COP26 - it's time t?h?e?y? we step up to the challenge.
With global temperatures continuing to increase at an alarming rate, many deemed COP26 to be one of the most important meetings in human history.
Coal to be phased out, fossil fuel subsidies to be reduced, deforestation to be halted, an increase in financing for ‘clean’ technology, and leaders to meet again in one year's time - there were some big agreements made at COP26.
However, with COP26 behind us and as the media begin to switch their focus, it’s easy for us to continue our daily lives as normal - but as we know, continuing to live as we do and expecting governments to solve the climate crisis is one of the reasons we are now faced with a climate emergency.
Therefore, whilst governments work to implement the agreements they have made, we as individuals need to step up to the challenge and be the change we want to see.?
Thinking about the climate crisis can be overwhelming at times, and many of us think that as individuals we can't really make much of a difference.
But the answer is...YES WE CAN.
Change starts with individuals, it grows to communities, then towns, countries, and then it becomes a global movement.
At Wonderbag we know that each individual that uses a Wonderbag makes a small contribution to the environment. In one year, one Wonderbag saves up to a ton of?carbon dioxide, 1,000 litres of cooking water, and?five large trees from deforestation.
That's a lot for a little bag.
And collectively, the impact is enormous.
If 100 million families cooked with a Wonderbag it could lead to an 8% reduction in global carbon dioxide emissions, a saving of up to 100 billion litres of water, and up to 500 million trees rescued from deforestation each year.
So as individuals we must initiate change by making conscious?choices, and our resulting collective behaviour will then influence companies and governments to act.
Anne Lappe, author and sustainability advocate, eloquently wrote:
“Every time you spend money, you're casting a vote for the kind of world you want.”
So to get started, here are four impactful ways we can reduce our carbon footprint:
?1.???Consume less & reduce waste ??
Many of us have a desire to want keep wanting more, but we should start being happy with what we already have. Do you really need new clothes, a new phone, a new XYZ? Remember, everything new we buy has a carbon footprint, so think twice before you make any purchase.
Be proud to wear the same clothes over and over, use it as a symbol to show that you care about the environment. When you do want to buy something, ask yourself 'will I use it at least 30 times?'. If the answer is no, then reconsider if the purchase is necessary.
Many Wonderbag users share stories of cooking with our bags every day of the week. They prepare the food in the morning and then leave it in the Wonderbag to cook while they go to work for the day. Cooking fresh wholesome meals encourages households to lower their consumption of take-out or supermarket food wrapped in packaging, thereby reducing their use of single use products and food that may end up in the bin.
Over the years we have become a throw-away society, too easily throwing food and items away even if they still work or can be eaten. It's time we become more resourceful, creative, and go the extra mile to reduce our waste.
2.?? ?Travel responsibly ?? ??
The transport sector is the largest source of global CO2 emissions.
These emissions predominantly come from the burning of fossil fuels to power vehicles such as cars, lorries, and aeroplanes. The best way to reduce your emissions is to think about the alternative ways of travelling.
If it's a short distance; can you walk or cycle? If it's a longer distance; can you get the train, coach, or try ride-sharing?
At Wonderbag we work with local entrepreneurs to set up production centres inside the communities that will use our Wonderbags, saving emissions on transport and distribution.
Make an effort to sacrifice the quickest option and start choosing the most environmentally friendly option. You never know, the journey could be better than the destination.
3.????Eat sustainably ?? ??
Reducing food waste and eating a plant rich diet are highlighted by Project Drawdown as two of the top ways we can tackle climate change.
With meat and dairy being key contributors to global CO2 and methane emissions, look to experiment with a plant based diet and substituting meat for protein rich foods such as chickpeas and lentils. When you do buy meat, try source it from a local farmer who states that their animals are slow-reared and grass/pasture fed. Sustainably produced meat can actually be beneficial to the environment by improving the soil health and improving carbon capture.
When selecting your vegetables it's best to buy in-season, local & organic. This ensures your food hasn't travelled long distances from other countries, or full of chemicals damaging the soil.
Urban Wonderbag users save time and money by cooking with a Wonderbag, and also cook more nutritious meals using fresh low carbon impact products. Additionally, slow cooking keeps the nutrients in the food, so there is the double impact on both health and the environment.
4.????Conserve energy ????
Cutting your energy usage not only helps to save the planet, it also saves you a lot of money. Here are some quick actions you can take to get started:
With the cost of energy continuing to go up, cooking with a Wonderbag is not just a responsible environmental choice, it's a financial no-brainer.
It's important we reduce our energy usage when there are viable ways to do so. This means reducing unnecessary usage of energy such of gas, electric, and petrol. It helps to save cut emissions and hey, who doesn't like an extra bit of money in their pocket?