How to easily convert CR2 to JPG in Windows and macOS?
As a Canon camera owner, you're probably familiar with the CR2 file format, which delivers outstanding image quality but can be cumbersome or come with limited compatibility. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the steps to convert CR2 files to JPG format on both Windows and Mac platforms, keeping the quality while making your photos more suitable for online sharing.
CR2 Basics
Canon's proprietary file format, CR2, is utilized by the company's digital cameras to store unedited image data. In contrast to JPEG files, which reduce image data to conserve storage space, CR2 files preserve the complete, uncompressed data captured by the camera's sensor. Although this results in larger file sizes, it provides photographers with more versatility when editing their images.
CR2 files offer numerous advantages, including enhanced picture clarity and greater flexibility in post-processing. By capturing a broader spectrum of colors and tonal values, these files enable photographers, particularly professionals, to refine their images with precision and accuracy.
Despite their benefits, CR2 files have some notable disadvantages. Their substantial file size can rapidly deplete storage capacity, and their compatibility is limited, as not all programs and devices can open them, making it essential to convert them to a more widely supported format, such as JPG.
How to convert CR2 to JPG on a Windows PC?
For Windows users, there are several effective solutions for converting CR2 files to JPG format. A highly recommended option is XnConvert, a robust and intuitive software program.
As a powerful image processing tool, XnConvert offers batch conversion and editing capabilities for a wide range of image file types. It’s open-source and completely free to use, and it allows users to customize output settings when converting CR2 images. The following steps outline how to convert your images with this free software:
1. Go to XnConvert website and download the software, then complete the setup process according to the provided guidelines.
2. Next, launch XnConvert and access the "Input" section, where you can import your desired CR2 files by simply dragging and dropping them into the interface.
3. Proceed to the "Output" section, where you can choose JPG file format and customize the quality settings to your liking.
4. Finally, initiate the conversion process by clicking the "Convert" button, and XnConvert will efficiently transform your files into JPGs.
How to change CR2 to JPG on A Mac?
For Mac users, there are also multiple solutions available to convert CR2 files to JPG format, with native tools and features that come pre-installed on their devices.
Use Preview
The Preview app, which comes standard on every Mac, is a solid tool that enables you to open and modify a range of file formats, including CR2 files. This guide will walk you through the process of converting CR2 files to JPG format using the Preview application.
1. Locate the CR2 files you want to convert, right-click on the files, and select "Open With" > "Preview."
2. In Preview, click on "File" > "Export selected images."
3. Show options, choose JPG from the format dropdown menu and adjust the quality settings if needed.
4. Click "Choose" to complete the conversion. Your CR2 file will now be saved as a JPG.
Use Quick Actions
For a hassle-free conversion of a Mac, consider utilizing the Quick Actions feature, which is accessible in MacOS Mojave and subsequent updates. To take advantage of this functionality, follow these steps:
1. Locate the CR2 files, right-click on the CR2 file and select "Quick Actions" > "Convert Image."
2. Choose JPG as the format.
3. Click "Convert to JPEG" to save your CR2 file as a JPG.
How to (bulk) convert CR2 to JPG in PhotoShop?
Photoshop by Adobe is a robust photo editing program that is compatible with CR2 files and provides a wide range of tools. To change CR2 files to JPG format using Photoshop, you should:
Single File Conversion
1. Launch Photoshop and open the CR2 file you want to convert.
2. Click on "File" > “Export” > “Export as”.
3. Select JPG as the format, and adjust the quality settings if needed.
4. Click "Export" to complete the conversion.
Bulk Conversion
1. Run Adobe Photoshop on your computer.
2. Head to File > Scripts > Image processor.
3. Choose the input folder that stores all the CR2 images.
4. Choose the output folder to save the JPGs.
5. Choose file type as JPEG.
6. Hit Run.
The best CR2 to JPG converter software for bulk conversion 2025
For large-scale image conversions, a handful of software solutions excel in terms of speed and friendliness, one of them is BatchPhoto.
BatchPhoto is a versatile tool that goes beyond simple image format conversion, also providing features for adjusting image size, trimming unwanted areas, and improving overall picture quality.
In addition to its robust features, BatchPhoto boasts cross-platform compatibility, seamlessly supporting both Windows and Mac operating systems. Its intuitive design and straightforward navigation have earned it a reputation as a go-to solution for image conversion, particularly when working with extensive collections of files.
Here is how to use it:
1. Visit the BatchPhoto website, download the software, and follow the installation instructions.
2. Open BatchPhoto, click on the "Add Photos" button, and select the CR2 files you want to convert.
3. Open Edit photos tab to add a filter if you want to edit and enhance your CR2 images.
4. Head to Setup, select JPG as the output format and adjust the quality settings if needed.
5. Click on the "Process" tab to begin the batch conversion process.
How to convert Canon RAW to JPEG online?
Individuals who favor free digital solutions can utilize various online platforms that provide CR2 to JPG conversion tools. Good options include iLoveIMG and CloudConvert, which are widely recognized for their efficiency.
iloveimg is a versatile online tool that offers a range of solutions for image manipulation, including editing, compression, format conversion, and size adjustment. With its intuitiveness, both individuals and organizations seeking to streamline their image file management processes can benefit a lot.
CloudConvert is a powerful online platform designed to facilitate file conversion across a wide range of formats. While it supports various types of files, its primary focus is on converting documents, images, videos, audio files, presentations, and more.
They are easy to use, just visit the website, upload and convert.
CR2 to JPG online vs offline
Choosing between online and offline options for converting CR2 to JPG depends on your specific needs and preferences.
Online converters are ideal for users who need quick and easy solutions without installing software. They are accessible from any device with an internet connection and support a wide range of file formats. However, they may have limitations on file size and the number of files you can convert at once.
Offline software options, such as XnConvert, BatchPhoto, offer more flexibility and control over the conversion process. They support batch processing and provide various customization options for output settings. However, they require installation and may have a steeper learning curve.
The decision between using online and offline conversion tools depends on your individual requirements. For simple, speedy conversions of a small number of files, online tools are a convenient choice. However, if you need more advanced functionality and the ability to process multiple files at once, a standalone software solution is the better option.