Coordinator of care: Finding help and services
Leslie Alin Tewes
Practitioner/ President Adult/ Aging/ Eldercare, Life-Span, Health-Care Consulting, Patient Advocacy, End-of-Life Doula, certified Care Manager... @Tewes-CARES: Aging, Life-Span, Health-Care Professionals
In times past, extended families lived closer to each other. We also had tight-knit communities to help with eldercare issues. Not so anymore. Frequently, adult daughters and sons are working. They may even live thousands of miles away from their aging parents. With such changes in the family structure, as a society we need to rethink ways to care for our oldest members so everybody's lives can function smoothly and well.
Fortunately, there are ways to create a support system for your parents.?You may be able to rely on the informal system: Friends, family, perhaps even members of the faith community. There is also a more formal system of professionals who can help. Services run the gamut from transportation and meal delivery, to bill paying and in-home care. Depending on eligibility, some of these services may be free; others may cost money. It is not uncommon for public programs to have a long waiting list for those who are eligible.
Whether you decide to enlist the formal system, the informal system, or a combination of the two, it will take research and then coordination. Making these arrangements may be something you and your loved one can do together. You might also enlist the services of an Aging Life Care? Manager?to determine which services make the most sense in terms of your family needs and budget.
Don't expect to have all the answers or to provide an unlimited amount of support.?Caring for an older adult is no small task. It can get overwhelming. (Family caregivers have a significantly higher rate of depression than do persons who are not caring for a relative.)
It is important to reach out and get help. Most people eventually need the formal support system to adequately meet their loved one's needs. It behooves you to get assistance selecting the best providers. But it doesn't stop there. You also need to oversee the services to be sure they are delivering the right kind of help.?An Aging Life Care Manager has the education, training, and experience to give you the guidance you need. They know the local eldercare providers and which ones deliver reliable, high-quality service.
What services are on your wish list? Who among your friends and family can help? What services might you need from the formal support network?
Want to learn more your changing role?
Contact the experts in aging.
Tewes CARES 203-826-9206