#CopeWithCovid revelations: learn, innovate, lead and thrive in addressing  the injustices of inequities

#CopeWithCovid revelations: learn, innovate, lead and thrive in addressing the injustices of inequities

Blog series (07/11/2020). My open peer-reviewed, sense-making learning journal is updated regularly based after discussions with others. Happy to chat with you if curious. This iterative work-in-progress invites you to join a learning journey about addressing the Covid crisis and the 21st century mega-problems from a long term perspective. If inspired, make a comment and share.

Blog warning: Allow time for slow thinking and deep self-reflective learning. Book mark blog to read and re-read the sections. This blog series will stretch your imagination in what you can learn, explore and discover together in communion with others in addressing complex problems. Click on hyperlinks to learn more about key concepts. Make notes in response to any questions that you feel called to discuss.

Read the blog servant leadership first to understand what we need to develop in order to address the Covid revelations and the 21st century mega-problems.


Blog map for your learning journey

The two mini-blogs covers a broad array of topics for your sense-making learning journey to explore, understand and address the 21st century mega-problems. This will prepare you to explore the inequities and injustices revealed by Covid crisis and the vulnerabilities, volatilities, uncertainties, complexities and ambiguities (V2UCA) of the 21st century mega-problems.

A. Learn differently

  • Understand the purpose of complexity blogs
  • Radically change the way we learn
  • Take time to learn with slow thinking

B. Explore self, others and context differently

  • Understand the revelations of the Covid crisis
  • Take the Gaia perspective
  • Explore the meaning of patriotism
  • Unleash the power of unconditional love
  • Cultivate virtues

You are invited to explore a wide-range of questions in bolded font. The list of questions feel like a fire hydrant. Only write about the questions that call to you, in your own time, at your own pace and in your own order. Speak to what speaks to you. And write about why those questions speak to you. What is most meaningful to you?

Your notes will prepare you to participate in small group dialogues in person or in netinars (online learning events). If this blog captures your imagination, book mark this page now for future reference. Hyperlinks provide additional resources for deeper inquiry into ideas and concepts.

Every one has a different starting point on their learning journey. This blog will initiate a learning journey to understand what stands in our way and explore why and how to move forward together in the right direction. This journey will help you discover what the above topics means to you and to others, in the spirit of inclusion, diversity, open innovation and social entrepreneurship.

A. Learn differently

Understand the purpose of complexity blogs

Complexity blogs provide a treasure trove of non-linear interdependent issues, ideas, concepts, questions and resources. They provide too much to digest in one reading, unless you already know all of the content. Stop when you feel full, and come back later. They are designed to stretch your thinking, imagination and understanding. They evoke self-directed inquiry, curiosity and discovery to learn, innovate, lead and thrive.

Overall, this blog series are study guides, and not for quick reads in single sessions. Pause at any time to reflection about your reactions. It requires iterative learning and self-reflections to understand issues related to opening and aligning mindsets.

  • What is your take on the purpose of complexity blogs?

Radically change the way we learn

This living document is designed to create dynamic agile learning networks, organizations and communities that can be adapted for a variety of educational purposes. We must learn from Covid crisis about how to address the wicked (or complex) problems of the 21st century.

This blog series calls for radically changing how we collaborate and learn. To create an equitable future of sustainable development for the greater good of all, we must study together at all levels and ages on how to build sense-making movements for large-scale transformational change. Complexity blogs and netinars are a new genre of educational design for facilitating slow thinking, self-reflection, meaningful dialogues and deep collaborative learning about managing polarities and navigating between our differences in mindsets.

We need to design the greatest educational project in the history of humankind, because our survival depends on it. Such a moonshot project calls for developing a comprehensive, coordinated and continuous lifelong learning curricula about gaia (earth system science) and our humanity.

This blog provides links to an abundance of curated resources for deep inquiry and learning. This blog series is more like reading a poem or spiritual text. Come back to them later because you can learn something new on re-reading the questions and access the linked resources. You will create your more meaningful learning experiences in communion with others.

  • What is your take on radically changing the way that we learn?

Take time to learn with slow thinking

Simple blogs are antithetical to slow thinking and higher-level learning. They are inadequate for preparing you to do the messy work of addressing the injustices of inequities in the swampy lowlands: the political, cultural, social and economic worlds of praxis.

To do justice to injustice, you are invited to counteract the fast thinking tendency of reading blogs on the run, especially on your smart phone. Take your time and pause to do some slow thinking and deep self-reflective learning about the questions posed.

  • Which questions in this blog series do you feel called to speak out about?
  • What do these blogs inspire you to learn more about sense-making?

Journaling sense-making together is about how we can learn, innovate, lead and thrive by developing a broad array of skills (described below) to solve complex problems.

And here are the reasons WHY we all need to study together in unprecedented and scalable ways. We must create the network power for large-scale transformational adaptation to the mega-problems of the 21st century.

  • Will we all take a step back from the Covid crisis to learn about the need to prepare for the 21st century mega-problem, such as the climate emergency endemics?

The Covid crisis is an acute infectious disease pandemic. The climate emergency is like the endemics of chronic diseases. The Covid crisis is our test run for preparing for these endemics. A picture is worth a thousand words. The hyperbolic quote below clarifies the distinction between pandemics and endemics.

The climate emergency endemics are 1000 pandemic peaks without an end.

These endemics will also reveal the injustices of inequities, albeit more slowly. This injustices will pale in comparison to what happened with the Covid pandemic.

B. Explore self, others and context differently

Address the revelations of the Covid crisis

To address the injustices of inequities, these pivotal political questions (listed below) are rarely ever debated in elections. We avoid deep discussions about fairness and unfairness related to (in)equalities and (in)equities, despite our new reality of plutocracy (see below).

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Left-wing and right-wing people have different views about what fairness and unfairness mean. They have different attributions about the causes of unfairness and therefore propose different solutions.

Without understanding the differences between equality and equity, we have no consensus about what fairness means and cannot build a just system of political governance. Political systems will remain forever rigged to varying degree, to favor the advantaged in power over the disadvantaged.

  • What do equality and equity mean to you? Who defines it for us? How do we politically assure fairness?

Denial of our vulnerabilities make us much more fragile and less resourceful in managing these inequities and injustices. The courage to acknowledge and address our vulnerabilities empower us to become more resilient, robust and anti-fragile in coping with the pandemic and the climate emergency.

The social bias of short-termism prevents us from treating the climate emergency with the gusto as our rapid responses to the Covid pandemic. We are blind to the climate disasters-in-waiting. We need future pandemic preparedness for both viruses and the climate change emergencies.

Inequities and planetary demise call for overcoming the abysmal failures of schools, colleges, universities and religious institutions in educating people on how to overcome the injustices against humanity and to regenerate mother earth. Human beings have the innate capabilities of not being nice people without moral, religious and spiritual development.

How can we innovate in developing blended learning methods to:

We must all develop dynamic agile learning skills to understand and manage ourselves in relationship to each other and to act for the benefit of mother earth for real-time impact, and not decades after academic research. This calls for writing new kinds of blogs that engage people collaboratively in deep, meaningful and revelatory ways as part of a lifelong learning process of civic activism.

Take the Gaia perspective

With the gaia perspective, we need servant leadership development network models to incorporate meta-views that use meta-strategies for addressing the complex problems of the 21st century. Digital servant leadership becomes a team sport across organizations, communities and sectors with the big picture of gaia at the forefront of our minds, using network power generated by using netinars (described in the next blog).

This process involves developing civic movements to drive the stewardship for designing a future of sustainable development for greater good of all. The complexities of these leadership challenges calls for going beyond the coping strategies for managing the Covid pandemic to the meta-strategies for addressing complex problems. We need both type of strategies but are deficient on meta-strategies.

  • What is the greatest barrier to transformational change?

The answer to this question is our own mindsets: the binary either/or reductionism of self-righteous fundamentalism. I am good, you are evil. I am right, you are wrong. The pivotal challenge of servant leadership is how we can open closed mindsets, align divergent mindsets, optimize the middle ground and minimize dysfunctional polarizations of “us versus them.”

Explore the meaning of patriotism

When right and left-wing people with closed mindsets look back-to-back in the opposite directions, they escalate dysfunctional polarizations by minimizing the upsides and maximizing the downsides of polarities (such as between individual and social values) to the detriment of civic society.

Extremists regress into divisive, self-righteous fundamentalist bubbles, where there are no compromises nor middle ground between them. To varying degrees, these polarized extremists defy, denigrate and deny the humanity of the other.

The diagnosis for this zero-sum, win-lose game is deep state of fake patriotism driven by the character flaws of megalomania, narcissism and sociopathy. Birds of a feather flock together. This also includes the false prophets of the evangelical movement who collude with fear-manipulating fake patriots.

In the swamps, the worst political and religious leaders rise to the top. The cult rule of the political mob rules. Religious and political and complicity runs amok with blind unconditional loyalty. Gutter politics drain down the dystopian spiral of the amoral abyss.

The enemy is our divided selves. Divided we fall. Why does fake patriotism have a good chance of sustaining power?

It is easier to indoctrinate trolls than it is to educate free-thinkers.

The worst case scenario is that our fragility shatters into an economic catastrophe with a cascade of inequities and injustices that far surpasses Covid. The best case scenario is that we develop the anti-fragility to evolve into a higher level of civilization, without rampant biases, discriminations and prejudices against humanity and mother earth.

Is there any sign of hope? The rise of conservative, democrat and independent evangelical Christians speaking out about the spiritual danger of fake patriotism may be an early sign for the dawn of a new civilization. With a plurality of approaches, they seek to let Christ be the Lord of their political views. But the majority of evangelical Christians still let false prophets be the Lord of their political views.

To prevent political leaders with fake patriot personality disorders causing chaos, toxicity and mayhem in our civic lives, we cast the light of true patriotism on the dark side to make the smallest shadow of cult leaders.

This involves developing polarity management skills to create the common ground where we cultivate virtues to thrive in a civic society. This educational process is essential for deconstructing the deep state of fake patriotism and for voting in true patriots and vetting out fake patriots. This process is already underway

When people with divergent open mindsets look in same directions, they facilitate functional polarizations by maximizing the upsides and minimizing the downsides of polarities. They align action for the common good.

Compromise becomes a virtue, and not a disloyal flaw. This win/win/win spirit of true patriotism is driven by empowerment, altruism and transparent accountability. This elevates people upward into inspiring spiral of cultivating virtues for the greater good.

This word patriotism is a double-edge sword. It has positive and negative connotations depending on its definitions. True patriotism is what fake patriotism is not, as defined above. True patriotism is a diverse virtuous plurality.

Some people dislike using the word patriotism altogether. An alternative question is provided below who shun the idea of patriotism.

Your credo is your ongoing spiritual story about your unique virtues, strengths, values, principles, purpose, passion. meaning and beliefs. It guides you in how to understand yourself, thrive with a growth mindset, and flourish in leading a fulfilling life.

How can we:

  • Design equitable educational systems to enable all people to create their own credos of true patriotism?
  • Give all people fair opportunities to reach their highest human potential and healthy well-being?

Use the power of unconditional love

What the world needs now is love ... and anti-fragility, complexity, systems, human-centered design, dialectic, metaphorical, therapeutic and critical thinking skills to heal and address the deep root causes for the grief, rage and sorrow of injustices revealed by Covid.

Just listen to the opening lines of the song to evoke this emotion.


The contrasting versions of this song provides a technological insight into a scalable solution. We need Greek choruses of planetary and humanitarian injustice healers (PHIH) singing in tune about the power of love over animus. This hero's journey of servant leadership is to improve personal, population and planetary health (IP3H).

Cultivate virtues

Transcendence is the mother of all virtues. It is essential for uniting us together to work for the greater good. Love brings out the best of all of us and enables us to cultivate our collective virtues for transformational change that make real differences in the people's lives and in the health of the mother earth.

  • How can we collaborate together and harness the synergy of purpose, passion and power to strive for sustained and exponential impacts?

To elevate humanity and develop a higher level of civilization, we must design scalable learning processes that have exponential impacts on making transformational change.


If you sample an online or in-person group discussion based on this blog, it will help you decide whether to extend your learning journey about how to address the injustices of inequities revealed by this pandemic.


Read blog series: Covid revelations, netinar, leadership failures, journey journal, macro-perspective blogs 123 and 4.

The next blog will describe how to use a netinar: a scalable social learning innovation designed for large-scale impact. It will further bring to your attention the need for addressing the broader leadership, political and cultural factors that affect what we should consider (or prefer to ignore) in addressing the deep root causes for our complex problems.


Candor and feedback appreciated about #CopewithCovid netinars. Any ideas about leads, connections or organizations to host netinars appreciated. Happy to chat too with kindred spirits. Contact via Linked-in. Pro-bono exchange offer.


Curious to learn more about IP3H

IP3H = improve personal, population and planetary health

This related blog series addresses the macro, meso and micro strategies for building the network power needed to launch the IP3H movement. This calls for connecting leaders within and across organizations to align leadership mindsets to IP3H. This top-down leadership initiative is essential for accelerating the implementation of professional and social learning opportunities to build the IP3H movement.

This strategy is essential for mobilizing the social capital to scale up the IP3H movement and help reduce inequities due to unhealthy lifestyles. Health coach buddies (reciprocal peer coaching) is just one prototype of a scalable social innovation to IP3H.

Leaders align mindsets to design transformational systems

Systemic transformation facilitates personal transformation, and vice versa.

1. Improve personal, population and planetary health concurrently IP3H are the co-attractors and drivers for cultivating healthy cultures.

2. Why leaders fail to lead. The greatest psychological barriers to IP3H are the constraints and mal-alignment of leadership mindsets.

3. Opening leadership mindsets to systems, design and complexity thinking are anecdotes to the limitations of reductionistic thinking, randomized controlled trials and evidence-based medicine. 

4. How leaders can catalyze transformation. We need our educational leaders to develop age-appropriate lifestyle curricula and learning platforms for all children and adults with the vision of building the network power to launch the IP3H movement.

5. Design peer health innovation hubs and ecosystems. To reverse health inequities, the epidemics of unhealthy habits, the mounting burdens of chronic diseases and the demise of our planet, we need to design peer health innovation (PHI) hubs that create scalable coaching, learning and support innovations (such as health coach buddies) to IP3H.

Leaders lead with personal and systemic transformations

1. Get a health coach buddy (HCB) to make deep change. Working together with an HCB, you will learn how develop your own personal evidence about making deep change that overcomes the limitations of evidence-based guidelines.

2. Use the health coach buddy principles. Five principles enable health coach buddies to collaborate and learn more effectively in working together.

3. Use the health coach buddy guidelines. The guidelines provide peers with ideas about what not to say and what to say during their HCB sessions.

4. What does healthy well-being means to you? Healthy well-being is a dynamic lifelong learning process and not a static definition, like the WHO definition of health. 

5. How can you manage stress better to reduce strain? Stress and strain management skills are essential to IP3H. These skills begin by starting with yourself before helping your family, community and the planet.

MakRand Bhoot

Sustainability Solutions Cultivator: Climate Resilience ESG Green Buildings LEED Smart Cities Planning SDGs Architecture Design EPR CSR & VisionZero viz Informal Economies Open for challenging Job, Project/Partnership

4 年

some contextual projects, before after case studies would help viz 'CoViD & health vs 'Wealth' review https://bit.ly/Know-Yoga

Timothy Higgins, MS, RN

Experienced Nurse Leader & Educator

4 年

Rick Botelho thank you for sharing, will work on expanding the audience!

Paulo J Machado

Fractional Co-Founder | Healthcare Entrepreneur | Startup Catalyst | Impact Investor | Advisor | Mentor | Growth Strategist focused on improving health & wellbeing.

4 年

Thanks Rick Botelho for sharing your thoughts! Need to use crises (People health, Planet Health, Economic health & Social Inequity) to drive transformation & renaissance!


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