Convoy For A Cure
Jacqueline Lavely (Astor)
As it appeared in the iHeartIowa blog.
West side Transport employees raised over $30,000 to purchase a semi-trailer to raise money for local Cancer organizations in the area.? The trailer, referred to as Convoy For A Cure hauls freight to raise money for non-profit group’s fighting cancer.? Once the trailer reaches $10,000 in profit a committee of employee’s is formed and enlist to find potential applicants to receive the donation.? Cancer organizations like Gems of Hope, The American Cancer Society’s Hope Lodge, Beat Cancer Today, to name a few previous applicants, apply, and the committee votes on who will be the next recipient.? The first recipient of the $10,000 donation awarded last August was Gems of Hope. Gems of Hope’s main mission is to provide hope to cancer patients through many means.? They host workshops where volunteers create cards and jewelry to be given to patients.? They have gorgeous daffodil bouquets as part of a fundraiser they do, where you can purchase daffodils for affected families.? They have a scholarship program for children affected by Cancer and multiple website resources for families.? This first recipient was truly an incredible choice in terms of its local impact.? To learn more about Gems of Hope click the link.? Plans are in the works to announce the second recipient later this spring.? The idea is to have a new non-profit group represented each year the donation is offered, to spread the share of contributions amongst many of the area’s cancer organizations. New applicants are most welcome to participate and re-apply each year if not selected.? Last year I spotted the trailer, in Cedar Rapids at the Especially For You Walk for Breast Cancer.? The trailer is brilliantly colored in various cancer ribbons. Iconic and easily recognizable, the trailer will help spread Cancer awareness. Westside Transport has a website dedicated to Convoy For A Cure, where additional donations can be made, an idea to grow the program.? Cancer is a disease most everyone knows, or experiences in their life, so the impact this program has on the community is enormous.? This program was created with everyone’s loved ones in mind from the families suffering while a family member is battling cancer to the patients themselves.? We are all united in the struggle to find a cure. Organizations like Westside coming together to make this happen, a cure is possible, and lives are changed forever.