Cool & Calm Support
Muhammad Asim
28 Years Expert & Experienced, Global Progress Volunteer | Senior Support Analyst | Banking & FinTech Expert & Artificial Intelligence Enthusiast
Apart from all existing tricks & tips over best possible Technical Support, I always try my level best to provide the community something new, innovative and more productive. This time, I am pleased to introduce a very new terminology “Cools & Calm Support” that is I think a pure extract of my short experience of 2.7 decades of Customer Support / Technical Support.
According to this technique Support starts from step 1 i.e. “Cool” and ends on step 2 / last step “Calm”. So mainly there are only two steps of customer support Cool & Calm. How it applies and works well in supporting your client; let’s have a brief look how this two Cool & Calm plays a vital role in addition to all conventional steps in the industry:
1.??? Cool & Calm DIAGNOSIS: Diagnosis of any technical issue is like diagnosis of decease wherein patient is not in normal position but in a painful condition. Be remember, that doctor’s first impression and kind attitude sometimes provides half health to patient. So if Cool & Calm strategy is applied while diagnosis of an issue, can be very helpful to obtain all required symptoms & indications etc. otherwise if this strategy is not applied and harsh & unkind approach is adopted so we will not be finding our required feedback to move forward towards final diagnosis.
2.??? Cool & Calm ANALYSIS & SOLUTION: After initial feedback from client, again Cool & Calm analysis is must; means we have to analyze & investigate any issue very coolly & calmly so that it can help us to find solutions as soon as possible otherwise if this strategy is not applied and any miscalculated approach is adopted so we will not be finding the right solutions.
3.??? Cool & Calm SOLUTION APPLICATION: After analysis and successful Solution Making, the last step is to implement it to have the fullest satisfaction of client. This time as well we must use Cool & Calm strategy so that our any solution can be easily acceptable by client. Again if this strategy is not used and any approach is adopted that is unacceptable & inconvenient to customer, so we will not be able to apply our solution and can also loose customer’s confidence.
Hence, Cool & Calm strategy is the Key to Success for all Technical Issues even all kind of issues of life.
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