Conversion Density for Google Ads Success
Want more traffic to your website? You can pay for it through Google Ads, but will it convert and provide a positive return on investment?
Stepping into any sort of advertising can be expensive and online advertising is exactly the same. If you choose the wrong process you will not only waste a lot of money and get little ROI, but you will also spend a lot more time recovering from your mistakes.
Google Ads is the new name for Google’s combined paid online advertising platform. Google Ads now covers Google Search, Google Display Network and YouTube Video Advertising.
After reviewing hundreds of Google Ads campaigns for Impressions, click-throughs, competitive metrics and conversions, it is clear that there is a very broad range of good and bad practices being implemented.
Now comes the recommended process (purely based on my experience and testing). This process is almost the polar opposite of what most business owners want and what most experts recommend, but there is a method to the madness. The process chosen aims to start with the most narrow, highly targeted and relevant audience possible and work backwards to increase reach.
The thesis behind this stems from the deep neural network A.I. that powers Google Ads placements and conversion density. It learns by finding the highest converting traffic and then presenting ads to similar audiences. Now what would happen if you pushed out an advertisement to a really broad audience... you would need to spend a large amount of money, hopefully catch a few conversions, and because of the low conversion rate you will pay a really high price in the process.
On the opposite side, if you go to the most narrow, highly targeted audience you can, the likelihood of getting a conversion from the smaller audience is higher. Therefore, your relative conversion rate is higher, you will pay less and Google Ads Artificial Intelligence learns faster. Overall this means you waste less money, pay less per click, get more conversions and can look like a hero.
Now this is not a Google endorsed or recommended strategy, but it is just good marketing practice in reality.
If you would like more details on implementing a Google Ads Campaign watch Marketing Live TV on YouTube