Raul Jose Mesquita Parada .'.
Owner RP Servi?os Empresariais e Consultor, Membro e Palestrante da Associa??o Comercial de S?o Paulo, Tutor e Conselheiro Empresarial na HTS Consult - Solu??es em TI
The Logistics Area, or better the Logistic Concepts, started millennia ago, from the moment that the Human Being, due to his basic needs, from that time, needed to migrate, to obtain food or to protect himself from the climate. And from there, evolving and modernizing, going through the whole History of Mankind.
In the middle of the twentieth century, Logistics passed its biggest test in the world, in an event of global dimensions, I am talking about D-Day, June 6, 1944, where the biggest movements of troops, materials, weapons, equipment, ammunition and supplies, by air, sea and land; today this date is recognized as International Logistics Day. From then on, the Logistics Area evolving rapidly and efficiently, until reaching the last decades, with the expansion of technological applications, this being the most recent, where it practically placed the Logistics leaders, in an important situation, for the Take of definitive decision, because it would be the true division of waters, between no longer exist, or yes, in fact, evolve and continue evolving, based on Continuous Improvements.
In parallel, the other companies and branches of business have evolved in the same way, but in a way much more quickly and effectively, through different technological innovations, including the most strategic area of all, the Sales Area, in mant market niches, practically being operationalized directly by the virtual interaction between Client and Company. Generating greater speed in the sales process, in some cases such a sales process, can last less than 01 minute! The e-commerce is here!
And Logistics , how is it?
This answer did not come so quickly, but certainly the understanding of the need for changes did, in the first second it passed through the thoughts of its logistical leaders. This requires drastic changes in all sectors of Logistics, such as:
1- Storage.
2- Distribution Centers.
3- Stocks.
4- Packaging.
5- Movement.
6- Separation.
7- Transport.
So, the Logistics Area began its journey to position itself together and alongside the other areas of any company, as definitely being a strategic area. In this way, both Logistics companies and companies with a Logistics area, started their evolution, to be at the same level, in technological terms, of the other areas. Then, the Information Technology was inserted, as one of the most important leveraging elements of this innovation.
We witnessed the most important part of the Logistics Evolution, which was directed to its professionals, the most interested that such evolutions were implemented, but so that they could have excellent results, it was and still is necessary the total and full commitment and immersion of the professional of Logistics, to ensure that innovations, in fact, are, to obtain Logistic Improvements.
These innovations were aimed at:
1- Mobile Apps.
2- Drones.
3- Systems.
4- Robots.
Without a doubt, most of them using mobile technology, because that way the Logistics professionals would have the administration, control and management in the palms of the hand at the touch of a finger. Mobility is another leveraging element, because today any vehicle driver has at least one smartphone!
This necessary and true integration between the areas of Logistics and Information Technology, propelled Logistics to its most recent level, and in fact, obliging its professionals to do the same, because as I say in my Postgraduate classes at MBA course in Logistics Engineering, from UNIP: “The Logistics professional is a professional with a future and a future, as long as he evolves and opens his mind to always seek continuous improvement and innovation, thus enabling the best results.”
Therefore, this integration has come to remain, as the Technological area evolves very quickly and in the same way, respecting its specifications and limitations, it must be the Logistics Area. Looking ahead, as far as possible, anticipating and anticipating innovations, as the Logistics Area is the element of the Production Chain with the greatest global characteristic, taking or bringing from one side to the other of our Planet Earth, for now!
I will soon be posting other subjects and topics.
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