Is Conventional Time Management Letting You Down? Try This Fresh Approach!

Is Conventional Time Management Letting You Down? Try This Fresh Approach!

Can we just take a moment to appreciate how time seems to fly by so quickly? It’s like we blink, and another day, week, or month has passed.?

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I catch myself thinking, “If only I had more time, I could… [fill in the blank with aaaaall the things I wish I had time to get to]!”?

Let me tell you a little secret I’ve discovered on my journey since experiencing burnout in 2012.?

It’s not about finding more time; it’s about how we’re viewing (and appreciating) the time we already have.?

Now, don’t get me wrong; I love a good time management tool as much as the next gal!?

I mean, who hasn’t Googled something to the effect of “how can I manage my time more effectively”!??

Well actually, I’ve?googled this exact phrase over the last 2 years as a little experiment. And the number of search results that have come back has?increased by over 2 billion!?Yep, in November 2021 there were only 514M results compared to 2.7 billion search results just last week.?

It’s insane how many resources are out there when it comes to tips, tricks and frameworks to help manage your time! Overwhelm much??

And guess what? Despite all those tools available at our fingertips, business owners are?still?feeling overwhelmed and stuck on Juggle Street.

What’s the missing piece to this time management puzzle??

The way we view time and the choices we make about where we spend our time can truly make or break our productivity.?

Think about it – we all have the same 24 hours in a day. So why are some people total rockstars at this and others suck??

Well, it comes down to the choices they make around their time, and owning these choices, that sets them apart.

A part of the problem is falling into the trap of letting everyone else demand a piece of you, always being available to solve every problem.?Sound familiar??

But here’s the thing – it’s not about being everything to everyone; it’s about being intentional with your time and setting boundaries.

If you notice you’re saying, “I have to…” or “I must…” you’re giving away your power and neglecting yourself.?

And you’re probably not facing the truth that you are choosing where you spend your time.

Here’s where the magic happens.?

When you shift your language, mindset and realise that?you do have a choice, a whole new world of possibilities opens up.?

Sure, there might be things you want to say yes to, but sometimes, you have to say no or not right now to create space for what truly matters the most to you.?

Read this line again ??????

I know it’s not always easy to make this shift, especially when life gets busy and you feel a sense of responsibility to those around you. Not to mention when FOMO gets in the way.?

Gimme the practical steps I can take?

  • Start by reflecting on your language, are you noticing the words or the feelings of “I must” or “I have to”. It’s a feeling as though you don’t have a choice and are being forced into where you’re spending your time.?
  • Notice any “yeah but, but, but” statements coming up as you do this?
  • If you resonate with the above points, it’s time to own your choices and embrace the discomfort that comes with it. Remember, you’re not alone – many of us face this struggle.?Have a listen to the part 1 podcast ep we recorded on this listed below, it will help!
  • Practice makes progress. Why not choose one boundary you can set for yourself around getting a little time back for yourself, maybe for some self-care. Start small, even start micro if you have to!?
  • All of this will help you drop the “I have to” and embrace the “I choose to” attitude.?

As busy business women, we wear many hats, but let’s not forget to wear the self-care hat too.?

It might take some practice, but you’ll find that when you’re intentional with your time and make room for what truly matters, you’ll be amazed at how much you can achieve without feeling overwhelmed.

Here’s two podcast eps we recorded that will help you do just this:

Part 1: The truth is, you don’t need another time management tool!

Listen on Apple

Listen on Spotify

Part 2: Feel like time is slipping away? Discover where your time is really going.

Listen on Apple

Listen on Spotify ?

You’ve got this, and we’re here cheering you on every step of the way. Keep slaying, superstar!

With 2 decades experience in sales and leadership, Nicky is a Coach and Mentor for Women in Business. She’s been working in the professional coaching space while running her own business over the last 7 years.?

Nicky is also the Co-Director and Co-Founder of Business Together alongside Vanessa Medling. Together they work with work with female led, service-based businesses (with teams) and are obsessed with helping women break the cycles in business that hold them back from creating profitable businesses they love, without having to sacrifice time or life.?

Their clients have often experienced rapid business growth resulting in them feeling stuck in the busy trap, juggling all the balls and being reactive rather than responsive. Through a 30-day Business Health Check, Nicky & Ness help their clients move from business chaos to business clarity, so they can step back and focus on the next best steps to move the business forward, without it relying solely on them.?

If this sounds like you, book a?FREE CLARITY CALL?– during this 20-minute call we’ll take a look at what’s currently happening in your business and identify the?#1?thing that’s holding you back from achieving smart growth and peak performance?Book here

Liz Ellis

Strategic engagement & communications specialist | Leadership coach | Mentor | NLP Master Practitioner |

1 年

Love this Nicky! Looking forward to listening to the podcast ??

Lea Farrow

Human-centred marketing training and support for growing service businesses that want practical, grounded results – not flashy trends ?? I’m here to help you lift the load, not add to it ?? Marketing Mentor & Copywriter

1 年

This resonates today, Nicky, as I sit on the couch with covid (and my laptop). I was just lamenting that being sick is such a time waste, and my mind is thinking of all the things I could (or should?) be doing. Perhaps I need to get comfortable with wasting time? Especially when I'm not 100%.

Janine Garner

● Trusted, Results Driven Business Mentor & Coach ● Keynote Speaker, Best-selling Author, Podcast Host ● Elevate Your Business & Leadership ● Build Authority & Your Network, Commercialise What You Know.

1 年

I was literally talking about this exact thing with Donna McGeorge CSP today - the relentless nature of this and it’s impact personally and at work.


