Conversation on Current Affairs of Americans


Common Sense

Observations on current American affairs

1-I provide only basic facts on the page that follows. Volumes have been written about the conspiracy between America and England.?No more things thing for readers, Just the reader should try to read it normally, with simple facts, and clear arguments. The reader should not include any of his personal preferences, prejudices, or desires, and should avoid using his emotions or wishes. Instead, the reader should try to shed some light on the matter while moving the discussion forward. Men of all levels have entered the dispute with different goals and motivations, but they have all been fruitless. The last resort to settle this dispute was the king's choice.

According to reports, the late Mr. Pelham (who, despite being an effective minister, was not without flaws) was stacked in the house of commons on the basis that)

2-It will be more fatal than all malice of Britain, if there is probably have to face some revolt in after reconciliation with Britain now that have chances, thousands already ruined by British Barbarity, ( Thousand more will be suffered the same fate probably, they have liberty now, what they achieved before everything will be sacrifice what they have, they hate submission, Beside the altitude of colonies in?the British Government is like a youth, that will nearly out of time, they will not care about much, And a government which cannot preserve the peace, is no government at all, and I that case we pay our money for nothing:?and pray what is it that Britain can do, whose power will be wholly on paper, should a civil tumult break out he very day after reconciliation: i listened most of the people fearing?an independence There are ten times as many things to dread from a patched-up link as there are from freedom. Should a civil upheaval break out the day after reconciliation: I listened to majority of the people fearing an independence; they believe without considering it would be start a civil war.

3-The possibility of conflict is unclear, and the terms are meaningless because this continent would never allow its population to decline in order to assist British military operations in Asia, Africa, or Europe.

In addition, what do we have to do with rebelling against the world? I challenge the most ardent proponent of peace to identify even one benefit that this container can gain by cooperating with Great Britain. I repeat the challenge, not a single benefit is derived. Our plan is commerce, and if executed well, will win us the peace and friendship of all of Europe. This is because it is in all of Europe's interests to have America a FREE PORT, as her trade will protect her from invaders and all of Europe wants America to have a FREE PORT.

However, the harms and disadvantages brought on by that relationship are immense, and it is our duty to both ourselves and the rest of humanity that we break the alliance: Because any reliance on or subjection to Great Britain tends to immediately involve our continent in wars and disputes in Europe and puts us at war with

4-Without his permission, To remark, "I forbid this or that act of yours to be law," (as has commonly happened)", to millions of people who are older and wiser than him, "I allow this or that act of yours to be proper and good order,"?is illogical in terms of proper and good order for a young person of 21.

, so I reject this type of answer even if I will never stop pointing out its silliness. This is because England is the king's residence, though America is not,?makes a new debate, The king's refusal HERE is ten times more fatal and dangerous than it can be in England because THERE he will hardly refuse his consent to a bill for putting England into the strongest possible state of defense, and in America he would never permit such a bill to be passed. In British politics, America comes in second place since England consistently prioritizes its own national interests before sharing information to stifle our country's progress.

?Based on what has happened, it's a great state we should soon be in with such an inexperienced administration! unless the contract expressly prohibits it, conflicts with it, or otherwise. Men do not change their names from enemies to friends: And to show that the current reconciliation circumstance is harmful,

5-Although I would take great care to avoid offending anyone, I have a tendency to think that everyone who belongs to the principle of reconciliation could be considered. A serious mind cannot find tremendous enjoyment in looking ahead while carrying the sad and hopeful knowledge that the current constitution is only transitory. Great Britain's rule over this continent is a sort of governance that, sooner or later, must come to an end. the current constitution is only temporary, and that what he calls "the positive conviction" We as parents are not happy with the fact that THIS GOVERNMENT will not last long enough to protect anything we might pass on to future generations. And using a straightforward argument, we can say that since we are leaving the next generation with debt, we should accept responsibility for it rather than suing them mercilessly and unjustly. Instead, we should put our children first and wait until we are a little older in order to decide what is the best course of action for our careers. However, that greatness will reveal a possibility that some of our present concerns and prejudices keep from us.

It has more power the more people it was around. Prior to the Reformation, America was discovered, as if the Almighty had lovingly intended to offer a safe refuge for the persecuted in the future when home would no longer offer friendship or protection.

6-Due to the current constitution, no law may be passed in the Bo Subcontinent without the king's consent. We can become slaves in America due to the lack of rules, as well as the reality that we make for ourselves along with in this side, and the man was dumb for failing to see (consider what has happened), But the crown's authority will be implemented in a disrespectful manner. We will return despite moving too quickly, battling constantly, or fulfilling absurd requests. Will the king not try to disappoint us before we progress with him, considering that there are powers who are jealous of our advancement?

The meaning of freedom is higher than that we make our own laws, or that kind is the biggest enemies on this continent or can do, or he will prove that there won't be any law that I have wish to implement, but those king have negative impact on England, the native can't do or make it. We haven't questioned that power is perfect and suitable to rule over us. That person is able to enjoy freedom.

7-He will encourage the unrest under the government in such equal measures as this, would have joined Lucifer in his uprising, and if there were anything in the law but more satisfactory after there were only twelve left in which the appointment of president it in Congress, it would be great to took forward up to thirteen. However, there is a curious ambiguity as to how or from where this business must originate, even though it seems to be a very appropriate decision. Only this order must originate from the governor's medium institute. So must be come in between Congress with the following method, and following mission let continental conference, Committee of twenty-six members of Congress, viz. two for each colony, two for each House of Assembly, or provincial Conversion, and five representative of the people at large, to be chosen in the capital city or town of each province, for and hi behalf of the whole province, by as many qualified voters as shall think proper to attend from all parts of the provices for that purpose: if more convenient, the representatives may be chosen in two or three of

8-transgressions of a tenant whose lease was about to expire. When the fighting stopped, it wasn't worthwhile to dispute over something that time would have eventually fixed. Before the awful occurrence of April 19th, 1775, no one was more eager for peace than I was, but as soon as I heard about that day, I rejected the tough, gloomy temper.

What would happen, though, if it was acknowledged that the situation had been made up? I respond that the continent will be destroyed, and that for a number of reasons. FIRST, As long as the king retains his governing authority, he will have a say in how this continent is governed. Given that he has demonstrated his steadfast opposition to liberty and his thirst for arbitrary power, I don't know if he is the right person to make such decisions.

If we weren't sincere, it would have been like wasting an estate on a civil lawsuit to remedy the previous?

9-Any notion of comfort from a power so far and unknowing of us, for if they cannot conquer us, they cannot dominate us. It will be seen as ridiculous and childish in a few years to regularly travel three or four thousand miles with a story or a petition, wait four or five months for a response, and then spend an additional five or six months defending it. There was a moment when it was proper, and a time when it should no longer be. It is appropriate for kingdoms to take small islands that are unable to defend themselves under their care, but it is absurd to believe that an island will constantly control a continent. It is clear that England and America are part of different systems because, for example, nature created a satellite that is larger than its mother planet and because their connections with one another reverse the natural order. While America belongs to itself, England belongs to Europe. Instead of being motivated to promote the philosophy of separation and independence out of feelings of pride, wrath, or fury, I am stubbornly convinced that it is to this continent's greatest advantage. Anything less is just a band-aid fix that won't bring lasting happiness, leaving the sword to our chill.

10-The lack of a strategy and the inability of the men to perceive a solution are the only true causes for fear of independence. As a result, I offer the following guidance as a place to start for that industry: At the same time, modestly stating that I have no other opinion of them personally aside from the possibility that they will serve as the impetus for the emergence of something better; If people's jumbled thoughts could be collected, they would frequently come together to form elements that wise and capable men could refine into useful things.

?MAKE THE ASSEMBLYS ANNUAL, WITH JUST A PRESIDENT, more equal representation, They conduct only domestic business and are governed by a continental Congress.

Each colony should be divided into six, eight, or ten practical districts, each of which should send the appropriate number of delegates to Congress, ideally at least thirty. There will be at least 390 members in total in Congress. Each Congress shall meet and elect a President in accordance with the following formula: When the delegates are assembled, let one of the thirteen colonies be chosen at random, and then let the entire congress elect (by vote) a president from among the representatives of that province. Let a colony be in the next Congress.

11-The best way to get everyone to come back together is to call out, "COME, COME." We shall be friends once more once everyone has studied the emotions of human beings and brought them into the philosophy of nature. After that, they asked me if they could get my full support and my love and respect. Those who had fired your land and had swords, however, told me that they could. If you are unable to do all of these tasks, you are defrauding yourself and destroying future generations with the passage of time. Additionally, you have a connection to Britain in the future, which you cannot love forcefully or unnaturally, and must instead rely solely on current projects. That facility will be demolished in a short period of time, but you claimed you could resolve all infractions. I then inquired as to what you had burned in your residence. When your property is destroyed in front of your eyes, are you, your wife, and your children left without a bed to sleep in or food to eat? Did you cause the deaths of your parents and your kids, and do you only have poor luck and a wrecked life? If you haven't, are you really going to condemn those who have? However, if you have participated in the murders and continue to shake hands with them, you are unfit to hold the titles of spouse, parent, friend, or lover, regardless of your position in life.

12-Britain, Wartime hardship in Hannover should serve as a cautionary tale.

According to a recent assertion made in parliament, the only other way the colonies can be connected to one another is through the parent country; therefore, Pennsylvania and the Jerseys, and so on for the rest, are sister colonies through England. The closest and only accurate way to determine enemy ship, if I may use that term, is by using this method, which is definitely a very indirect way of doing so. We in America have never been and probably never will be enemies with France and Spain. Some contend that Britain is the country's parent, nevertheless. Even savages do not devour their siblings, thus the claim—if true—turns to her criticism. This is followed by even deeper humiliation for her acts. However, the word "parent" or "mother country" is employed in its place, which is either false or just half truthful. has been taken up in a jesuitical manner by the king and his parasites with the contemptible object of obtaining an unfair edge over the foolish weakness of our brains. The continent of Europe, not England, is where America was born. The persecuted proponents of civil and religious liberty from EVERY region of Europe have found refuge in this new world. Instead of fleeing to this new world, they came here.

13- I certify that the current king's policy is to violate all rules and regulations set in place to promote the provision of government, THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE, so that HE MAY ACCOMPLISH BY CRAFT AND SUBTIETY IN THE LONG RUN WHAT HE CANNOT DO BY FORCE AND VIOLENCE IN THE SHORT RUN. Second, even the greatest terms we can expect to obtain will only be a temporary solution or a sort of guardianship government that will only continue till the colonies reach adulthood, thus ruin and reconciliation are almost synonymous, The present situation will therefore be unpleasant and unwelcoming. Immigrants who own property won't settle in a nation where the viability of its system of government is in doubt and where instability and disturbance are a continual threat; instead, many of the government's current residents would use the opportunity to pack up their belongings and depart the continent.

The strongest argument, however, is that the only way to prevent civil wars and preserve peace on the continent is through independence or a continental system of administration. I hate to think that this could happen.

14-No matter what religion a person practices on earth, they cannot escape their karma. The paradox is that while we can avoid taking action, humans must do so regardless of who they are or where they are. You must get out of bed every morning and do something; this is a universal law as well, but it has nothing to do with the law we are discussing here regarding Karma, which is viewed by all civilizations, cultures, and faiths as the Law of Action and Reaction or the Law of Cause and Effect. Peter lived in a village with his uncle, but in search of better chances, he moved to the city, where he spent 20 years establishing himself.

14a-Peter visited his uncle once again, and while he was going around the field, he said, "Do you remember Peter, before you left a few days ago, I had asked you to plant a row of apple seeds all around the farm." HIS UNCLE TOOK HIM AROUND THE WHOLE FARM AND SHOWED HIM HOW WELL THE TREES HAD GROWN ALONG THE FARM'S BORDER UNTIL THEY REACHED THE FENCE. LOOK AT AND SEE HOW BEAUTIFUL THESE TREE LOOK IN 20 YEARS.

15-The likelihood of conflict is unknown, and the terms are meaningless because this continent would never allow its population to decline in order to assist British military operations in Asia, Africa, or Europe.

In addition, what do we have to do with rebelling against the world? Because it is in everyone's best interest for America to have a FREE PORT, her trade will always be protection, and her lack of gold and silver secures her from invaders, our plan is commerce, and that, if well attended to, will ensure us the peace and friendship of all of Europe. I challenge the fervent proponent of peace to name even one benefit that this continent can derive from its relationship with Great Britain; I reiterate the challenge, not a single benefit is derived. Our corn will trade at any market in Europe, and we must pay for our imported goods by using them wherever we please, but the harms and disadvantages we suffer as a result of that relationship are countless, and it is both our duty to humanity as a whole and to ourselves to:

16-The men below showed interest. Who are not trustees, weak individuals who are unable to see, a group of moderates who are more knowledgeable about the European continent than is appropriate, and a last group who, due to poor judgment, will bring more disasters to this continent than any of the other three,

The majority of men have the good fortune to reside far from any depressing scene, and because civil authorities cannot easily access their doors, they are aware of the precariousness with which all American property is possessed. But let's spend some time focusing on all of our imaginations. Boston, that pitiful seat, will impart wisdom to us and guide us forever to reject a power we cannot trust, Residents of that wretched city, who were formerly at peace and prosperous, now have no choice but to remain and starve or turn and beg. If they stay in the city, they will come under the fire of their allies, and if they leave, the soldiery will loot them. They are prisoners in their current state with no hope of release, and a general attack to free them would expose them to the wrath of both armies.

17- to what you had burned in your residence. When your property is destroyed in front of your eyes, are you, your wife, and your children left without a bed to sleep in or food to eat? Did you cause the deaths of your parents and your kids, and do you only have poor luck and a wrecked life? If you haven't, are you really going to condemn those who have? However, if you have participated in the murders and continue to shake hands with them, you are unfit to hold the titles of spouse, parent, friend, or lover, regardless of your position in life. to what you had burned in your residence. When your property is destroyed in front of your eyes, are you, your wife, and your children left without a bed to sleep in or food to eat? Did you cause the deaths of your parents and your kids, and do you only have poor luck and a wrecked life? If you haven't, are you really going to condemn those who have? However, if you have participated in the murders and continue to shake hands with them, you are unfit to hold the titles of spouse, parent, friend, or lover, regardless of your position in life.

18-You have a cowardly and sycophantic spirit. It is not necessary to incite these senses and emotions, but rather to consider how nature supports them positively. Without doing so, we will not be able to fully enjoy life's social obligations and pleasures. To put it another way, we must awaken from our fatal and unmanly slumbers in order to pursue some fixed goal that is not in the control of Britain or Europe.

If she doesn't overcome herself, then it will be too late; if she did the right things, then a coward's present cold season is worth an age; however, if these things are disregarded, then the entire continent will suffer bad luck and not receive the just punishment they deserved, be he who or what, or where he will; this may be the means of forfeiting a season that is so valuable and useful.

To think that this continent can no longer be ruled by any outside force is contrary to logic, the natural order of things, and all precedents from other eras. The most optimistic Briton does not believe that there is now no feasible alternative to separation that can guarantee the continents,

19- This is my own business, and I want to make sure that if I leave my home and all of my possessions are destroyed and my circumstances are devastated, Because I am a human, I am aware of my wounds, and I cannot consider myself to be bound by the idea of reconciliation.

Colonies displayed their feelings in obedient and manifest ways to the continental authority, which was sufficient to keep everyone's ease and happiness. No man could base their fearfulness on the basis of this display. That is truly a mockery and a juvenile act for one colony to treat another colony poorly. If there is no difference, superiority cannot exist, and absolute equality does not present temptation.

The European republics are all, perhaps even always, united; neither Holland nor Switzerland have ever been involved in an international or domestic conflict. It is true that monarchies are seldom at peace for very long because the crown tempts corrupt individuals at court. The level of pride and insolence always associated with regal authority wells into a rupture with foreign powers in instances when a republican administration, which is founded on more natural principles, would negotiate the mistake.

20-Once the British Union was complete, The only difference between the parties' implementation methods was that. One proposal forced friendship with another, but it turned out that one was unsuccessful and the other accepted his love in return. Additionally, discussions about the value of conciliation that have already occurred as well as a good dream, Left us as we are, but the truth is that we need examine the various types of argumentation perspectives, Along with the hurts your colonies must endure, they must always stand by Britain and rely on it. In order to analyze this relationship and reliance on natural laws and common sense, I have heard that America developed with its recent relations with Britain, and for his good future that relation is indeed, and always will be effected. Nothing can be more fallacious than this kind of argument, which asks us to see what we have to trust to, if separate, and what we are to expect, if dependent.

We may just as easily claim that because a youngster has grown up on milk, it will never eat meat, or that our first 20 years are spent developing into children.

21- Since England, Holland, Germany, or Sweden, when compared to the whole, stint on the same places on the larger scale: distinctions too limited for continental minds, although the local these provinces of one third part is less than the English generation, America has all kinds of nations, not just from Europe but also from all over the world, native companionably more than with England. I therefore denounced the mother country's parents' dialogue as being erroneous, self-centered, limited, and ungenerous, But what does it mean to if we all admit that we are of English heritage? Nothing remains because everything else has been replaced by the open enemy. Saying that our goal is reconciliation is ridiculous. Given that William the Conqueror, the first monarch of the current line, was a Friend man and that half of England's peers are descended from the same nation, England swore allegiance to France under the same logic. Much has been said about the combined might of Britain and the colonies, suggesting that in combination they could disobey the entire world. the end.

22- We believed that no offer would be accepted that was similar to a popular of continent or in any way equal to the expense of blood and treasure we have already been put to when this continent makes a glorious for the earth, in the meantime children are shrinking back at a time, and S Britain has not manifested the least inclination towards, a compromise. Additionally, the sought-after item should always bear a fair proportion to the cost, The removal of the North or the entire disgusting junto is an issue unworthy of the millions of dollars we have spent. This is the issue where we also invested a lot of money. It was extremely damaging to halt temporary commerce, according to allegations. If you are able to release that suspension kink, it aids in maintaining balance. However, if every man in the continent is required to carry a weapon, then fighting the weak is not our standard. Because it is absurd to spend a lot of money on land, according to certain analyses, Additionally, I have always thought of this continent's independence as an occasion that must occur at some point in the future given the continent's late-stage rapid development.

23-Another fact is that those countries want to be friends with us. We have no animosity and no animosity toward them, and Europe is a market for our goods. We shouldn't have any relations with them, though, as this would be to America's detriment. European contentions are something that Europe has never been able to do, and because of her dependence on Britain, she is given weight on the scale of British politics. Europe is too densely populated with kingdoms to allow for long-term As opposed to a man of war, the voter for conciliation would now prefer to separate and be a safer convoy. All that is right and natural cries out for separation. The sobbing voice of nature shouts, "It's time to part," through the blood of the dead. Even the distance between England and America, which the Almighty has put, is a solid natural proof that the authority of one over the other was never intended by Heaven. The discovery of the continent also lends support to the case, and the individual who made these observations.

24-Even if there was a one-year window for reconciliation, nature broke the connection, thus that is the incorrect response. Waltten wise also stated unequivocally that art cannot create a space for real reconciliation to take root where the scars of hatred are so deep.

Nothing has contributed more than that every way of making the monarchs of Europe absolute is ineffective, and our prayers are rejected with a full height of hatred. Just trying to convince nothing latter vanity, or the or reinforces obstinacy in kings: Witness that Sweden and Denmark cannot exist without conflict; for the love of God, let's pursue separation. Saying it won't happen again is irrational and idealistic. We were duped when we heard that the Stamp Act had been repealed one or two years prior, and we now believe that any nation that has been vanquished once will do so again. In terms of government, the United Kingdom is unable to adequately represent this continent since its affairs will soon be too complex and substantial to be handled by the country.

25- I responded to those who knew and admitted more than was true, saying that although European cuisine is customary, America also advanced or would have become more backward if she had no ties to any European powers. Commerce, which had enriched herself, is a necessity of life and will always be a market.

However, it is true that he protects us despite claims to the contrary, and he does so at our expense as well as hers. She would have backed Turkey for the same reasons, namely to advance trade and dominance. It's very sad that they forced us under an outdated dominance, and we had to make a lot of sacrifices for them. We increased British security without taking into account the fact that her motivation was INTEREST, not ATTACHMENT, and that he did not defend us from those who were our enemies on her account, those who had no other conflicts with us, and those who would be our foes forever on one account. We should be at peace with France and Spain if they were at war with one another, but let Britain wave her pretensions to the continent or the continent throw off the reliance.


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