The conversation between Modi and Shah no one knows about!

The conversation between Modi and Shah no one knows about!

It was one of those days when he came back to his office after a very long tiring day, visiting several constituencies, talking to the persons in charge and taking the status of several ongoing government schemes. He was trying very hard to make these government schemes reach to the bottom of the society, to every single citizen of the country, and in doing so, he had also faced the brunt of the people. The government was criticized for poor planning and implementation of a few policies, due to which citizens suffered a lot. Though the clear and huge mandate by the people had given him an extra responsibility to do something better for the country and to improve the lives of the fellow countrymen, thoughts on not performing well in the coming Lok Sabha election often came to his mind.

He rushed into his office only to find his friend sitting and patiently waiting for him. He received him with a hug and started to talk.

Parmendra Modi: Mota Bhai! This time it is going to be tough to maintain our strength in the Lok Sabha given the fact that the oppositions are coming together to attack us and to the works, our government has done so far. I am not able to figure out what strategy should we go for to tackle the political situation this time. In addition to all this, the citizens are in dismay with several policies we have taken in the past. I am worried Mota Bhai. How are we going to pitch our past works and the future plans to the citizens of the country?

‘Calm Down, Parmendra Bhai!’, told Anmol Shah who was patiently listening to Modi. ‘Have some water and relax first and then we will talk about other things.’

Sitting down on the sofa, Modi said: This is the problem Mota Bhai, we take things lightly. I do not want to relax unless our party wins the election this time.

Shah: I totally understand your anxiety towards this and I am very well aware of the several happenings in the opposition side and I assure you that we will win this election.

Modi: So, are we ready with our strategy? How are we going to convince the citizens to vote for us? Do we have any plan for this?

Shah: We have to go step-by-step. But for now, I want you to meet someone who is going to help us win this election.

The door opened and a guy with a black suit, adjusting his spectacles, walked in the room. Coming close to Modi and Shah, he bent forward and extended his arm for a handshake. “Hi Sir, I am (-----). I am here to make you win this election.”


Who was he? What happened next? What did they both talk about? How did they strategize?

Click here to read on and to know all the answers.


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