Convolutional Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Guide
Exploring the power of CNNs in image analysis

Convolutional Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Guide Exploring the power of CNNs in image analysis

Convolutional Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Guide

Exploring the power of CNNs in image analysis

Table of contents

  1. What are Convolutional Neural Networks?
  2. Convolutional layers
  3. Channels
  4. Stride
  5. Padding
  6. Pooling Layers
  7. Flattening layers
  8. Activation functions in CNNs

Convolutional Neural Networks,

Commonly referred to as CNNs are a specialized type of neural network designed to process and classify images.

If you are new to this field you might be thinking how is it possible to classify an image?

Well… images are also numbers!

Digital images are essentially grids of tiny units called pixels. Each pixel represents the smallest unit of an image and holds information about the color and intensity at that particular point.

Typically, each pixel is composed of three values corresponding to the red, green, and blue (RGB) color channels. These values determine the color and intensity of that pixel.

You can use the following tool to understand better how the RGB vector is formed:

In contrast, in a grayscale image, each pixel carries a single value that represents the intensity of light at that point.

Usually ranging from black (0) to white (255).

How do CNNs work?

To understand how a CNN functions let′s recap some of the basic concepts about Neural Networks.

(If you are reading this post I am assuming that you are familiar with basic neural networks. If that′s not the case I strongly recommend you to read this article).

1.- Neurons: The most basic unit in a neural network. They are composed of a sum of linear functions and a non-linear function known as the activation function is applied to th


2.- Input layer: Each neuron in the input layer corresponds to one of the input features.

For instance, in an image classification task where the input is a 28 x 28-pixel image, the input layer would have 784 neurons (one for each pixel).

3.- Hidden Layer: The layers between the input and the output layer. Each neuron in this layer is summed by the result of the neurons in the previous layers and multiplied by a non-linear function.

4.- Output Layer: The number of neurons in the output layer corresponds to the number of output classes (In case we are facing a regression problem the output layer will only have one neuron).

For example, in a classification task with digits from 0 to 9, the output layer would have 10 ne

Once a prediction is made, a loss is calculated and the network enters a self-improvement iterative process through which the weights are adjusted with backpropagation to reduce this error.

Now we are ready to understand convolutional neural networks!

The first question we should ask ourselves:

  • What makes a CNN different from a basic neural network?

Convolutional layers

They are the fundamental building blocks of CNNs. These layers perform a critical mathematical operation known as convolution.

This process entails the application of specialized filters known as kernels, that traverse through the input image to learn complex visual patterns.

Kernels They are essentially small matrices of numbers. These filters move across the image performing element-wise multiplication with the part of the image they cover, extracting features such as edges, textures, and shapes.

In the figure above, visualize the input as an image transformed into pixels.

We multiply each term of the image by a 3 × 3 matrix (this shape can vary) and pass it into an output matrix.

There are various methods to decide the digits inside the kernel. This will depend on the effect you want to achieve such as detecting edges, blurring, sharpening…

But what are we doing exactly?

Let′s take a deeper look at it.

Convolution Operation The convolution operation involves multiplying the kernel values by the original pixel values of the image and then summing up the results.

This is a basic example with a 2 × 2 kern


We start in the left corner of the input:

  • (0 × 0) + (1 × 1) + (3 × 2) + (4 × 3) = 19

Then we slice one pixel to the right and perform the same operation:

  • (1 × 0) + (2 × 1) + (4 × 2) + (5 × 3 ) = 25

After we completed the first row we move one pixel down and start again from the left:

  • (3 × 0) + (4 × 1) + (6 × 2) + (7 × 3) = 37

Finally, we again slice one pixel to the right:

  • (4 × 0) + (5 × 1) + (7 × 2) + (8 × 3) = 43

The output matrix of this process is known as the Feature map.

Perfect, now we understand how this operation works! But…

Why is it so useful? We are just multiplying and adding pixels, how can we extract image features doing this?

For now, I won′t be diving deeper into the convolution operation because I don′t consider it to be pivotal for understanding Conv. nets in the beginning.

However, if you are very curious I will leave you what I believe to be the best public answer to that question:

That′s it, you′ve understood the most fundamental concept behind CNNs, Convolutional Layers!

At this point, you may be having a bunch of doubts (at least I had them).

I mean, we understand how a convolution works, but:

  • Kernels always traverse through the image matrix one pixel at a time?
  • What happens with the pixels in the corners, we are only passing over them one time, what if they have an important feature?
  • And what about RGB images? We stated that they are represented in 3 dimensions, how does the kernel traverse over them?

These are a lot of questions but don′t worry, all of them have an easy answer.

We’ll start by understanding three essential components inside convolutional layers:

  1. Channels
  2. Stride
  3. Padding

1.- Channels

As I explained before, digital images are often composed of three channels (RGB) which are represented in three different matrices.

For an RGB image, there are typically separate kernels for each color channel because different features might be more visible or relevant in one channel compared to the others.

  • Depth of the layer

The ‘depth’ of a layer refers to the number of kernels it contains. Each filter produces a separate feature map, and the collection of these feature maps forms the complete output of the layer.

The output normally has multiple channels, where each channel is a feature map corresponding to a particular kernel.

In the case of RGB, we typically use one channel for each of the 3 matrices, but we can add as many as we want.

For example, let′s say that you have a gray-scale image of a cat, you could create a channel specialized in detecting the ears and another in the mout

This image illustrates the concept quite well, think of each layer in the convolution as a feature map with a different kernel (don′t worry about the pooling part for now, we`ll break it down in a minute).

?? BE CAREFUL with misunderstanding the channels in the convolution layer with the color channels in the image. That was a representative example to understand the concept but you can add as many channels as you want.

2.- Stride

We have discussed that in a convolution a kernel moves through the pixels of an image, but we haven′t talked about the different ways in which it can do it.

Stride refers to the number of pixels by which a kernel moves across the input image.

The example we saw before had a stride of 1, but this can change.

Let′s see a visual representation:

  • Stride = 1

  • Stride = 2

A stride of 2 not only changes the way the convolution iterates over the input size but also the output by making it smaller (2 × 2).

Taking this into account we can conclude that:

A larger stride will produce smaller output dimensions (as it covers the input image faster), whereas a smaller stride results in a larger output dimension.
But why would we want to change the stride?

Increasing the stride will allow the filter to cover a larger area of the input image, which can be useful for capturing more global features.

In contrast, lowering the stride will capture finer and more local details.

In addition, increasing the stride will control overfitting and reduce computational efficiency as it will reduce the spatial dimensions of the feature map.

3.- Padding

Padding refers to the addition of extra pixels around the edge of the input image.

When you focus on the pixels in the image’s edges, you’ll notice that we traverse them fewer times compared to those positioned in the center.

The purpose of padding is to adjust the spatial size of the output of a convolutional operation and to preserve spatial information at the borders.

Let′s see another example with the CNN explainer

  • Padding = 0 (focus on the edges and count how many times the kernel is passing through them)

  • Padding = 1

Now we are passing more times through the pixels in the edges and getting more information about them.

In which cases do you want to apply padding?

Mainly when the edges of the image contain useful information that you want to capture.

You can increase the padding up to the kernel size you are using.
And how does it affect the output field?

Padding increases the size of the output feature map. If you increase the padding while keeping the kernel size and stride constant, the convolution operation has more “room” to take place, resulting in a larger output.

The output size of a convolutional layer can be calculated using the following formula:


  • “2 × Padding” accounts for padding applied to both the left and right sides (or top and bottom sides) of the input.
  • “+ 1” accounts for the initial position of the filter, which starts at the beginning of the padded input.

?? This is a visual explanation of Padding but at a practical level, it doesn′t have to be always the same on all sides of the image.

If you have reached this point now you can officially say that you know how Convolutional Layers work!

Nevertheless, this is not the end of the journey…

There is a common misconception among beginners that Conv. layers are Convolutional Neural Networks.

Well, convolutional layers are an essential component, but as its name indicates, they are a LAYER inside CNNs.

We have comprehended the most important part of CNNs, but there are still two other special types of layers that we have to understand:

  • Pooling Layers
  • Flattening Layers

Pooling Layers

Before explaining how these layers work it′s crucial to have this clear:

Although Convolutional Layers can decrease the output size, their principal objective is not DIMENSIONALITY REDUCTION.

In fact, in most cases we are not reducing the dimensions of our data because we are creating new channels that weren′t there before, so even if our feature map dimensions are smaller, we have more of them.

Take a look at this example, here we might be reducing a bit our feature map in each Convolutional Layer but we are creating much more channels.

What about the subsampling layers?

Those are pooling layers and its main objective is indeed dimensionality reduction!

How Pooling Layers Work

Imagine you have a large image and want to make it smaller but keep all the important features like edges and colors.

The pooling layer operates independently on every depth slice of the input. It resizes it spatially, using the Max or Average of the values in a window slid over the input da


In this example, we have reduced the feature map from (4 × 4) to (2 × 2).

What is the difference between pooling and the convolution operation?

In pooling, we are not applying any kernel to the input data, we are just simplifying the information with a math operation (Max or Avg).

What about the channels, pooling also reduces the number of channels?

You must understand this:


Let′s see another example, channels can be a bit complex to visualize at first and I want to ensure that you understand correctly how they work.

This is a good representation, here you can see how each pooling layer is reducing the dimensions of the spatial space but it's not reducing the number of channels.

The number of channels is not reduced until the end of the architecture.

With Convolutional and Pooling layers we CAN′T reduce the number of channels, just add more to the existing ones.
So why and how do we combine all these channels?

After convolutional and pooling layers have extracted relevant features from the input image we have to turn this high-dimensional feature map into a format suitable for feeding into fully connected layers.

Here′s where flattening layers come into action!

Flattening layers

Imagine you have a grid of data (like pixels in a feature map), and you want to line up all of these grid points in a single, long line.

That’s what flattening does. It takes the entire feature map and reorganizes it into a single, long vector.

?? Although flattening changes the shape of the data, it does not make any changes to the actual information.

  • Why do we need flattening layers?

Integration of features By flattening the feature maps into a vector, the network can integrate the spatially distributed features extracted for tasks such as classification.

Compatibility with Dense Layers Fully connected layers (dense layers) are designed to operate on 1-dimensional data, hence, flattening is a necessary step to transition from the multidimensional tensors produced by convolutional layers to the format required for dense layers.

This leads us to our next question:

Why do we need Dense Layers in CNNs?

While convolutional layers are good at detecting features in input data, dense layers are essential for integrating these features into predictions.

For example, if we design a convolutional neural network for facial recognition, early layers might detect edges and textures, while dense layers might interpret these to recognize specific facial features.

Without dense layers, CNNs would not be able to perform the high-level tasks that are often required, such as classifying images, detecting objects, or making predictions based on visual inputs.

CNN recap

Up to this point, we have revised the whole CNN structure:

  • Convolutional Layers
  • Pooling layers
  • Flattening layers
  • Dense layers

With the fundamental concepts of channels, stride, and pooling.

We could say that we have joined all the pieces of the puzzle!

Or maybe not… what about activation functions and backpropagation?

Backpropagation functions similarly in feed-forward neural networks but with some special adjustments. I won′t focus much on its technical details.

You can check out this very interesting article to know more about it!

Convolutions and Backpropagations

Ever since AlexNet won the ImageNet competition in 2012, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have become ubiquitous…

If you know nothing about Backpropagation you can start by taking a look at my publication:


From Mystery to Mastery: Decoding the engine behind Neural Networks.

However, I will certainly take a look at activation functions.

Activation functions in Convolutional Neural Networks

As you may know activation functions are indispensable, otherwise, we would be creating a very large linear model.

As in simple neural networks, we also need these non-linear terms in ConvNets. However, not all the layers we have seen have an activation function.

Let's use an image as a reference to visualize this. Now you should understand the representation without any problem! Just one little thing…

The first two pooling layers are not shown in this diagram, this is another way of visualizing CNNs, it doesn′t mean that they are not there, just imagine a filter between each layer that makes them smaller.

In the feature extraction part, the activations will be in the convolutional layers. The process is quite straightforward, after each convolution operation you multiply the result by an activation function.

The pooling and flattening layers DON′T have an activation function.

As we explained before the main function of pooling layers is dimensionality reduction and the main purpose of flattening layers is restructuring the data into a 1D vector.

We don′t need to include non-linearities for doing that. Nevertheless, we do need activation functions for extracting complex features (we won′t be able to capture relevant characteristics of an image with only a linear function).

In the classification part, all the fully connected layers and the output layer will have an activation function, as in simple neural nets.

Here we also need an activation function because we are using the features extracted to make a classification or a prediction, and the algorithm has to learn complex interactions (as a simple neural network would do).

Activations — Convolutional and dense layers

ReLU: is the most common activation function. It outputs the input directly if it is positive, otherwise, it outputs zero. It has the benefit of reducing training time and mitigating the vanishing gradient problem.

Leaky ReLU: A variation of ReLU that allows a small, non-zero gradient when the unit is inactive, which can help prevent dead neurons during training.

Activation functions: ReLU vs. Leaky ReLU

It’s never too late to board the ‘Learning and discussing the insights’ train, and here are my two cents on my recent…

Activations — Output layer

Sigmoid: Produces an output in the range (0, 1). It’s not commonly used in hidden layers anymore due to the vanishing gradient problem, but it’s still used for binary classification in the output layer.

Tanh (Hyperbolic Tangent): Output values in the range (-1, 1). It is similar to the sigmoid but can provide better training performance for some problems due to its output range.

Activation Functions in Neural Networks

Sigmoid, tanh, Softmax, ReLU, Leaky ReLU EXPLAINED !!!


  1. Polo Club of Data Science. (2020). CNN Explainer.
  2. IBM. (2020). Convolutional Neural Networks.
  3. Saha, S. (2018). A Comprehensive Guide to Convolutional Neural Networks — the ELI5 way. Towards Data Science.
  4. Cire?an, D. C. (2016). Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition. Springer International Publishing.
  5. DeepLearning.TV. (2019). Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) explained. [Video]. YouTube.

Thanks for reading! I

Arslan Qureshi

AI & Data scientist Enthusiast | Python | EDA | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | NLP | Chatbot??????

9 个月

Very informative, your comprehensive guide on Convolutional Neural Networks is an exceptional resource for anyone who learns about the complexities of image analysis with CNNs. Your clear explanations of convolutional layers, pooling, and activation functions demystify the powerful capabilities of CNNs, making it accessible even for beginners. This guide is a must-read for anyone eager to understand how these advanced neural networks process and classify images with such remarkable accuracy. Well done!


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