Dr Sudhanshu Bhushan
Senior Policy Advisor – ( 15th April 2023... ) at New Zealand Red Cross Auckland, New Zealand Job Description - Policy classification, Consulting & Strategy
Good Morning !!
A Very Good Morning !! –
But today is Sunday !?
So what ?? I have to come when I feel to take wisdom nuggets from you – and you should not stop me from doing this – sharing knowledge/ wisdom is always good.
Okay. So what do you want from me today.
You philosophize so much on life. Give us some definitions of life … I agree you hate definitions … and I don’t want another lecture on education system with definitions … And its farce … Just wanted to keep things light …. just some words of definition …. please …!!
Definitions … ??!!! ….Words …mm ….!!
See Word ‘itself’ has no meaning. No word has meaning. Words are carriers of understanding. You know how I take my class. In the beginning of the class I give my ‘words’ to students …and then class goes on …discussion…. debate etc etc….. and then at the end of the class I withdraw my words … and leave the students with the essence of my words that is ‘understanding’. And then …
?How do you do that ??? I mean how do you withdraw your words …from the students at the end of the class.
At the end of the class – I ask them to recap their learning in my class in their own words and not use my words. My words and my ppt words are banned. Explain whatever you have learned using your words and not mine. And the moment you use my words I will mark you absent in attendance. Class is my presence as well as student’s presence. My words are my presence and so your words are your presence. If you cannot express the understanding given by me in your words – then you may be physically present but your ‘Being’ the vibrant living learning entity in you was absent and was probably somewhere else …!! And if so - There were no moments of Truth in the class for you. Words and definitions indicate the meaning but they are not the meaning – unless the understanding is re – defined and explained in students own words.
?But Sir Sunday hai Kucch definitions de dijeye !!! Lecture Nahin …!!
?Okay – Defining Life –
1.Life is a cosmic energy force for various expressions of Nature.
2.Life is all about romantic possibilities ( Romance not only of man and woman but with acts and stuff like knowledge, wisdom, music, sports, learning, nature etc etc ) and luminous connections leading to moments of truth.
3.Keep your life vertiginously exciting, vibrantly imagined – illuminated by the warmth and delicacy of a prose and rhythm of a poetry.
4.In Indian Spiritual traditions it is said that life should be a process of Self – Enquiry. But I would like to further add – That life should not only be Self –Enquiry but also graceful inquiry into the interplay of life and literature.
I think these four statements should suffice !!
?Last call sir – What should life be like ?!!!
Life if played and journeyed well should be brilliant and an achievement of extraordinary depth and beauty !!
?Sir – Life in poetry !!
Here be vastness. Here be Bliss.
Here be Love. Here be Divine.
How does one make most and more of life ??
When you become less you become more !!!! Reflect !!!!
What does becoming less mean ..??
Minimizing your Ego of Individuality !!
When your ego goes – You will get internal clarity. Internal clarity will help you get answers to three basic philosophical questions of life –
Who am I ??
Where Have I come from ??
And Where Am I to go ??
When you get internal clarity – then in the next step you will get insights, foresights and hindsight’s in every situations of life and your life will be beautified !!
What are the insights, foresights and hindsight’s of your life ??
In a nutshell – Life is an opportunity for Spiritual Growth and lasting Happiness – Life is a playful game - And a good life should have following features or aspects –
1.Revel in a new appreciation of your body (the Mortal Aspect)
2.See through the illusion of the Me-Story (the Inner Ego Aspect)
3.Converse from love rather than the ego (the Outer Ego Aspect)
4.Lose the fear of death (the Soul Aspect)
5.Transcend your self-boundaries and experience oneness with the world (the Witness Aspect)
6.Awaken to Cosmic Consciousness (the Mystic Aspect)
7.Live both in the world AND of it (the Self Aspect)
8.Transcend the paradox of unity and separation without conflict or excuse (the I AM Aspect)
9.Live in a state of Divine union while still maintaining your individuality (the Tao God(I) Aspect)
That’s it !! Is that enough on life !!
?That’s it !! Thank you sir !! You have read a lot – just see these books. Your secret of knowledge is books ..!!
?No NOT BOOKS in capital letters. My Secret of Knowledge is my Life !!
How ??
How should I answer this ..?? I will tell you a anecdote – Once I met an academician – in a context when I asked him about his success in academic career – He said – He was smart at work – ‘I have my hard earned degrees …countless published papers …a big range of research etc etc…’.
I reflected – Whether I was smart or not ?? People think I am smart but I am not !!
I poised and thought to myself something which is an answer to your question !!!
?What was that ……. ??!!
The smart have their theories, but the wise have their scars. All my learning has come from the scars people have given me in my life.
How are you now ??!!! Do you feel lonely sitting in this study the whole day ??!!
I am very fine and good – with all the learning I have collected in my life !!!
I am not lonely – I am alone. But if you feel lonely when you are alone then you are in a bad company. And I am not in a bad company of myself !!
Life is beautiful !!
?My Good Wishes that it stays beautiful !!
Thanks !! Bye !!
Much love !! God bless you !!