Convincing students from top institutes to not leave the country after completing graduation
Sarisha Aggarwal
Technology Developer - BA4 @Barclays | Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering
Good afternoon to all the bright minds of the country today I , Sarisha Aggarwal , would like to deliver a presentation in front of you all regarding an important topic which is worth discussing . It is possible contradictions might arise but we are here to consolidate all those points and come to a common conclusion. The main motive of today's interaction is to understand some obstacles that are responsible for hampering the growth of country. Now, you must be wondering why are we talking about this after all we are not the government but one thing you all surely must realise is that you are the assets of the country and each one of you present here today form an essential part of the country's bright economic future. You all are completing your education from the countries topmost and premier institutions. Getting into such institutes is the result of great competitive struggle , practice and application of intelligence , not everyone is able to ace the race. You are the gems of the country and the country needs you but the problem is that nowadays this feeling of progressing our country is drifting away. People are completing their education from their country but after graduating from rank 1 institutes tend to go abroad in search of high posts , better salaries and brighter opportunities. In lay man language we can give this a term- ' brain drain'.
I am not saying thinking of better career opportunities is wrong , absolutely not in fact that is the main goal everyone completes their education for but why don't we ask ourselves a question that why are we going out of country why not look for better career opportunities within our country? The simple answer behind this is that our country lacks them that is why we want to escape and go somewhere we can find better. Now, ask yourselves a personal question do we blame the government for the loop holes in our countries development ? Well i'd say most of us do. One last question to ponder upon, If you had the opportunities in your country would you find the need to go out?
With government focus on aatam nirbhar bharat it will enable entrepreneurial spirit in all of us.Well I don't think their is a need now. This is similar to our needs , we go elsewhere when their is scarcity of that particular resource but if we already have surplus or even sufficient amount then why will we find the need to go out.
From this small survey we have identified the problem and there is no problem to which there is no solution. These are complementary and always coexist. Now I want to make you realise something , you are the people filled with potential , energy and intelligence. If you focus even a fraction of this energy on our country you can make a big change. You are inculcated with entrepreneurial ideologies and are budding leaders so you have the capability to create , run and make space even if there is shortage of it. Maybe your culminative efforts make opportunities for more future leaders like you and the generations yet awaited to come.Trying something new , exploring something different and starting from scratch is always a tough beginning and may take time but I think the change we are trying to make is going to be worth the effort. This will mark the beginning of a new revolution where we will cave out new opportunities on our own just by application of mind and knowledge we have gained over the years. The economic development will flourish and attract people from other countries to invest in our country. The graph of our country is just in your hands and a reflection of mindset. If each one of us tries to change the way we think and look at our career goals and opportunities from a different angle like to focus more on creating rather than going out and fitting ourselves in existing opportunities then I strongly believe we can create wonders.
Thank you everyone for resonating with me and trying to get in sync with what points I touched today. If I was able to make you think differently or change your attitude even a bit then I will feel I have accomplished what I came for.
Decision Analytics Associate @ZS
3 年It's good to see that students have started addressing such issues in college, especially when the country is going through a pandemic and needs support in every way possible. A great topic that needs more awareness ??