Coping with the Coronavirus Pandemic

Coping with the Coronavirus Pandemic

During the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19), we are facing challenges that never in our lifetime existed. This is a time for reflection and making choices. “To be or not to be,” was a phrase that Shakespeare intended for Hamlet– not the entire planet. The question remains for us. Is life worth hanging around for? And if so…what do we need to do to protect ourselves and our loved ones?

California made the first proclamation to remain in quarantine, now followed by NY and soon many if not all, other states. Not unlike Italy, our entire country will be under lock-down as time passes. It seems to be the only way to slow down the virus to extinction. It worked for China and South Korea, so it can work for us if we stay committed to the process!

So, having said that, I want to encourage all of you, including myself to take the necessary precautions to protect yourselves and learn to enjoy the solitude either alone, with your pets, or with your loved ones. This can be a precious time to count our blessings and realize what really matters in our lives. For those of us who are worried about our life savings, 401 K’s and the markets, you can trust that when this virus no longer haunts our well-being, everything will return to the way we left it one month ago. What good is the money if we aren’t here to enjoy it? Furthermore, its time to realign and reassess our values and priorities.

We are a nation of courage, values, love, and strength. Many of us got lost in our greed and what we took for granted. We thought we could go on living without contemplation, reflection and self-examination. Well, the universe had other ideas. Let’s see how great, strong, courageous, caring and respectful we can be in these times of loss and despair. Can we make lemonade out of lemons or are we going to grieve and mourn over our losses and fears? Now is the time to come together in ways we have never done before.

Remember what FDR told us, “You have nothing to fear but fear itself.” Martin Luther King told us, “We shall overcome!” There is nothing more than I can add to those powerful phrases. Those words of wisdom said it all.

We must face the sobering reality that our lives are no longer the same. What is the silver lining? Yes, there is a silver lining. This too shall pass, but in the meantime, we must take this seriously and do whatever we can to remain calm, trusting, hopeful and have faith.

Stay home, meditate, communicate with each other and take walks or runs to discharge any pent-up anxiety or fears. Find your passion in things you can do at home. Read, relax, watch TV, write, paint, sleep and laugh. There is some levity in all this darkness if you look for it.

I am going to self-quarantine for the next two weeks. If all is clear I will come out of my cave when I hear that it is safe. In the meantime, I will be happy to continue therapy with those of you who want to maintain your treatment by telephone, Facetime or Skype. You can reach me by phone at (954) 568-1004, and I will set up your appointments as in the past, but this time, only remotely. It may not be the best of all possible ways, but it will help you through your crisis and give you the comfort you need.

Just reach out to me and I will be there as always for you. Stay tuned to the blogs I will be posting on my website: www.joanechilds and This is the time for Love in the Time of the Coronavirus—my next blog!

I have learned that my book, I HATE THE MAN I LOVE: A Conscious Relationship is Your Key to Success will be available shortly on e-book. I will send you another email when and how to order it. It will be a great distraction from all the doom and gloom we are subject to on all media. The actual book has been postponed for release until October 11, but in the meantime, you will be able to enjoy the e-book.

Sit quietly, pray, meditate, share your concerns, hopes, wishes and dreams with your loved ones and practice what has been recommended by the people who know!

I will be in touch again weekly until all this has passed… and it WILL!

With love, hope and faith,


Joan E Childs, LCSW is a renowned psychotherapist, inspirational speaker and author of I HATE THE MAN I LOVE: A Conscious Relationship is Your Key to Success. Visit Joan’s website for more resources on managing stress and anxiety or to schedule therapy via phone and online.


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