Converting Debt Organizations To Credit Organizations
José Maria Dias de Oliveira
Technical Admin @ University of Coimbra | Management, Technical Support
The goal of this article is to reveal the 16th Gobal Drucker Forum 2024:
Forum's objectives are to bring together professionals and non-professionals in various fields of knowledge, sharing ideas, to share professional experiences, to assure lectures, to assure views of multimedia and to assure different seminars.
Trying to find out a variety of solutions to contemporary issues. This year are focused on the need for new knowledge in order to find means, models and methods for more effective management in organizations of all kinds, in order to seek higher and new levels of Value Creation and Innovation, within contemporary and digital economies and knowledge economies.
Knowledge is the essential foundation for any professional to be able to interact within the organizational, capable to contributing to the Creation of Value and able to interact with the ideas of Innovation actions.
Peter Drucker established and developed the concept of Knowledge Workers.
According to Peter Drucker, knowledge workers include professionals, scientists, educators, analysts, system designers, software developers, health care workers, engineers, and other white-collar workers. These workers find and analyze information and apply it to solve problems, generate ideas, or create new products and services.
Knowledge workers are those who have the skills and performance to be able to face up to the challenges of the most sophisticated economies available today.
This knowledge is acquired through different channels throughout their personal and professional lives and as well as lifes.
Academic studies are channels for obtaining both practical and theoretical knowledge.
The organization of academic studies has changed since the time of Peter Drucker, but Drucker had already foreseen this change and transformation.
Nowadays, academic degrees in the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge are based in a harmonious and uniform ways in all countries of the world:
- Bachelor's degrees, which take three years of studies. These are studies that cover general knowledge of a particular specialization.
- Master's degrees, which take another year or two years. They cover knowledge of a specialization, which can be in the same field or not.
- The doctorates with higher scientific research studies and with more years and high financial costs, which can be in the same field or not.
The really objectives are to be able to convert or to transform Debit Organizations into Credit Organizations.
Debt organizations are organizations that they work normally with their own functions but they are technically deficient and they need to be worked very well to become good credit organizations.
This is how to be the various debates, how to be the various sharing ideas, how to be the various discussions that will be held on this 16th Forum. They are used with the purpose to find out solutions for converting Debt Organizations into Credit Organizations.
I want to mention the theoretical and practical works of W. Edwards Deming in his book "Solving Operational and Organizational Debt”.
W. Edwards Deming meets as well as Peter Drucker's concepts regarding Knowledge Workers:
I completely agree wiht W. Edwards Deming. He is a leader coming from the areas of technological systems, statistical systems and digital systems, but with a humanist vision of the future to the 21st century and with deep knowledge in the areas of management sciences .