Convincing Untruth ( Byact)
A mother tells her three year old child.
" Don't go in the dark. There is an ogre there."
She knows that there is no ogre hiding in the dark , but there are other dangers lurking there. She does not feel that the child is old enough or wise enough to understand that . So she tells him a convincing untruth. An untruth that is nevertheless convincing to him and he does not venture into the dark.
Eventually as he grows up , he understands the dangers of walking into dark , and takes his own decisions. He grows out of the convincing untruth and takes responsibilities on his own shoulders. He does not blame his mother for not having told him the truth , as he understands the stance that his mother had taken.
We do the same in our practical life. Instead of telling a truth that may be challenged , we tell an untruth that is convincing.
Instead of telling your boss that you are not turning up for job as you are not in the mood, you tell him that you are having a stomach ache , an untruth that he is more likely to buy.
Some of the convincing untruths in public life are as follows.
In trains : Please switch off fans when not needed. Apparent reason , to save electricity. Real Reason ?
In lifts : Please switch off fan. Apparent Reason ; Save Electricity . Real Reason ?
At petrol pumps , please do not use mobiles. Apparent Reason : Mobiles interfere with the petrol meter. Real Reason ?
You will read the real reason and the reason for the real reason in part II.