available on NETFLIX).
As part of the conspiracy and the toolkit, this movie seems to have worked in the same lines to demonize, demean, belittle the SANATAN CULTURE very sneakingly and cleverly. I am sharing you this information to counter the attempt of degrading the spirit of DEVI-BHAKTI as I am one of her CHILD.
In the movie,
the main VILLAIN of the movie is named as BANSI SAHU (played by ADITYA SRIVASTAVA, an actor from popular TV SERIES CID), who is abusive, ruthless and does criminal activites to under-aged girls, woman in the movie. He is responsibile for raping, abusing, killing the girls in his shelter home.
And at the same time, he is depicted as a DEVI BHAKT (the one and the only devi bhakt in the movie).
To an extent that in a dialogue he says "Aaj mata ka din hai nahi to ham hi tep ke maar diye hote" (here his assistant informs him about a girl, who is locked and screaming for 5 days due to an abuse by his acquaintance. In that respect he is talking to strangle/kill the girl and there he speaks this dialogue). Also to note that this dialogue is totally irrelevant at this point. It further establishes the sincerity and committment of villain to the faith (of devi).
Some Questions/Points to reflect -
1) Devi Pooja is a ritual to worship the little girls/feminine power. Whereas in this movie devi pooja is related with an abuser of the devis (girls).
2) In Sanantan Dharma, a Devi Pujak, take blessings of the girls, touch their feet but here devi pujak is a rapist, abuser of another kind (at a next level of doing heinous crimes such as rapes, torture and killings on girls).
3) This movie is purely fictional and so are it's characters but then Why it is necessary for the movie to relate/show the devi bhakti with the VILLAIN? And when this is not the real spirit/true knowledge/meaning of devi-bhakti.
If Devi-Bhakti has to be shown in its true spirit, it can also be shown via the actress (heroine) of the movie, who fearlessly fights with the VILLAIN like a true shakti (the woman energy/the divine energy of durga) and that is the real spirit of devi pooja. But No. Movie does not highlight/connect this true meaning at all, which is throughout the spirit of this movie.
Why there is a necessity to always show SANATAN in the BAD-LIGHT?
And that too, to an extent of imagining a fiction, a hypothesis, for connecting/showing a DEVI WORSHIPPER as a DEVI ABUSER.
4) It also seems like it has been cleverly done to put a seed of doubt, hatred (in the minds of delicate, innocent viewers) by associating the HATRED to the VILLAIN, who abuses the girls along with the WORSHIP OF DEVI BHAKTI.
It is done to create a feeling of resentment to the beautiful practices of DEVI-BHAKTI in the mind of viewer subconsciously. And trying to uproot, suppress, hide, disconnect the information of true values that relates with the feminine energy/devi. And to totally discard/disown the other spiritual reasons of doing devi practices in Sanatan Dharma by casually labelling it as a GOOF, TREACHERY only.
The movie also did not try to balance or rectify or communicate the true message of devi-worship, which it could have easily done. It is happy, contented and okay with the wrong perception it is setting regarding the spirit of Devi-worship.
I was imagining how my 20 years old sister would feel after seeing this movie and the answer was obvious and that is "she may not like people who are devi upasak or may always a get feeling of doubt, fear, or probability of them being false at the first instance. She would not trust the faith or may create a gap/distance with it. And the growing curiosity, interest to connect with it, would fade/slow-down/stop.
I would love to believe this is accidental but this downgrading of Sanatan has been going for decades and it seems that here also this is all being done very cleverly (rather amateurishly) under the garb of portraying a villain, who is corrupt, false but no-where he is shown as a deceiver of faith, whereas, on the contrary, shown faithful to the worship.
Movie Name - Bhakshak
Release Date - Feb 9 2024
Production - Red Chillies Entertainment
Time of Dialogue is near around around 52:00 minutes onwards
Article by Kapil Srivastava