Article by: Mateusz Stanis?awski ela-compil sp. z o.o.


The clearest example of linking FAS with CCTV - automatic display of a camera image accompanying an alarm from a point smoke detector on the example of the GEMOS integrating environment.

What's the point of having modern security systems if they don't exchange any alarm information? It is best to foresee the mechanisms governing mutual interactions already at the design stage of the integrating system - for example, the connections connecting specific alarm points (FAS detection, access control passages, intrusion detection system lines) with cameras throughout the facility.

These activities should take into account the practical result of integration, which will actually improve the operators' activities - so as to even achieve a synergy effect. It's good that a window with the image from the camera near the manual fire call point appears automatically in the integrating system, but it will be even better if, instead of the "live" image, we call up the recording with a time stamp 10 seconds before the event and at the same time zoom in (calling the "preset" position) to the area near the manual fire call point - the operator will immediately be presented with material from which it will be clear whether the reported fire alarm is an act of vandalism or a real threat. No searching for recordings in a separate CCTV recorder archive.

This type of automation is also often used with the access control system. A well-designed integration system provides for the handling of alarms related to - for example - opening the door for too long. Is this type of alarm in the shopping center's delivery zone due to a burglary or because this time the supplier decided to make it easier to unload and bring in the goods by blocking the door which are monitored by access control? You can send an employee to verify the event (which may take a few minutes) or get a preview from the nearest camera in the integration system, which will additionally automatically call the nearest intercom to call the lazy supplier to order. I recommend choosing the second solution.

A large number of events sometimes leads to a situation where it is not known what is the result and what is the cause of "false events". Clear indications and reports summarizing previous failures and alarms are a good starting point for analysis and actual repair of systems. The screenshot presents the GEMOS PSIM analytical module.

The author of the article is Mateusz Stanis?awski

This is the last part of the series: Security Systems Visualization in Shopping Centers. Please be tuned for more.

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