Converting #Failures to a #Glorious #Ending
"Life is a series of #experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop #character, and we must learn that the #setbacks and #grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward".
#Henry Ford
American - Businessman
Truly been said by Henry Ford, ‘Life is a series of experiences’ that bring forth happiness, joys, success, tears, smiles, failures, grievances, and setbacks. There is no permanency of any moment or experience of life.
What stays constant in life? The only thing is ‘#Change’. Life keeps changing now and then, embracing all the moments of life, as and how they come along the course. We win, we smile, we stay happy, we fail, we trip, we cry, we make mistakes, we get lost. And taking one step at a time, we keep marching ahead with no assurance of what is to come next in life. That’s all that we can do in life.
However, the way we embrace all the experiences, the way we deal with all the setbacks, and how we handle all the obstacles that come across defines the core of our character. There are moments when setbacks and failures put us down on life, but then it purely depends on whether we consider it as failed moments or as stepping stones towards success.
A quote by #Winston Churchill beautifully states, “#Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of #enthusiasm”. If that’s what we can achieve in life, success is a close-by destination. Failures, setbacks, and obstacles tend to give new experiences in life. If we have the passion and enthusiasm to embrace the true colors of life, these experi ences can make us stronger and smarter to lead a successful life.
Going down the success stories of Henry Ford, #Walt Disney, #Charlie Chaplin, #Michael Jordan, #Bill Gates, #Ratan Tata, #Mahatma Gandhi, #Amitabh Bachchan, and #DhirubhaiAmbani will give a clear interpretation of inspirational tales directed by failures and extreme controversies. All they had was the power to continue their journey with sheer determination.
Like the live examples, even we can shape our character, reframe our persona, and transform our failures to a remarkable success story.