Convincing Your Execs to Give you the Time and Space to Upgrade React: A Summary.
Better Server-side Rendering
"Server rendering in React 16 (also known as React Fiber) is roughly three times faster than React 15", says Sasha Aickin - core React team member. Need we say more? We don't use this at LumenAd but that's still cool.
Asynchronous Rendering (
React now finds the differences between the previous and next state of your application and makes any necessary changes before re-rendering the real DOM.
In the previous versions of React, the main thread was blocked while updates were being processed which caused some applications not to feel fluid. This is because React used a synchronous and recursive way of processing updates (now known as stack reconciliation) in which all updates must be completed entirely before returning to main thread.
The new method of reconciliation, (called fiber reconciliation) allows updates to be rendered asynchronously by breaking up the work into chunks, and committing changes only when everything is ready.
Targeted Debugging (
React 16 allows us to debug issues even easier with the inclusion of component stack traces. Component-level stack traces show you the exact component in the hierarchy where failure has occurred instead of just seeing that the whole page failed. This will help developers pinpoint the problem and get to a resolution quicker.
“Now, we won’t wake up one day dead in the water and be forced to start over or do this in the heat of having to do this. Preventative measures are always better than fixing the problem when it happens. Kind of like taking your car in for routine maintenance is better than waiting until you're broke down on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.†-LumenAd's director of engineering, Trevor Adams
The Latest & Greatest Libraries
By upgrading React, we now have access to the latest and greatest versions of our packages and libraries - most importantly, our UI Component library. Material UI, our main UI component library, is now able to be migrated to version 4 from Version 0. That's 4 years of improvements we're now able to make use of.
Better Developer Playground
The most important thing about upgrading is we keep a clear path forward for improvements and support from major libraries and the libraries we use that depend on React. Developers now have access to more tutorials and easier paths to success operating on the newest version. We no longer have to sift through old crusty forums to find answers for older problems that already have a solve [we just can't make use of it].