Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
Vibhu Tyagi
Data Science @ Delhivery Limited | Machine Learning, Time series forecasting, Statistical Analysis, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Data Analytics
Convolution neural networks are fundamental for image analysis.
They are crucial for interpreting visual data, whether it’s for image classification, object detection or even medical image analysis.
Following a unique architectural design, CNNs are a special type of neural network composed of three primary layers: the convolutional layer, the pooling layer and the fully connected layer.
By implementing multiple convolutional and pooling layers, the network is able to learn deeper and more abstract features in regards to the input image. Following these layers with a fully connected layer, the network is able to learn global dependencies, as well as complex patterns through non-linear activation functions.
Convolution Layer
As summarised earlier, the convolutional layer uses a kernel or filter (they are the same thing) to find and extract local features of an image. In modern CNNs, it is common to use multiple convolutional layers with distinct filters in order to capture a wider range of features and patterns.
So anyway, what is a filter?
A filter is a small-sized matrix used to extract features from an image. It is applied on the input matrix through a convolution operation, specifically, dot product. In other words, the filter matrix is multiplied element-wise with the corresponding input values and then summed together into one value.
This filter is then slid across the input image until the whole input image has been convoluted. Bare in mind that since most images are composed of RGB channels, the same filter would be applied onto all three channels. The outputs of each of these channels would be summed to make a single feature map.
This information can be difficult to comprehend with just words, so please take a minute to absorb all this information using the animation below.
Note: To prevent confusion, please be aware that the blue filter applies a dot product on all three RGB channels, not just the blue channel and sums their results into one output value on the blue feature map. This is then repeated with the green and red filters, producing three output feature maps. To simplify calculations, pixel values of 0 were assigned to both the green and red channel.
After understanding this, it’s now time to ask, how exactly do filters learn features?
Let’s look and at a simple example for intuition purposes.
The input image is a smiley face composed of white and black pixels taking values of 0 and 1, respectively. The pixel values of the zoomed-in image can be seen in the yellow boxes.
Additionally, the filter in this example was designed specifically to find noses within an image. Please bear in mind that in reality, the values of the filter matrix are not a hyperparameter, but in fact learnt during training and can take any value, negative or positive.
The filter is then applied onto the zoomed-in pixel maps with their dot product representing the values of the feature map. The reasoning behind naming the output, feature map, is that the feature map effectively portrays the distribution of a particular feature.
In our example, the yellow matrix representing the smiley face’s nose aligns perfectly with our nose finding filter, therefore, producing a high feature map value of 4. On the other hand, the yellow matrix representing the smiley face’s eye, unsurprisingly, does not align with the filter and as a result, produces a dot product of 0. Using this, the model learns that a nose is most likely located at the grid position which produced the value of 4, rather than 0.
Now, this was only the first convolution layer. The output feature map is then further fed as inputs into the next convolution layer. As you indulge into deeper layers, more abstract and complex features can be learnt, many of which, are undetectable to the human eye.
Now that you have learnt how filters function, it is time to learn how they move across an image.
In the convolution layer, the term stride refers to the speed in which a filter translates across an image. A stride of 1 would mean that the filter travels one pixel at at time and with a stride of 2, two pixels at a time etc.
Simple as that.
Why does this matter?
Well, take a look at the stride = 1 image, the feature map will clearly be a 3x3 matrix. Now look at stride = 2, the feature map is clearly a 2x2 image.
Therefore, higher stride values are often used for dimension reduction, thus lowering computational complexity. However, be weary that if you assign too high of a stride value, the network may lose vital information.
Consequently, have you noticed anything interesting about feature maps?
They are always of smaller size than the input matrix. This leads us onto the next section, padding.
When applying a filter over an input matrix, which pixels experience the least filtering?
Evidently, the borders, with corners undergoing the least filtering (filtered only once).
This fact poses an issue. While central pixels are involved in numerous convolutions, the borders are not. This is called the border effect, which essentially is a loss of information at the borders since they contribute less towards the output feature map.
How do we fix this? PADDING.
Paddings are additional layers, usually 0s, which are added around the outsides of an input image, mitigating border effect and also increasing the spatial dimensions of the resulting feature map.
Pooling Layer
Following the convolution layer is the pooling layer. Besides downsampling, this layer also provides additional advantages.
Just like the convolution layer, the pooling layer involves using a filter that slides over the input (feature map) and then extracts a single output value.
The main objectives of pooling are:
Generally, two types of pooling are used, max pooling and average pooling, however, take note that other variations do still exist. Each of these pooling techniques serve different purposes and will be discussed below.
Max Pooling
During max pooling, the most dominant feature (maximum value) within each pooling window is selected as the output value. Let’s take a look at how max pooling is applied on the earlier displayed feature map.
Why perform max pooling?
By retaining the most dominant features in each local region, the network is able to ignore potential noise and focus on the most important features. In addition, by max pooling, the network also becomes less sensitive to small translations or shifts in the input.
Average Pooling
Similarly, during average pooling, the average value of each pooling window is used as the corresponding output value. The application of average pooling on the previous feature map can be seen below.
Why perform average pooling?
By computing the average value within each local region, a smoothing effect occurs and as a result reduces noise. Furthermore, just like in max pooling, the network becomes less sensitive to variations and shifts within the input data, making the model further robust.
Fully Connected Layer
The next and final layer in a convolutional network is the fully connected (FC) layer, also known as the dense layer. This layer follows a traditional neural network structure and aims to aggregate all the extracted features from previous layers so that a better understanding of global relationships is learnt. This particular layer is crucial for tasks such as image classification.
Take this feature map for instance.
Each value of the pooled feature map represents a different set of features, while some overlap may be present, many values will have been derived from different parts of the image, take feature 1 and 9 for example.
Next, the pooled feature map is flattened. This transforms the matrix into a column vector so that it is able to be fed into the fully connected network.
Inside the fully connected network, each layer connects all its nodes to each and every node in the next layer, hence the name ‘fully connected’. This is a critical characteristic of the fully connected layer.
This is because, by having all extracted features contribute to every individual node, the network is able to combine data and generate further relationships between them as well as capture global context and patterns.
Along with the use of non-linear activation functions such as ReLU at each node within the fully connected layer, the network is able to learn complex non-linear relationships between different features, something that wasn’t possible in previous layers.
The importance of FC layers can be seen in image classification. For instance, when feeding the FC layer’s outputs through a softmax function, a probability distribution corresponding to the possible classes can be outputted.
In this article we have discussed the functionality of conventional neural networks (CNNs) and its architecture. The first convolution layer finds and extracts features from an input image. Then, the pooling layer takes the output feature map and downsamples it through either max or average pooling. By keeping the dominant features and reducing the noise, the network can focus on learning only the important details. Finally, the output is flattened into a column vector and then fed into a fully connected (FC) layer, which combines features and learns corresponding patterns in regard to the image’s global context.
Just a note on the CNN architectural design, commonly used CNNs will use a mixture of alternating pooling and convolution layers such as those in the first image of this article (yes, scroll up, a lot) for higher efficiency. However, the CNN will most often end in a fully connected layer.
I hope that you have understood how basic CNNs work. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to comment them down below.
10 个月Insightful!!