Cookies, privacy and cybersecurity
Michael Johnson
Global Executive, Global Chief Information Officer CIO, Chief Security Officer CISO, Corporate Leader
Cookies are used to keep track of your actions on-site while browsing on the internet. It is, small text files that have ID tags and stored on a user’s computer by the browser. It is very helpful because it allows resuming your browsing from where you left. It also remembers your login and other customized functions. Cookies do not contain huge information. There are two types of cookies; session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies store your browsing information temporarily and the session is deleted when you leave the website. While persistent cookies remain in browser history and activated again when you visit the same website again. It is deleted after a certain time limit you set on your computer.
Unfortunately, the unique intent of the cookie has been sabotaged due to some dishonest individuals who found this procedure to track your movements across the web. Cookies affect the privacy of users a lot. For example, if you purchase something from an online store, it has your name, address, phone number, and other necessary information. This store may sell your personal information to another website of the same category. They can track you easily not only your purchases, but also several ads you click. After this, if you purchase something and enter your personal information, the website knows you more than a traditional mail-order company does. This makes customers uncomfortable. But every site has its privacy policies. Another issue is double click on the link. Many sites activates cookies when you double click on the link. Then they track your every movement on-site and also what you search on search engines. They gather all your information and sell user data.
Other than tracking and storage capability, many fraudsters and cyber-attackers use the same cookies to get personal information and use it for cybercrimes. But due to the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation law, websites must introduce disclaimer boxes to inform the web user about cookies. Users will decide what kind of information this site can store. It helps to reduce the mishandling of data.
To prevent our data from malevolent activities, it is important to follow these steps after browsing:
· Delete the entire browsing history because it is difficult to check one by one what cookies have stored
· Install plugins and extension to avoid ads and tracking
· In modern browsers, not to track option is available
· Make sure that anti-malware software installed on your computer because it helps to prevent you from malicious cookies
· If you are not sure about the legitimacy of the website then do not accept cookies and leave the website.