No cooking, no groceries, no workouts, and our client still lost 40 lbs within 12 weeks
Zoltán Ecsedi
?From Minimum Wager to 6 Figure Fitness Coach ?Now Scaling Online Fitness Coaches to $30k/mo ?FREE TRAINING Bellow ??
Quick info before you start reading! If you are interested you can apply for a Free Fat Burn Boosting call with us where we can personalize the same process we used with Mark around your situation:
Also, see the full client interview with Mark after he finished the 12 weeks with us at the end of this article!
Mark is a busy software engineer who struggled with his weight all throughout his 20s because no matter how hard he tried he could never find a routine that was effective and also fit his time schedule and lifestyle.
By the time he hit 30, he weighed over 220 lbs and to put it lightly “he felt that the clock was ticking for him”. The older you get the higher the probability of developing health issues and the more difficult it gets to lose weight and acquire healthier habits. He knew this very well.
He got to the point where he tried everything in the book: gyms, nutritionists, online courses, and YouTube coaches (we call them scammers at Ecsedi Weight Loss) but non of them worked for the following reasons:
Let’s just say that the amazing “quick to prepare” healthy meals that can be found on the internet didn’t work for him. The reason is that with these approaches “quick” means daily cooking or long meal preparation sessions putting your food into little boxes only to eat refrigerated chicken breast and salads all week.
Mark simply just didn’t have the time or energy to cook and slave his life away in grocery shops which is why after a few weeks of doing his best to follow these structures he went back to good old DoorDash with the same feeling of disappointment.?
2. His taste in food:
Mark is a classic guy. He loves his burgers, bread, rice, sweets, and fast food from time to time. It’s quite obvious that regular Keto, Intermittent Fasting, Carnivore, Carb cycling, and all the other bullshit methods that fitness influencers poisoned people’s minds with in the past few years didn’t work. After trying all of these out Mark started thinking that maybe he is the issue.
3. Motivation:
This is the biggest difficulty for most people and it was also the one for Mark. Let’s be honest health and fitness is not rocket science. It’s 20% information and 80% execution so any advertisement that comes up with this crazy new diet is ridiculous to me because there are already a million diets that work the problem is actually sticking to it. Mark always lost motivation after a few weeks of starting a new diet because of the time and energy investment and not because the diet wouldn’t have worked.
Slowly he started losing hope…
By some kind of miracle though we reached out to him right on the verge of giving up and after a short conversation he signed up for one of our Free Fat Burn Boosting Calls. He was lucky as we only have spaces for a few of these each month sometimes non at all.
On the call, we introduced him to our revolutionary coaching method which we named the “Done For You” dieting system.
He joined our program in the blink of an eye saying “I wasted my 20s trying to figure this out I don’t want to waste my 30s too”
The results speak for themselves! He lost 40 lbs in only 12 weeks, he feels lighter, healthier, and 100x more confident. What had only been a dream before became reality. The best part is though that he did that without a single visit to the grocery shop, not touching the kitchen once and not working out at all.?
I know you are thinking “How is that possible” so let me explain!
Here is how our “Done For You” dieting system works:
I mean have you ever thought about how professional fighters or famous actors lose weight and, stay fit? Do you think that it’s because of a “special diet” they are following? Obviously not. It’s because they don’t need to do anything whatsoever! All of their meals are prepared by a private chef. Waiting for your food to be ready and then eating it doesn’t sound too difficult, does it? Probably even you would be able to lose weight like that right?
Well as former professional fighters that is exactly what we do for our clients and this is what we did for Mark.?
We looked at his situation, figured out what he needs to eat in order to get to his goals, and fit his diet to his taste in food. From there we looked up different meal delivery services, grocery delivery services, and restaurants and we ordered his meals for him every single week. The price of the meals was included in the price of the coaching of course. From there just like if he was a professional athlete we held him accountable 24/7 every day for the duration of the 12 weeks and made sure that if he has any requests we deliver.
The whole diet was basically “done for him”. It was planned, personalized based on his taste and goals, and even ordered by us. All he had to do is eat the food that came every day. No need to go to the groceries, no need to figure out what he needs to eat, no need to touch the kitchen or even log in to a delivery service and order himself. It’s basically like having a personal chef like a professional athlete just for everyday busy people.
We are the only health and fitness coaches who offer this level of service and support on the market today which is why we were able to help a 100+ Software Engineers, IT Consultants, Managers, and CEOs since we decided to share our knowledge that we acquired from 10 years of being professional combat athletes.
I hope that after reading the story of Mark you have clarity on why the cookie cut and “quick fix” type methods didn’t work for you. Our coaching is not for people who are not serious about change. We don’t want to work with people who are still on the level of watching youtube videos, going to in-person trainers, or paying for fitness courses that don’t work.?
On the other hand, if Mark’s story motivated you and you would like to finally stop with time-wasting I have good news for you.
Partly why we wrote this article is because we recently opened up our application process for our free Fat Burn Boosting Calls for next month (you know the one Mark applied to) and most of the applications are already pre-booked however there are still a few spaces.
If you are interested in how we could help you in a similar way to how we helped Mark you can apply for the free call here:
On this call, we are going to break down your current dieting habits, see what your goals are, and personalize a “Done For You” diet around you. Looking forward to seeing you there and until then stay tuned for our next article!
P.S. Here is the full client interview with Mark after he finished the 12 weeks with us: