COP 27: Youth and Future Generations Day
Today at CoP27 was the Youth and Future Generations Day.
It remains important to hear the priorities and concerns of young people as key drivers to accelerate positive change for the planet. This day on 10th November at CoP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt has been dedicated to participation and engagement with young people, with the goal of creating intergenerational dialogue on adaptation, resilience, and mitigation to climate change, where young people’s views are taken seriously, and finally integrated into policy.
Climate change has led to the reimagining of childhood, where young people are now increasingly involved in politics, fearing for the future of their planet. Here are two examples of youth-led activism that have stood out to me:
Nkosilathi Nyathi, born in 2003, and from Zimbabwe, has been a climate advocate from the age of 10 and is now a UNICEF youth advocate and passionate public speaker. Experiencing the first-hand environmental degradation of his hometown, he has emphasised the struggle of children in developing countries who are suffering most with the environmental effects of climate change, including excessive flooding, extreme droughts, destruction of crops, and displacement of families. Listen to one of Nkosi’s recent talks here: or follow him on Twitter @NkosiOfficial05 for updates.
Greta Thunberg, also born in 2003, is a well-known Swedish climate activist, inspiring the Fridays for Future movement. Fridays for Future is a school strike for climate change with the goal of putting pressure on policymakers to listen and take immediate action against the climate disaster, by skipping school on Fridays to strike in front of a local government building. It has had an unanticipated worldwide effect, with up to 7.6 million people in 185 countries getting involved since 2018, and has become one of the largest socio-environmental movements to date.
For more information on Fridays for Future visit: or #FridaysforFuture on Twitter. This year, Greta Thunberg chose not to attend CoP27, as she stated that we need drastic and widespread change, rather than gradual progress - is this the year global leaders finally come together to mobilise immediate action?
Youth and Future Generations Day has brought together global representatives from all age groups to discuss the climate crisis and has aimed to empower authorities to integrate youth perspectives into climate policy - it will be interesting to see how young people continue to contribute to climate action, through protest, education, technology, and peer networks and how this CoP will make a difference.