The Second Edition of?The Practitioners' Guide to Conveyancing and Notarial Practice?by Allen West is available from publisher, LexisNexis South Africa. The publication is aimed at the property and conveyancing market, including legal practitioners, students and estate agents, and provides comprehensive and up-to-date examination on the practice and procedure governing the registration of deeds and documents at the Deeds Registry.
In view of the provisions of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937, which places a duty on the Registrar to apply the directives issued by the Chief Registrar of Deeds, this publication is an invaluable and authoritative source for conveyancing attorneys when drafting deeds and documents.
The Practitioners' Guide to Conveyancing and Notarial Practice 2nd Ed?covers the important aspects of conveyancing and notarial practice, with a comprehensive exposition of how to describe parties in deeds and documents, as well as an explanation on how to draft extending clauses and causa for estate transfers and other types of transactions. This edition is updated to include new case law, new Registers Conference Resolutions, New Legislation and new Practices and Procedures.
The book also includes a chapter on estate transfers, which covers each type of estate transaction, providing a comprehensive set of documents that need to be lodged with a specific estate transfer. The author provides examples of how the causa must be drafted with a list of the supporting documents that need to be lodged for estates administrated in terms of the Black Administration Act 38 of 1927. There is also a chapter on customary marriages which will assist practitioners who have to advise on their clients’ marital status.
The Practitioner's Guide to Conveyancing and Notarial Practice 2nd Ed?covers the 2017 Conference Resolutions, SPLUMA, the Sectional Titles Management Act, the latest Chief Registrars Circulars and a chapter on the deed of sale.
This publication is a must for all conveyancers, estate agents, paralegals, conveyancing typists as well as candidates who anticipate writing the conveyancing or notarial admittance examinations.
The Practitioner's Guide to Conveyancing and Notarial Practice 2nd Ed?retails for R931.50 (incl VAT) and is available for purchase from the LexisNexis online bookstore -?
Allen West was the Chief of Deeds Training from July 1984 to September 2014 and is presently a Property Law Consultant at Tonkin Clacey Attorneys in Pretoria Attorneys. He is the co-author of numerous books on conveyancing and has published more than one hundred articles in leading law journals. He also regularly posts articles on Ghost Digest. Allen is a lecturer extraordinaire at the University of Pretoria and a moderator and consultant of Conveyancing subjects at Unisa. He has presented courses for the LSSA (LEAD) since 1984 and has served on the following boards: Sectional Title Regulation Board, Deeds Registries Regulation Board, and Conference of Registrars, as well as numerous other related committees. Allen was the editor of the South African Deeds Journal (SADJ), since its inception until September 2014. He presents an annual Conveyancing Update Seminar on behalf of the LSSA (LEAD) in January. He obtained his qualifications from Unisa and has also studied at the university of Wisconsin-Madison
Conveyancer, Notary and Attorney at D Grabe Attorneys
3 年This book is excellent and is highly recommended for any conveyancer S and aspirants
Attorney, Conveyancer and Notary
3 年When can we expect third edition?