Converted Into Ukrainian Fertilizer
Holtz Realty

Converted Into Ukrainian Fertilizer

The wind had finally calmed by the time morning arrived which made for a more endurable day in spite of it still being a bit chilly. I dare say I've been wearing my winter coat far longer this Spring than in many of the past, and of course it's all due to that biting north wind.

Most of my morning was spent following up on past showings of my listings, as well has getting the scoop on recent happenings in real estate from some of my colleagues. The prevailing greed factor in the minds of many has left me near-speechless. There's really not much a person can say about those who know better, while they continue on such paths. I'm thinking about creating a new mantra which would be, "Play fair and share."

I've been reminding a few of late that I do remember well the things that others have done to me in the past, and even though I may appear to have forgotten, those memories are still there. Do I forgive? Absolutely. But there's no forgetting because like they say, "If you do me once, it's shame on you, but it you've done me twice, it's shame on me." I think that's a good mindset to have because a person's not so easily duped the second time around.

One of my past clients who I ran into in the Downtown some days ago, mentioned his having finally paid his mortgage off, so I teasingly said, "Are you going to have a mortgage burning party? Of course he then asked, "Do they send the cancelled ones back to you?" I actually couldn't answer his question because in my line of work, that's all we look for are the mortgage releases in the Recorder's Office. The reason I know they would send the cancelled ones back, is because I'd find them in the old papers that would sometimes be stored with their abstract of titles. The next time I talk to one of our area mortgage lenders, I'll have to ask if they still send those cancelled mortgages back to their customers.

I've found some people who'd hold onto their recorded deeds as if they were the documents they'd have to present when transferring their properties, when in fact, they're only pieces of historical paper once they've been filed with our County Recorder's Office. I sometimes mention to sellers that they can keep those old deeds and have them framed as reminders of the day and year they took title to their homes.

The showing last night went relatively well on 1125 W. State Street, so let's hope we get an acceptable offer on it. I did mention to the selling agent that the home was likely built by one or the other of our most highly respected and sought-after builders of the time, who happened to be Michal Haaheim and R. P. Hansen. They were both master home builders who'd brought with them, their Northern European designs and perfectionism.

I was told a story a number of years ago by an elderly man who worked as a painter for R. P. Hansen when he was young. I had to laugh when he said Mr. Hansen would purposely make chalk marks in various out-of-sight areas like upper corners of closets and behind doors, just so he could go back after a second coat of paint was applied, and then check to see if all areas had been covered. Can you imagine a contractor doing that in today's home-building world? I think not. It's more like, "Get in, git-er-done, and get out as fast as possible so you can get paid and move on to the next job."

A big pet peeve of mine, is nearly always seeing workers playing with their cell phones when they should be working, and believe me, it's in the entire spectrum of our workforce, because I've seen City workers, State workers, County workers, general contractors and sub-contractors doing it. As far as I'm concerned, every time they're mixing work with their personal lives, they're stealing from their employers. Right? Some weeks ago while I was seated at a home closing, the selling agent was spending more time texting than paying attention to the buyer's closing. Now that's something I couldn't imagine doing because it's basically rude and dis-respectful. Don't even get me started about people playing with their cell phones while in church, and I can assure you, it's happening in all of them. Yes, they're quite the addictive gadgets, aren't they?

I spent over an hour clearing off the desk and side table at the front of my office this afternoon, and once I got started, I was a little bit annoyed with myself for having allowed so many of those pamphlets the home inspectors, contractors and home warranty companies either send or drop off, to be collecting dust up there. You can be sure all I have there now are the bare basics, and certainly appearing more presentable. If I have time tomorrow, I think I'll be attacking another pile-up on a table and desk in the center hallway.

Well, it looks like the Russians are now waging war against the Ukrainians in the Donbas, so let's hope and pray those Russians won't be able to break thru their lines. One thing that's been mentioned many times, is the upper-hand the Ukrainians have, which is due them fighting on their own turf. I also read where many of those Chechen and Dagestan mercenaries Putin called in to fight, are not wanting to go to the front lines because they're afraid they'll be converted into Ukrainian fertilizer. Someone mentioned several days ago that if the Russians lose 50,000 or more soldiers to the war, that's going to be the end of Putin because there'll be a public out-cry so great, he'll have to step down. Personally, I don't believe he'll step down, but more likely, dragged away. People are saying he's hell-bent on having a victory before May 09th, but even if he doesn't, he'll have the Russian public believing every lie coming out of his mouth.

Tonight's One-liner is: In time of war, truth is always replaced by propaganda.

original post ...


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