Coordinated development between economy and defense, collective rights, ballast, and a propeller for global solidarity and an anchor for world peace

Coordinated development between economy and defense, collective rights, ballast, and a propeller for global solidarity and an anchor for world peace

Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:

  • 个人权利? [gè rén quán lì]? individual rights:?

Today’s quote:


The rights to subsistence and development should be taken as the fundamental human rights of primary importance. We need to take a balanced approach to individual and collective rights, ensure that all types of rights complement and reinforce each other, and must say no to any words and deeds that apply double or even multiple standards on human rights issues.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 25, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 如果选举不能选出才干出众的领导人,如果言论自由只会导致社会分裂,如果盲目保障个人权利而导致数百万人感染病毒死亡,那么这样的选举、言论自由和个人权利又有何用??

What is the point of elections, freedom of speech and personal rights if such elections fail to select leaders with outstanding competence, the freedom of speech only leads to social division, and millions of people die of the virus as a result of indiscriminate measures to protect so-called personal rights?? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 22, 2021)

  • 集体权利? [jí tǐ quán lì]? collective rights:?


The rights to subsistence and development should be taken as the fundamental human rights of primary importance. We need to take a balanced approach to individual and collective rights, ensure that all types of rights complement and reinforce each other, and must say no to any words and deeds that apply double or even multiple standards on human rights issues.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 25, 2025)

  • 经济与国防协调发展? [jīng jì yǔ guó fáng xié tiáo fā zhǎn]? coordinated development between its economy and national defense:?


China upholds a self-defense strategy, pursues coordinated development between its economy and national defense, and never engages in any arms race with any country. It has worked for world peace through concrete actions and injected stability and certainty to the world.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 25, 2025)

  • 军费? [jūn fèi]? military expenditure; defense spending:?

Today’s quote:


You mentioned defense spending. Recent years have witnessed a steady increase in global defense spending. According to statistics, the global defense spending of 2024 is about US$2.43 trillion, an all-time high. Behind the steady rise in global defense spending is increasingly tense international and regional security situation and growing security deficit. All parties face the common challenge of global security governance. The international community, especially major countries, must take the lead in serving as a propeller for global solidarity and an anchor for world peace.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 25, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 美国军费总额高居世界第一,相当于其后9个国家的军费总和。?

US military expenditure ranks first in the world and is larger than the next nine countries combined.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 2, 2022)?

?? 反观美国,美国在全球拥有800多个海外军事基地,军费总额相当于其后9个国家的军费总和。美国建国近250年,仅有16年没有打仗。 美国动辄干涉别国内政,派军机军舰到别人家门口耀武扬威,究竟是谁在破坏全球和地区安全稳定?是谁在散布虚假信息??

In contrast, the US runs more than 800 military bases overseas; its military expenditure is equivalent to the total amount of the nine countries behind it; it was not at war for only 16 years throughout its nearly 250 years of history; it wantonly interferes in other countries’ internal affairs and sends military aircraft and warships to flex muscles at other countries’ doorstep. Who on earth is undermining global and regional security and stability and spreading disinformation?? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 7, 2022)?

?? 北约一方面呼吁其成员国加大军费开支,要求成员国军费达到或超过GDP2%的水平,另一方面对中国正常的国防和军队现代化建设说三道四,这是典型的双重标准。?

NATO on the one hand urges its members to increase military spending to at least 2% of GDP, and on the other hand points fingers at China’s normal national defense development and military modernization. This is typical double standard.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 26, 2022)?

?? 中国国防费是公开透明的,中方积极参加联合国军费透明制度,从2008年起每年向联合国提交上一财政年度军事开支报告。日方炒作所谓中国军费“不透明”,无非是为自身军力扩张、突破战后国际秩序寻找借口。?

China’s military expenditure is open and transparent. China actively participates in the UN system on military expenditure transparency and has been submitting reports about its military spending for the previous fiscal years to the UN since 2008. Japan’s hype of the so-called lack of transparency over Chinese military expenditure is just an excuse for expanding its own military forces and breaking the post-WWII international order.? (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on March 31, 2022)

  • 联合国人权理事会? [lián hé guó rén quán lǐ shì huì]? UN Human Rights Council, UNHRC (see also 人权理事会 人权理事会):?

Today’s quote:


The 58th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council is being held. On February 24 [2025], Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivered a video message for the High-Level Segment of the UN Human Rights Council. Foreign Minister Wang Yi shared China’s three propositions in keeping to the right approach to human rights and pushing for the reform and improvement of global human rights governance. First, we should stay committed to our original aspiration and founding mission, and clarify the true essence of the human rights cause. We need to uphold a people-centered approach, make people’s interests the fundamental starting point and ultimate goal. We must say no to any words and deeds that use human rights as an excuse to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries in disregard of national sovereignty and security and the safety of people’s lives. Second, we should uphold fairness and justice and clarify the goal of the human rights cause. The rights to subsistence and development should be taken as the fundamental human rights of primary importance. We need to take a balanced approach to individual and collective rights, ensure that all types of rights complement and reinforce each other, and must say no to any words and deeds that apply double or even multiple standards on human rights issues. Third, we should stay committed to engagement and mutual learning and clarify the path to promoting human rights. We need to conduct constructive dialogue and cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual respect, to effectively increase the representation and voice of Global South countries, and must say no to any words and deeds that impose one’s own model or will upon others, that politicize, instrumentalize or weaponize human rights. Foreign Minister Wang Yi stressed that China, caring deeply for the future of humanity and the wellbeing of all countries, will be a practitioner of international cooperation, a promoter of mutual learning among civilizations, and a builder of a community with a shared future for mankind. We will be more proactive in international human rights cooperation, and together with all sides, work to usher in a better future for the global cause of human rights. When global human rights governance faces severe challenges, it’s widely hoped by countries that their path to human rights protection will be respected, the cause of human rights protection will make greater progress, and people will enjoy more, better and fuller human rights. The last thing they want is to turn Human Rights Council into a place of pressuring and confrontation. China stands ready to work with all parties to focus on the real problems and challenges of the international human rights cause, foster great synergy, strengthen solidarity and coordination and promote the building of a more just, equitable and inclusive global human rights governance system.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 25, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 不久前,联合国人权理事会一致核可中国参加第四轮国别人权审议报告,充分说明国际社会高度肯定中国人权事业成就。?

Earlier this month [July 2024], the UN Human Rights Council adopted unanimously China’s report on the fourth cycle of the Universal Periodic Review, which fully shows that the international community highly recognizes China’s achievement in protecting human rights.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 17, 2024)?

?? 联合国人权理事会第52届会议将于2月27日至4月4日在瑞士日内瓦举行,2月27日至3月2日举行高级别会议部分。外交部长秦刚将于2月27日发表视频致辞。?

The 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council will be held in Geneva from February 27 to April 4 [2023], of which the high-level segment will be held from February 27 to March 2. Foreign Minister Qin Gang will address the event via video link on February 27.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 27, 2023)?

?? 中国积极参与全球人权治理。联合国人权理事会先后3次通过中方提交的“发展对享有所有人权的贡献”和“在人权领域促进合作共赢”决议,“以发展促人权”“以合作促人权”的理念在国际社会深入人心。我们积极参与联合国人权事务,五度担任人权理事会成员,是当选次数最多的国家之一。中方旗帜鲜明抵制和反对打着人权幌子干涉发展中国家内政,赢得国际社会特别是广大发展中国家的支持和响应。?

China has taken an active part in global human rights governance. The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has adopted three times the resolutions on “the contribution of development to the enjoyment of all human rights” and “promoting mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of human rights” submitted by China. The concept of promoting human rights through development and cooperation has gained strong support in the international community. China has actively participated in human rights affairs at the UN. It has served on the UNHRC five times and is one of the most frequently elected HRC members. We unequivocally reject and oppose interference in the internal affairs of developing countries under the pretext of human rights. This has been supported and echoed by the international community, especially the vast developing world.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 21, 2022)?

?? 自20世纪80年代以来,美国退出了联合国人权理事会、世卫组织、联合国教科文组织、《巴黎协定》《伊核协议》《武器贸易条约》《中导条约》《开放天空条约》等17个国际组织或协议,其中还存在退了又返、返了再退的情况。就这样的美国,却堂而皇之地伪装成国际规则的“裁判员”,拿所谓规则“手电筒”去照别人,无视自己的“灯下黑”。?

Since the 1980s, the US has withdrawn from 17 international organizations or treaties, including the UN Human Rights Council, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Paris Agreement, the JCPOA, the Arms Trade Treaty, the INF Treaty, the Open Skies Treaty, among others with flip-flops regarding some of them. Such a country now shamelessly disguises itself as a referee of international rules, shining a spotlight on where others come short while turning a blind eye to its outright violations.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 30, 2022)

  • 推进器? [tuī jìn qì]? propeller:?

Today’s quote:


You mentioned defense spending. Recent years have witnessed a steady increase in global defense spending. According to statistics, the global defense spending of 2024 is about US$2.43 trillion, an all-time high. Behind the steady rise in global defense spending is increasingly tense international and regional security situation and growing security deficit. All parties face the common challenge of global security governance. The international community, especially major countries, must take the lead in serving as a propeller for global solidarity and an anchor for world peace.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 25, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 中国是亚太区域合作的动力源和推进器。中国是13个APEC经济体最大贸易伙伴,对亚太经济增长贡献率达64.2%,带动地区37.6%的货物贸易增长和44.6%的服务贸易增长。我们积极推动建设中国—东盟自贸区,高质量实施《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》和共建“一带一路”,申请加入《全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》和《数字经济伙伴关系协定》,推动亚太开放合作。?

China is an engine and propeller for regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. It is the largest trading partner of 13 APEC economies, and contributes 64.2 percent of the region’s economic growth, 37.6 percent of the growth in goods trade and 44.6 percent of the growth in services trade. We have actively advanced the building of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, the high-quality implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and cooperation under the Belt and Road, applied to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, and promoted opening up and cooperation in the Asia-Pacific.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 13, 2024)?

?? 李强总理指出,中日经济深度交融,经贸合作发挥着两国关系“压舱石”和“推进器”的重要作用。?

Premier Li Qiang pointed out that the two countries’ [China and Japan] economy are deeply connected. Economic and trade cooperation are playing an important role in our bilateral relations as an anchor and propeller.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 25, 2024)?

?? 充沛两国关系前进动力。经贸合作是双边关系“压舱石”和“推进器”。?

We need to strengthen the impetus driving the bilateral relations forward. Economic and trade cooperation is the ballast and propeller of bilateral relations.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 18, 2022)?

?? 中美经贸关系是两国关系的“压舱石”和“推进器”,事关两国人民根本利益,事关世界繁荣与稳定。?

The China-US commercial relationship serves as both the ballast and the propeller of the overall bilateral relationship. At stake are the fundamental interests of the two peoples, and the prosperity and stability of the world.? (White Paper_China’s Position on the China-US Economic and Trade Consultations_《关于中美经贸磋商的中方立场》)

  • 压舱石? [yā cāng shí]? ballast:?

Today’s quote:


You mentioned defense spending. Recent years have witnessed a steady increase in global defense spending. According to statistics, the global defense spending of 2024 is about US$2.43 trillion, an all-time high. Behind the steady rise in global defense spending is increasingly tense international and regional security situation and growing security deficit. All parties face the common challenge of global security governance. The international community, especially major countries, must take the lead in serving as a propeller for global solidarity and an anchor for world peace.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 25, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 经贸合作是中国与拉美国家关系的“压舱石”和“稳定器”。中拉经济互补性强,合作潜力巨大。双方在贸易、投资、工程承包等领域合作成果斐然。拉美地区是“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的自然延伸,已有21个国家与中方签署“一带一路”合作文件。近年来,中拉经贸合作克服新冠肺炎疫情的不利影响,展现出强劲韧性和发展势头,目前已全面恢复并超过疫前水平。?

Trade and economic cooperation is the ballast and stabilizer of the relations between China and Latin American countries. With strong economic complementarities and huge cooperation potential, China and Latin American countries have achieved remarkable results in trade, investment and project contracting cooperation. Latin America is a natural extension of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, and 21 countries in the region have signed cooperation documents under the Belt and Road Initiative with China. In recent years, our trade and economic cooperation has overcome the adverse impact of the Covid-19, showing strong resilience and development momentum. It has fully recovered and exceeded the pre-Covid level.? (Regular Press Conference of MOFCOM_November 24, 2022)?

?? 粮价是百价之基,粮价稳,稳物价就有了坚实的“压舱石”。?

Grain prices are the basis of all prices. The stability of grain prices can provide solid support for our efforts to stabilize all prices.? (SCIO briefing on ensuring stability a priority while making new progress in high-quality development_2022_03_07)?

?? 全力以赴推动一季度工业经济平稳发展,为稳定经济大盘发挥好“压舱石”的作用。?

We will take a series of measures and spare no effort to ensure steady industrial growth in the first quarter, which will act as a "ballast" for the overall economic development.? (SCIO briefing on the development of industry and information technology in 2021_2022_01_20)?

?? 中美经贸关系是两国关系的“压舱石”和“推进器”,事关两国人民根本利益,事关世界繁荣与稳定。?

The China-US commercial relationship serves as both the ballast and the propeller of the overall bilateral relationship. At stake are the fundamental interests of the two peoples, and the prosperity and stability of the world.? (White_Paper_China’s Position on the China-US Economic and Trade Consultations_《关于中美经贸磋商的中方立场》2019_06_02)

  • 言行坚决说不? [yán xíng jiān jué shuō bu]? must say no to any words and deeds that ...:?


The 58th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council is being held. On February 24 [2025], Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivered a video message for the High-Level Segment of the UN Human Rights Council. Foreign Minister Wang Yi shared China’s three propositions in keeping to the right approach to human rights and pushing for the reform and improvement of global human rights governance. First, we should stay committed to our original aspiration and founding mission, and clarify the true essence of the human rights cause. We need to uphold a people-centered approach, make people’s interests the fundamental starting point and ultimate goal. We must say no to any words and deeds that use human rights as an excuse to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries in disregard of national sovereignty and security and the safety of people’s lives. Second, we should uphold fairness and justice and clarify the goal of the human rights cause. The rights to subsistence and development should be taken as the fundamental human rights of primary importance. We need to take a balanced approach to individual and collective rights, ensure that all types of rights complement and reinforce each other, and must say no to any words and deeds that apply double or even multiple standards on human rights issues. Third, we should stay committed to engagement and mutual learning and clarify the path to promoting human rights. We need to conduct constructive dialogue and cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual respect, to effectively increase the representation and voice of Global South countries, and must say no to any words and deeds that impose one’s own model or will upon others, that politicize, instrumentalize or weaponize human rights.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 25, 2025)

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