Cook’s Neuropedagogy of Principles of Righteousness, Holiness and Love; NTN Newsletter, LinkedIn, 2023, T. Cook Part 4
Tricia Cook -Researcher MEd, RSP, AOG, Montessorian
Teaching, Tutoring, Coaching, Consulting in Educational and Spiritual Epigenetics, Curriculum Development, Metaepigenetics, and Academic Intervention
‘God is love.’ 1 John 4:8
The Hope of Glory: Engaging in RAS To Become Closer To His Heart (RAS)
Serving God with all our heart is a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith. It is a way of acknowledging God's sovereignty and His role as the Creator and sustainer of the universe. We are called to serve God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, which means that we must be fully committed to Him and His purposes. One of the ways we can serve God is through RAS (Reflect, Apply, Sustain) - a framework for spiritual growth and transformation. RAS involves reflecting on God's word, applying it to our lives, and sustaining the changes through prayer and practice. By engaging in RAS, we can serve God with all our heart and grow in our faith.
Majesty upon victory is another aspect of serving God with all our heart.
Reflect- It refers to acknowledging God's majesty and glory, even in the midst of our victories. It means recognizing that every good thing we have comes from God, and that all the credit and glory belong to Him. When we serve God with all our heart, we can experience true victory, not just in the things we achieve, but in our relationship with Him. We can see His hand at work in our lives, and we can experience His grace, mercy, and love.
Yada…RAS, Instead of Disgrace, Uplift others-? "I do not treat the grace of God as meaningless. For if keeping the law could make us right with God, then there was no need for Christ to die." Galatians 2:21 is a powerful verse principle that emphasizes the importance of treating others with grace and compassion, rather than judgment and condemnation.?
As the verse from Galatians 2:21 highlights, we cannot earn our way into righteousness through our own efforts or by keeping the law, but only through the work of Christ on the cross. Therefore, when we interact with others, it is important to remember that we are all sinners saved by grace, and to extend that same grace to others. Instead of focusing on their flaws and shortcomings, we should seek to uplift and encourage them, just as Christ did for us.
Apply- this principle is not only crucial for our relationships with others, but also for our own spiritual growth and maturity. When we are quick to judge and criticize others, we are often doing so out of our own insecurities and weaknesses. But when we choose to extend grace and mercy, we are able to grow in humility and love, and become more like Christ.
Instead of disgrace, uplift refers to the power of serving God to lift us out of a negative state. When we serve God with all our heart, we can experience the joy, peace, and hope that come from a life lived in His presence. We can be uplifted from our despair and discouragement and find new purpose and meaning in our lives. Serving God can transform our attitudes, thoughts, and actions, leading to a life of gratitude and thanksgiving. As we serve God with all our heart, we can also be a source of uplift to others, sharing the love and hope of Christ with those around us.
Sustain- as followers of Christ, it is important that we strive to serve Him in all our ways, including how we interact with those who are different from us. We are called to love our neighbors as ourselves and to treat others with the same grace and compassion that God has shown us. This means that we should not discriminate against or look down upon those who are different from us, whether it be in terms of race, gender, socioeconomic status, or any other factor. Instead, we should uplift and encourage them, recognizing that they too are beloved children of God.
One way to uplift others is through our words and actions. We can choose to speak words of kindness and encouragement, rather than criticism or judgment. We can also show compassion and empathy by listening to others and seeking to understand their experiences and perspectives. Additionally, we can actively seek to create a welcoming and inclusive community, where all are valued and accepted for who they are. By serving God in this way, we can help to build a world that is marked by love, unity, and respect for all people.
In conclusion, serving God with all our heart is not just a duty or obligation; it is a privilege and an honor. When we serve God with all our heart, we can experience the fullness of His love and grace, and we can grow in our faith and spiritual maturity. By engaging in RAS, acknowledging God's majesty and glory, and finding uplift in serving Him, we can live a life that brings glory to God and blesses others. So let us serve Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, and let us give Him all the glory and honor that He deserves.
The Hope of Glory: God's Building In Us To Become Closer To His Spirit (OEW)
Obeying-? God is an essential aspect of the Christian faith. It involves following God's will and commands, as revealed in the Bible. The Bible tells us that obedience is better than sacrifice, and those who obey God will receive blessings and favor from Him. In John 14:15, Jesus tells his disciples, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." This means that obedience to God is a natural outworking of our love for Him.
Co-working with God involves actively participating in His plans and purposes. This includes using our gifts and talents to serve Him and others, sharing the gospel message, and working to make a positive impact in the world. In 1 Corinthians 3:9, Paul tells us that we are co-workers with God, "For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building." This means that we are not passive observers in God's work, but active participants. We have a role to play in bringing about His will on earth.
Experience- When we obey God and co-work with Him, we experience the blessings and fulfillment that come from being in alignment with His will. We also grow in our relationship with Him and deepen our understanding of His character and purposes. In Psalm 119:2, the psalmist declares, "Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart." This shows that obedience and seeking God with our whole heart go hand in hand. When we commit to obeying God and seeking Him with all our heart, we position ourselves to receive the blessings He has in store for us.
However, obeying God and co-working with Him is not always easy. We may encounter obstacles and challenges along the way. We may be tempted to prioritize our own desires over God's will, or we may struggle with doubt and fear. In these moments, we must remember that God is faithful and that He will equip us with everything we need to obey Him and co-work with Him. In Philippians 2:13, Paul reminds us that it is God who works in us to will and to act according to His good purpose.
Walk- refers to our walk with Christ, it is important to not only focus on our own spiritual growth and development, but also to empower and encourage others in their own journey. This means being intentional about creating opportunities for others to exercise their spiritual gifts and talents, providing resources and support when needed, and speaking words of affirmation and encouragement. When we empower others in their walk, we not only strengthen their faith and confidence, but we also create a community of believers who are united in their pursuit of God.
However, this does not mean that we should enable or condone sinful behavior.
Instead, we should hold each other accountable and lovingly correct and guide one another when necessary. Our goal should always be to glorify God and honor His will, and we can do this by obeying His commands and co-working with all our soul. As we strive to obey Him, we will find that our hearts are filled with joy and peace, and we will become more effective in our service to Him. By partnering with Him in all things, we can experience the victory that comes from His grace and be a source of empowerment for those around us.
?This means that when we surrender our will to His and rely on His strength and guidance, we can overcome any obstacle and fulfill His plans for our lives. In conclusion, obeying God and co-working with Him is an essential part of the Christian life. It involves following His commands and actively participating in His plans and purposes. When we obey Him and seek Him with all our heart, we experience the blessings and fulfillment that come from being in alignment with His will. Though it may not always be easy, we can trust in God's faithfulness and provision to guide us every step of the way.
The Hope of Glory: Spiritual Growth Just “Watch What God Does” To Become Closer To His Mind (WWGD)
In the context of our spiritual journey, the Thymus represents our ability to witness and share our faith with others. As believers, it is our duty to spread the message of God's love and grace to those around us, inspiring them to join us on the path to salvation.Instead of displeasing others by forcing our beliefs on them or judging them for their choices, we must strive to inspire them through our own actions and words. We can do this by living a life that reflects the love and grace of God, showing kindness and compassion to those around us, and sharing our own stories of how our faith has impacted our lives. By doing so, we can inspire others to seek out the same joy, peace, and fulfillment that we have found in our relationship with God.
Furthermore, we can also use our minds to inspire others through education and knowledge-sharing. We can deepen our understanding of our faith and the Bible, and use this knowledge to help others understand and appreciate the teachings of Christianity. We can also engage in thoughtful discussions and debates with others, sharing our perspectives and listening to theirs, always with the goal of inspiring and uplifting rather than demeaning or belittling. By co-working with God and using our minds to spread His message of love and grace, we can bring glory to His name and inspire others to join us on the path to salvation.
The concept of "co-working" with God emphasizes the importance of working together with God to accomplish His will. This involves submitting ourselves to His guidance and direction and actively participating in His plan for our lives. One of the primary ways we can co-work with God is through the power of prayer. By spending time in prayer and seeking God's guidance, we can align our desires with His and work together to accomplish His purposes.
Another important aspect of co-working with God is through obedience to His commands. Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commands" (John 14:15). By obeying God's commands, we show our love and devotion to Him and demonstrate our willingness to follow His plan for our lives. This obedience also allows us to experience the blessings and benefits that come from living in accordance with His will. Ultimately, co-working with God requires a willingness to surrender our own desires and submit to His will, trusting that He has our best interests in mind.
The act of witnessing with all our mind involves sharing the message of the gospel with others in a way that is clear, compelling, and relevant.?
This requires not only a solid understanding of the gospel message but also an ability to communicate it effectively to others. One way we can witness with all our mind is by cultivating a deep understanding of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus. This involves reading and studying the scriptures regularly, attending Bible studies and seminars, and seeking guidance from pastors and other spiritual leaders.
The Thymus is an important organ in the immune system that plays a critical role in the development and maturation of T cells, which are crucial for the body's defense against infection and disease. In a similar way, we are called to co-work with God in our witness to others, sharing the message of grace and salvation with all those around us. This requires not only a willingness to speak up and share our faith, but also a commitment to living a life that reflects the love and grace of Christ in all that we do. We must strive to be examples of what it means to follow Christ, serving others with humility and compassion, and always seeking to bring glory to His name.
In our co-working with God, we are also called to use all of our mental faculties to the best of our ability, sharing the gospel message with clarity and coherence. This requires a commitment to learning and growing in our faith, studying the Word of God and seeking to understand it in a deeper way. As we do so, we will be better equipped to share the truth with others and to defend our beliefs against those who would seek to discredit or undermine them. We must also be willing to listen to others and to engage in meaningful dialogue, seeking to understand their perspectives and to respond with grace and wisdom. By doing so, we can inspire others to seek out the truth for themselves and to join us in the pursuit of a deeper relationship with God.
In addition to developing our knowledge of the gospel, we must also strive to understand the needs and perspectives of those we are trying to reach. This involves listening to others, being empathetic and compassionate, and finding ways to connect with them on a personal level. By doing so, we can build meaningful relationships and share the message of Christ's love and redemption in a way that is relevant and impactful. Ultimately, witnessing with all our mind requires a combination of knowledge, compassion, and communication skills, all grounded in a deep faith in Jesus Christ.
Become Closer To His Understanding: WWGD Model by Him in ALL WAYS & THINGS by righteousness, holiness and love?
As co-heirs with Christ, we are called to represent His Kingdom in all that we do. This includes using all of our strength, might, and understanding to show the love and grace of Christ to the world. It means living a life that is characterized by righteousness, holiness, and love that is pleasing to God and brings glory to His name. It means taking up our cross daily and following Him, serving others as He did and spreading the Good News of His salvation to all who will hear.
When we choose to love others with agape love, we are reflecting the love of God. Agape love is selfless and sacrificial, seeking the well-being and benefit of others above our own. When we love others with agape love, we are not looking to gain something from them or manipulate them for our own purposes. Instead, we are choosing to love them unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. This kind of love is powerful and transformative, and it has the ability to change not only our own lives but also the lives of those around us.
In addition to agape love, there are other types of love that we can express towards others. Eros love is a passionate and romantic love, often expressed in intimate relationships. Phileo love is a friendship love, characterized by affection and loyalty. Storge love is a familial love, between family members. While these types of love may be more specific in their expression, they can still be used to love others with the same selflessness and sacrificial spirit as agape love. As co-heirs with Christ, we are called to represent His Kingdom in the way we love others, with all our strength, might, and understanding.
In doing so, we must be careful not to bring reproach upon His name. We must be mindful of our words and actions, and seek to live in a way that is consistent with His character. This means living a life of love, which includes all of the implications of agape, eros, phileo, and storge. Agape love is the unconditional love of God, which we are called to emulate in our own lives. Eros love is the passionate love between two people, which can be used in the context of our relationship with God as a metaphor for the passion and desire we should have for Him. Phileo love is the love between friends, which can also be used to describe our relationship with God as a friend and companion. Storge love is the love between family members, which can be used to describe the familial relationship we have with God as our Heavenly Father.
As co-heirs with Christ, we have been given a great responsibility to represent Him and His Kingdom to the world. This is not something that we can do on our own, but only by the power of the Holy Spirit working in us. We must co-labor with Him in all that we do, seeking His guidance and direction in every decision we make. This requires a deep level of surrender and trust, as we must be willing to lay down our own desires and submit to His will.
We must also be willing to be bold and courageous in our witness for Christ. This may mean stepping out of our comfort zone and sharing the Gospel with those who may not want to hear it. It may mean standing up for what is right in the face of opposition, even if it means facing ridicule or persecution. We must remember that we are not alone in this task, but are co-laborers with Christ Himself. He has promised to be with us always, even to the end of the age.
In all that we do, we must remember that our ultimate goal is to bring glory to His name. We are not seeking to promote ourselves or our own agenda, but to serve Him and His Kingdom. We must seek to do everything with excellence, using all of our strength, might, and understanding to represent Him well. May we be faithful co-heirs with Christ, representing His Kingdom with all that we are and all that we have.
Become Closer To His Might: WWGD Model by Him in ALL THINGS by righteousness, holiness and love?
One important aspect of this model is the focus on empowering and uplifting others. Instead of bringing others down or discouraging them, the RAS-ARAS-RAS approach seeks to inspire and motivate them. This is done through acts of service, encouragement, and support, as well as through leading by example and demonstrating the power of God's grace in our own lives. By empowering and uplifting others, we can help them to see the glory of God at work in their own lives, and inspire them to live out their faith in a meaningful way.
Another key aspect of the RAS-ARAS-RAS model is surrender and reliance on God's grace. This involves acknowledging our own limitations and weaknesses, and recognizing that we cannot achieve spiritual growth or overcome sin on our own. Instead, we must rely on the power of God's grace to guide us and transform us from the inside out. This surrender involves a willingness to let go of our own desires and plans, and to trust in God's plan for our lives. By surrendering to God in this way, we open ourselves up to the transformative power of His grace, and allow Him to work in and through us to accomplish His purposes.
Finally, the RAS-ARAS-RAS model emphasizes perseverance and the power to overcome sin. This involves recognizing that spiritual growth is a journey, and that we will face challenges and obstacles along the way. However, with the help of God's grace and through the support of fellow believers, we can overcome these obstacles and grow stronger in our faith. This perseverance involves a willingness to keep moving forward, even when the path ahead seems difficult or uncertain. By trusting in God's power and relying on the support of others, we can continue to grow and develop in our faith, and ultimately reach the goal of glory Him in all things and ways.
RAS-ARAS-RAS can be understood as a process of transformation, whereby the believer is gradually conformed to the image of Christ and begins to reflect His glory. This process begins with salvation, which is the first step in the journey towards RAS-ARAS-RAS. Through faith in Christ, the believer is forgiven of their sins and reconciled to God, and the Holy Spirit begins to work in their life to bring about transformation.
The process of RAS-ARAS-RAS model is not something that happens overnight but is a lifelong journey of growth and maturation in the faith. It involves a continual surrender of one's will to God and a reliance on His grace and power to overcome sin and live a life pleasing to Him. This process is characterized by perseverance, as the believer faces trials and challenges along the way but continues to press on towards the goal of RAS-ARAS-RAS.
As the believer grows in their faith and begins to reflect the glory of Christ, they also become a vessel for God's glory to shine through them to the world around them. This is seen through acts of love, kindness, and compassion towards others, as well as through a life of holiness and devotion to God. The ultimate goal of RAS-ARAS-RAS model is to bring glory to God in all things and to see His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In summary, RAS-ARAS-RAS model is a concept that emphasizes the ongoing work of God's glory in the lives of believers. It is a process of transformation that begins with salvation and continues throughout the believer's life.?
Ultimately, the goal of RAS-ARAS-RAS is to bring glory to God in all things and to see His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.? RAS-ARAS-RAS is a term used to describe the process of experiencing God's glory and goodness in all aspects of life. RAS stands for Receive, Align, and Shine, while ARAS stands for Abide, Rest, Abound, and Surrender. When we follow these steps, we are able to fully experience the glory of God in our lives and bring glory to Him in all things: ?greatness, magnificence, and splendor.
Become Closer To His Strength: WWGD Model by Him in ALL WAYS by righteousness, holiness and love?
The Helper, The Spirit of Power
Abide, where we rest in God's presence and allow Him to fill us with His peace and joy. This step involves spending time in prayer and meditation, soaking in God's presence, and allowing His love to transform us from the inside out. As we abide in Him, we are filled with His power and strength to live the life He has called us to.
Anew, is all about accepting the gift of God's grace and love. We must acknowledge our need for a savior and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Through faith, we can receive God's grace and forgiveness, and we are made new in Him. This step is critical because it is the foundation of our relationship with God and sets the stage for everything that follows.
The Intercessor, the Spirit of Love
Rest is closely related to Abide, where we find rest in God's promises and trust in His faithfulness. This step involves letting go of our worries and fears and trusting that God is in control. When we rest in Him, we can experience His peace and find the strength we need to face whatever challenges come our way.
Shine, where we shine the light of God's love and goodness to the world around us. We are called to be salt and light, bringing hope and healing to a broken world. Through our words and actions, we can point others to Christ and bring glory to God in all things. When we shine the light of God's love, we are fulfilling our purpose as His ambassadors on earth.?
The Strengthener, The Spirit of Soundness of? Mind
Align, where we align our hearts and minds with God's will. We must surrender our own desires and ambitions and seek to follow God's plan for our lives. This step involves prayer, reading the Bible, and listening to the Holy Spirit's guidance. As we align ourselves with God, we begin to see the world through His eyes, and we can discern His will for our lives.
Abound involves living a life of abundance in Christ. We are called to live with purpose and passion, using our gifts and talents to bring glory to God and make a difference in the world. When we abound in Christ, we are able to experience the fullness of life He has for us and bring Him glory in all things.
The Guider- The Spirit of Strength
The Counselor- The Spirit of Might
The Teacher- The Spirit of Understanding?
Surrender, where we surrender our will to God's will and allow Him to guide us in all things. This step involves humility and a willingness to let go of our own desires and ambitions. As we surrender to God, we are able to experience His love and goodness in ways we never thought possible.??
?Receiving, His grace, aligning our hearts with His will, and shining His light to the world around us, we are able to live a life of purpose and meaning. As we abide in Him, find rest in His promises, and abound in His love, we can experience the fullness of life He has for us. And when we surrender our will to His, we can bring glory to Him in all things.? In conclusion, RAS-ARAS-RAS X 3 model is a powerful process for experiencing the glory of God in all things. “And all who have this eager expectation will keep themselves pure, just as he is pure.”? 1 John 3:3
Spiritual-Growth Neuropedagogy
Neuropedagogy is a relatively new field that focuses on the intersection of neuroscience and education. It aims to understand how the brain learns and how this knowledge can be applied in the classroom to improve teaching and learning. One key aspect of neuropedagogy is the recognition of individual strengths and the use of these strengths to empower and uplift learners. Neuropedagogy offers a new approach to education that focuses on identifying and building on individual strengths rather than weaknesses. By providing positive feedback and encouragement, supporting emotional well-being, and empowering learners to use their talents, teachers can create a positive and empowering learning environment that supports academic success and personal growth.
The concept of spiritual neuropedagogy of mercy upon grace, is a powerful framework for understanding the interplay between spiritual growth and personal development. At the core of this model is the idea that mercy is the foundation of all spiritual growth. God's mercy is what allows us to receive grace, which in turn empowers us to achieve victory in our lives. As we experience victory, our faith is strengthened, which leads to a greater appreciation for God's majesty and power.?
This, in turn, gives us hope for the future and a sense of glory in all things. We must be willing to actively seek out and embrace God's mercy, grace, and victory, and to put our faith into action through works of love and service.? In addition, this framework highlights the importance of community and support in our spiritual journeys. We need the encouragement and accountability of others as we strive to grow in our relationship with God and become the people He created us to be. Overall, the spiritual neuropedagogy of mercy upon grace provides a powerful and holistic approach to spiritual growth and personal development. By embracing the mercy and grace of God, and actively working to cultivate faith, hope, and glory, we can experience transformative growth in every area of our lives.?
[Please note by incorporating these teachings and spiritual growth practices into our daily lives and seeking to live out our faith in all that we do, we can cultivate a deep sense of inner strength and resilience that can help us overcome even the most challenging circumstances. But, the information provided here is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for any medical concerns or questions. While the information shared may be helpful, it is not intended to replace the expertise and judgment of healthcare providers. If you are experiencing a medical emergency or have serious health concerns, seek immediate medical attention from a qualified healthcare provider.]