Coordinates of change.

Coordinates of change.

A bitter-sweet observation, about reoccurring change.??

There’s so much confusion out there—dissatisfaction with the administration, with the digressing economy. Protests on the streets and on the internet are not bringing about much-needed change. Whose fault is it? And what can be done about these deadlocks??

The following exploration reveals ways to avert some socioeconomic mishaps on a macro level. Change is imminent. It is written into the “script of life”.

Change is an impetus that proactive people take advantage of. ?

Change causes shifts in society and the economy. Entrepreneurs who embark on proactive engagements are aware of the fact that there is no guarantee for success. With people, and for people.

It is important to recognize that whatever we do is with people and for people. Gauging our standing in the social context is a precondition to identifying our position as a brand. Please keep in mind that every one of us is a consumer but sometimes also a marketer and at other times a customer. ?

The current situation is only an interim. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? As the socio-economic situation changes and we have to deal with a continuously shifting reality. A realization of one's peculiarities goes a long way to be credible and effective in what we do.?Without recognition of our identity, there will always be uncertainty about our purpose, intentions, and our value to others. A personal identity works best when there are genuine and recognizable characteristics inherent in personal expressions.

Proactive engagement is difficult to Justify

It is difficult to justify because there is hardly any precedence for it. This activity is mostly based on a hunch. Reactive engagement, on the other hand, has a plausible, rational justification because it is a reaction to a defined situation. A situation that can be analyzed.

The lack of information is a major stumbling block.

Unfamiliarity with a specific situation involving a proposition is a common trap for making the wrong decision. As the conversation about an offer progresses the potential recipient puts the puzzle of changing information together including some signals of caution and suspicion. Deceptions will prevail for as long as financial gains are involved in the proposition. Virtually everyone and every institution participate in deception. This is due to the inbuilt priority of gaining an advantage. All the other objectives are secondary. ?

In the age of readily available replicas.

First second and third impressions contradict themselves, not only by what you see but by how you interpret the information you receive. What is expected from you is to agree to the terms that most people have agreed to.

The losers and the winners.

As the economy progresses consumers will have to pay more for goods and services. Affected brands will lose market share and will invest in alternative production sights. ?Manufacturing and production will search for alternative sources to maintain a business advantage. Success or failure will be determined by what is generally acceptable. Measured by degrees up and down the scale.?

Some underlying realities…

People need to be given directions and instructions. They need to see their advantage by following a mandate. Personal initiatives need to be governed as well. Reassurances of appreciation are needed.

How do you know whom to follow? And how can you be sure that the leader whom you cheer for, will reciprocate by fulfilling your expectations? And finally, what alternatives are there to make a better prediction?

You arrived at a decision based on bits and pieces of information and intuitions.?To have a better guess at what you can expect multiply the unknown bits by infinity.

We need the guidance of governance to make us believe in a viable cause. Governance is an influential power anchored in beliefs.

Compliance & circumstantial motivations.

Arbitration on fringe issues with far-reaching implications. Taking into account occurring interventions beyond direct control.?Can mandatory directives be influenced through the consent of the majority?

The profound effects of a recourse leadership.

Following directives based on agreed-upon mandates. Ranking considerations with the designated business goals. Management reserves the right to override

?employees’ expectations.

Blaming the “mitigating circumstances” for mismanagement. Protectionism is the overriding reaction in finding a resolution for a mistake. Blaming the mitigating circumstances is a human notion. The public's opinion is a weighty consideration in providing information about the covert situation that lead to a mishap.?Preventive actions are often limited to addressing current issues. “Sweeping undercover circumstances under the rug”.

The transformative empowerment. The change affects everything, including the parameters of empowerment. Increased awareness about the underlying triggers and motivations that steer the empowered, causes cautiousness and suspicion among the people. Certain methods that used to be effective in convincing and aligning the people behind a leadership may not function as before.

The reason for exercising power. Implementing empowerment is inherently unjust and antagonistic. This includes contravening confrontations and the infliction of pain.?These continuous struggles lead to the implosion of the social structures of civilizations. Time and again we find ourselves in situations that are fluid and three-dimensional. But the triggers of such socio-economic implosions have astonishing similarities. They can be traced back to the choices we made.

The chance empowerment of leadership. Empowerment happens because of the diversity and indecisiveness of a community. One of the reasons for needing an empowered leader is to arbitrate on issues that the people are unable to manage. For example issues of righteousness, legal affairs, and the parameters of possessions. Another reason is the international dependency on values where agreements need to be reached to collaborate and integrate, which also depends on recognition from other societies. The folks rely on the abilities of the empowered leadership to regulate and administrate the economic equilibrium, even though there is no evidence that the leadership has the capabilities to do so.?

The conventional solicitation of support. Verbal promises, unverified references, and occasional, unrelated symbolism are the most common means of soliciting the people's support and making people believe in the leadership's ability to deliver on promises.?As a recipient of the people's vote of confidence, the empowered leadership is expecting gratitude, obedience, and adherence to its hierarchic alignment. The satisfaction of being revered and followed, adds confidence to the pursuance of a cause but it does not indicate a successful accomplishment of the expectations. ?

The reoccurring causes of economic implosions.????????????????? Despite an increase in awareness of the socio-economic interdependencies across the globe,?it seems that self-centered interests and an incessant demand for more continue to dominate the socio-political structure of nations.?Ergo-centricity is the main reason for economic digressions. The reoccurring imbalance of wealth distribution versus productivity and the inability of the empowered leaders to make contravening decisions that would equalize the imbalance causes large-scale conflicts.?Increased socioeconomic pressure triggers mass migrations and subsequent conflicts. And because the economy is by and large a fictitious entity, no one is responsible for it and no one can fix it. The economic pressure in one region can change the course in another regardless of any leadership considerations.?A thriving economy needs a reasonable progression of fair expansion at all levels of society.

Expectations exceed reasonable assumptions. Career seekers, as well as business leaders, expect to exceed previous achievements. Needless to mention that all involved parties are fully aware of the negotiations that precede any collaborative effort. And that everyone is aware of the deceptive rituals. Advanced rendering of services is becoming the norm.?The higher the commanding position in an enterprise, the more complex the decision process. Potential consequences of a decision span across several groups and individuals with contradicting interests. The executive's decision is by and large a compromise.?

The prioritization of decision-making. CEOs and business leaders make their decisions based on pre-determined priorities. The most assailant criteria are to appease the shareholder who controls the economic output of the venture. Usually, shareholders are not involved in operational decisions. The second priority is customer satisfaction. And the last consideration is the well-being of the employees and ancillary services. In general, these entities are regarded as replaceable

Avoiding confrontations with reality. A driving force behind making arbitrary decisions is the people's need to believe in the unlikely. These illusionary interpretations affect economic reality. The reckless pursuance of profits on the stock exchange has a trickledown effect that impacts everyone. Wishing that good fortune will just happen without taking risks is a fundamental default. To amass the courage and make contradictory statements based on verified facts can have dire consequences.

The decision-making process. Considering the lack of verified information and the arbitrary evaluation of propositions, it is difficult for anyone to make an accurate projection. Regardless of the number of conducted research and received consultations, it is hard to obtain impartial advice. This leads to the presumption that virtually all decisions are based on sympathy and bestowed trust credit. ?

What matters the most is gaining trust.???? Mr. Frederick Reichheld claims that loyalty in marketing is disappearing and to some extent, it resonates with the growing disbelief that needs to be reinstated to regain trust credits. Being believable is a key feature that needs to be practiced to accumulate trust credits. Not by being disruptive in the hope that intrusiveness would suffice to persuade people.?Gaining trust by making an emotional connection.?

During a recent RAE, a Research Assessment Exercise session, the participating professors were given roles to play in making some crucial decisions regarding investments in a Startup project. When the protagonists concluded the instructor asked what convinced the investor to accept the proposition. After a logical constructive explanation supported by some grafts, the instructor wanted to know more about the decisive factor. The surprising answer was: “I’ve tried on her shoes and they fitted me”. The decisive factor for collaboration had nothing to do with facts and figures. The readiness to collaborate was based on an intuitive, impromptu trust factor.?

Achieving a good working relationship with trust. Earn trust credit by demonstrating integrity and open-mindedness towards the values of others. There are no unified directives for building trust.? Trust is a loan that needs to be continuously reimbursed. You trust someone in some ways, on some issues. In any relationship, you may earn trust credit and you cause trust debits. Let alone how to become a believer based on accumulated trust. The accumulation of trust credit happens more or less by trial and error. Earning trust credit by being true to yourself, and open-minded. You can't be open-minded and suspicious at the same time. But you can be openly suspicious. Accumulated trust credit can earn much-needed "forgiveness points" Since mistakes are bound to happen, accumulating forgiveness points is important.

The providers, the intermediaries, & the customers. No endgame for the end-users and customers. The providers and intermediaries need to engage in multi-level explorations regarding customers' & end-users ever-changing unmet needs. There is empirical evidence across various societies that besides gender and social trends, aging plays a role in the end-users attitude toward needs and wants. The period of reckless trial and experimentation of everything tends to be significant amongst fledgling professionals. Significant changes occur at the emergence of having a young family and subsequently in a divorce. The mid-life crisis as well as the retirement stage have a profound influence on people's needs and wants.?Only keenly attuned enterprises include such changes in their products and services portfolio.

The business relationship between the provider and the recipient. In any socio-economic constellation, there is an unequal symbiotic relationship between the provider and the recipient. While both are seeking the best outcome of an arrangement between them, the provider has the upper hand and will always exploit the submissive position of the recipient. To what end should the provider of a proposition concede to a recipient’s needs and wants: ?(As little as possible and under harsh conditions?) The recipient needs to see the advantage offered by the provider. This puts the onus on the provider to craft an acceptable offer.?In practical terms, it means that the provider needs to first and foremost know the needs and wants of the potential recipient and be prepared to make some concessions to get an agreement. ??

The good news is that change also includes opportunities.? We are used to our socio-economic environment. We peg the value of delivered productivity versus the monetary compensation in comparison to what we are familiar with. But in a changing environment, these values may differ vastly from a previous equilibrium.??Pegging the personal productivity values, assets, and liabilities in comparison to a new situation can be challenging, but it does have to be detrimental. While maintaining some continuity, adaptability is essential to cope with the new situation. Practicing adaptability while maintaining fundamental ethical values is a way forward. Alongside the exploration of available options a mental journey to the unknown is recommended. The unknown supersedes the known by an infinity. While such an exploration causes uncertainty and doubt about the potential outcome, it also leads to new ideas. Exploring the unknown calls for the dismissal of previously set boundaries. ??? For example, considering collaborations with competitors, or setting up a technical laboratory in a foreign country. The acquired knowledge and information deriving from such an exploration will be of immense benefit. It enables to the expansion of the knowledge base of the organization. As indicated at the outset proactive engagement is exhausting and always more challenging but venturing into the unknown has unexpected ancillary benefits.????

The tasks of progression. Every organization needs to have a strategy of progression. The short and medium terms reaction to commercial setbacks comprises improvisations and adaptations of manufacturing and logistics components. Automated recycling industry including fragmented automated supply chains. After having tried the obvious brave entrepreneurs will embark on a search and discovery journey that does not have a predetermined resolve. ? But it will reveal new passages that would lead to new innovative ideas. ????

Best regards, Alex Goslar.


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