#COP29 negotiations - notes of discussion of procedural elements of taking forward the Global Stock Take and future GSTs
Tennant Reed
Director - Climate Change and Energy at the Australian Industry Group (Ai Group)
While attending #COP29 I am taking notes of negotiations I attend. This one was on the methods by which future discussion of the Global Stock Take outcomes will be held.
The note from cofacilitators that shapes the discussion is:
CFs start by asking parties to start with an exchange on the informal note and suggested improvements to it.
Views on scope are well known, but governance; format of dialogue; frequency of dialogue; inputs and outputs are all useful for feedback
CF2 (Ricardo) says speak freely and frankly, and opens the floor
SAUDI ARABIA: for LMDC - we expect to work through this week and understand how this dovetails into work next week on elements of finance. Our scope position on the dialogue is clear, but we’d like to hear from others who have proposals that are far from convergence on finance matters, on how we can coherently produce something that goes to ministers and is not too far away from the mandate.
USA: we’ve lost two days of work in discussions of the footnote on scope. The informal note from Bonn was very helpful but can be significant fly streamlined. Option 3 reflects our views sort of. We need to recall usual matters, request SB chairs to convene half day dialogue, request SB Chairs to convene a ministerial summit, ask secretariat to prepare the agenda ahead of time; make clear Dialogue will cover the GST outcomes especially those not taken forward elsewhere; and work over the 3.5 years of dialogue process.
We think SB chairs should invite global experts to reflect on the outcomes; prepare a report;? and the process should be open to parties and observers and be transparent. A decision of 1-1.5 pages would be enough
EU: proposal was very interesting and would help progress. We’ve lost a lot of time and would prefer to set scope issues aside for the moment. In the paper touce already characterized the modalities - structure, input, output - you could consolidate further and incorporate feedback, leaving everything in brackets pending scope issue resolution. That would be great basis for us to engage on.
COLOMBIA for AILAC: we want the modalities discussion to cover all the outcomes and commitments of the GST. We particularly focus on gaps in mitigation, also tech transfer. The dialogues show potential risk to raise awareness and ambition, helping to accelerate all elements of the GST. The dialogues should be led by two co facilitators from developed / developing.
Three guiding questions:
Synthesis report should offer info on global progress:
GHANA for African Group: our position is represented in Option 1 but there are similarities in Option 2?
MALDIVES for AOSIS: dialogue structure should encompass all GST outcomes with particular emphasis on finance. Modalities: cofacs D/D. Form and structure: our views are captured in paper, need special effort to capture SIDS/LDC views during dialogue.
Inputs/outputs: our views are captured
SAUDI for LMDC: extra views on modalities interaction with scope. Form follows function, this is structured for a finance dialogue. Cofacs D/D. could have 2 workshops or 1. Could have interactive discussions as well as roundtables. Could provide input to next GST. Key inputs and outputs and connections to processes:
Elements should be an input in 2027 GST revision process and 2029
Eventually when long term finance under the Convention is fleshed out, this dialogue can serve a similar function as under the NCQG.
Reiterate that in whatever format we continue our work this week, need to well capture where inputs will be handled next week. Everything we propose here needs to coherently link to agenda item on finance. In whatever next format we get text, the options must not be co sensed or merged.
INDIA : align with LMDC. We are disturbed by the emphasis that puts action against finance. Where negotiations are failing on ambition and on finance are in different parts of the world. Developed countries have consumed most of the carbon budget. There needs to be finance for mitigation, capacity building support. The key message of the GST is about finance. That should be at the center of discussions. We don’t think you should put finance outside the scope and instead talk about modalities.?
MALAWI for LDCs: need dialogue to cover the full scope of GST with a focus on the means of implementation. Need a mix of formal and informal presentations. Needs to be inclusive of local experts, women, youth, LDCs and SIDS.?
AUSTRALIA: support US on cofacs producing a streamlined version with options on key issues. Scope views are well known and this dialogue should be a place for sharing national experiences and lessons learned in implementing GST outcomes. Thera little time to keep 1.5C within reach.
Support US on 2 dialogues each year, under SB chairs with cofacs D/D and gender balance. Hope for text this evening.
BOLIVIA:? …. [at this point we left to eat food]