Uber has the honor of receiving my "not cool" award today. This is something that I don't do often- actually never, but because I have a lot of young PR students following my posts now- I feel that it is imperative to not only offer solid advice, but to also showcase what you DO NOT do... It lacks tact and it is quite frankly, not truthful for Uber via Evangeline George to state the following:
"It is unfortunate that the mayors of Mobile and Huntsville blocked one set of rules that would have brought Uber throughout Alabama, preventing people from across the state from earning money and getting safe rides," said Uber spokeswoman Evangeline George.
I understand that the company may be frustrated, but the Mayors of two towns should not be called out for something impacting an entire state. This is especially bothersome to me since all that these two MUNICIPALITIES (not Mayors as individuals) have done is to try to make sure that Uber abides by the same standards that anyone else has to. They are not being penalized, only asked to operate like everyone else. STOP PLAYING THE VICTIM UBER. It's not becoming.
Just irritated. Sorry for the rant. Disappointed in the decision by a PR person to point a finger at an individual. Next time stick to the facts and don't make excuses.