Forget the background stories for a minute, the history, the alumni of great bartenders, the patrons, the literary and cinematic affiliations and concentrate on the ritual of the Martini at Dukes Bar and consider how this epitomises a drink being more than a sum of its liquid parts...
The arrival of the trolley at your table, the Italian accent, the chilled glasses, the swirling and discarding of the vermouth onto the oft-washed carpet, the pouring of viscous frozen gin direct from bottle into glass, the ergonomic elegance of the zest applied, the 5, count-em, measures - no dilution, and the 2 drink limit (you’ll never stop at one or make it past three - think Dorothy Parker poem).
What will be the first thing I do when bars open proper?
That. Perfection. #Cool
Cool Cocktails? : /Ku:l/ more than just the sum of its liquid parts ref: aura?
#martini by Alessandro Palazzi and team at Dukes Bar, DUKES London
Made with Plymouth Gin and an exclusive Sacred Spirits vermouth
#dukesbar #dukesbarlondon #london #cocktailcapital #bestmartiniinlondon #nationalmartiniday #martiniday #gin #vodka #martini #classicmartini #cocktailcredentials #CC #coolcocktails
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4 年Best Bar in the World
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