Cooperative Learning Activities: 3 Things to Remember When Using Cooperative Group Learning

Most students learn better with one-to-one interactions or

in small groups where they can follow the conversation

better and indicate when they don't understand. This is

one of the big advantages of cooperative group learning.

The peer interaction that takes place during cooperative

learning activities is especially helpful because peer

language is generally less complex than the teacher's.

These interactions also give all students a chance to

actively participate and try out their own ideas in a small

group setting.

These cooperative learning activities work especially well

with your ESOL students (second language learners) because

cooperative group learning allows them to develop their

second language proficiency skills by allowing them to

interact with native speakers in a low-anxiety


And the fact of the matter is...interaction with native

speakers helps promote second language acquisition.

Unfortunately, as many teachers know, cooperative learning

activities are not necessarily easy to pull off. 

Here are three things to remember when using cooperative

group learning:

1. Vary Grouping Strategies ~ Groups should be arranged

based on the purpose of the activity. Usually you will

want to form mixed groups of general education students,

special education, and ESOL students (non-native speakers).

 However, sometimes you will want to group ESOL students

together so you or an aide can better individualize


2. Model Activities First ~ Teachers must explicitly show

students how to work together. From how to get into groups

to what to do for the activity...don't assume anything!

3. Recognize and Reward Effective Group Work ~ Have

successful groups share with the whole class why they were

effective. You may want to give special recognition or

points for successful or improved groups.

All the best,



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