Copper; An essential nutrient for all living cell.
Do you all know that If bacteria come into contact with the surface of copper they die really rapidly and that is called contact killing. The earliest recorded medical use of copper is from around 4,500 years ago, where it was described as being used to sterilize wounds and drinking water.
Before we had antibiotics — before we even knew what bacteria were — we already knew that copper had this 'magical quality' that stopped diseases. Just keeping in mind all those properties and key benefits of copper, OASIS introduced Antimicrobial copper technology (MD-Cu29) which is an EPA registered antimicrobial copper that fights off microorganisms including MRSA and E coli. OASIS uses MD-Cu29 on key touch point areas to help prevent the spread of disease.
The copper continuously works to control the growth of bacteria on the copper surfaces. The anti-microbial copper is featured on the barrier-free line of products, OASIS' most popular line of water coolers.