Conversation with my mind
Nishtha Gehija
Author, Ghostwriter of books for CXOs, CA turned full-time writer, Writer on career and life stories
The type of conversations me and mind often have, to get back in action:
NG: Dear Mind, Where are you wandering?
M: Towards the phone.
NG: Why so? What will you get there?
M: Maybe validation.
NG: Indriya sukh. (Satisfaction of the senses).
M: Yeah, you’re right. And that will make me addicted.
NG: And that will take you to more addiction. And more emptiness and hollowness. And it will increase this need to rely more on these external things to feel good about.
M: Doesn’t it feel good when others like what you are doing?
NG: Doesn’t it feel great when you are executing on what you are thinking?
M: You are changing the topic.
NG: Changing the direction of the conversation from external to the internal.
M: You mean I should abandon all this? Social media, people? Should I go to the top of the mountains and meditate?
NG: Not at all Bro. You are needed here, in this world of chaos and confusion. What if you decide to not base your happiness on what other people say?
M: Dude, look! When others appreciate me, I do feel good!!
NG: And how do you feel when they criticize you?
M: Not so good. Upset for a little while.
NG: So basically you’re trying to say that people’s opinions make you happy and upset.
M: Again this motivation mumbo-jumbo about people’s opinions.
NG: Bro, are you trying to hide your vulnerability under the mask of anger?
M: Huh! Okay, explain me more about this “people’s opinions”.
NG: Simple, not everyone loves the same colour, same car, or even same dessert. In fact, favourite holiday destination of one may be hated by their best friend. Similarly, when somepeople appreciate you, some are bound to criticize you. The law of not liking single entity works universally.
M: So how has that got to do with me wandering around to check my phone?
NG: It means that you will get that validation on social media anyways. It means that you will get that criticism sometimes. The point is, to stay unaffected with either.
M: Are you mad? Is it even possible?
NG: Do you get mad at everyone who consumes alcohol and bless everyone who doesn’t?
M: None of my business either.
NG: Then what makes people’s opinions your business?
M: Because those opinions are about me!
NG: If they have an opinion of you leaving all your work and join yoga class in the park with senior citizens, would you comply with that opinion as well? And that opinion about comparing you with upar waali neighbour’s daughter? And that opinion about what you should be wearing at that family function? Would you comply with all those opinions?
M: Never ever. Their opinions, their lives. My opinions, my life.
NG: See, you just said it.
M: O yes!!! I understand where are we getting from here.
NG: ….which is getting back to where we started. You don’t feel more fulfilled when you see how many people like you. You do you, and they are doing them. When you fall in love with your most authentic self, without thinking how others think you “should” be, life takes a momentous turn my friend.
M: I agree on this with you now, however, what if tomorrow I want to reach out to my phone again for that quick dopamine rush?
NG: Valid point. Tell me something, did you start walking crisply the moment you took your first step?
M: Your examples are bang on point! So you mean we would have this kind of conversation again and again?
NG: Isn’t it better to invest some time in getting back to yourself versus reaching out to someone else, could be anyone?
M: (Deep breath!) Thanks, for everything. This one-on-one conversation works, dude!
NG: It does, because everything is out there on a platter. All concealed emotions, all ebbing currents, all lay open. To be healed.
This is what we all are looking for. Right?
I want to meet you
5 年Nice
Author, Ghostwriter of books for CXOs, CA turned full-time writer, Writer on career and life stories
5 年Do you have conversations with your mind??