'Convenience' is the single greatest driver for Consumer technology adoption
Information systems have always tried to become a part of users lives. More often than not, they fail.?Often miserably. Reducing the people who tried promoting the system to a bunch of poor depressed?souls looking for new meaning in life.
But there are times when some Information systems fail miserably, at first glance, without reasonable?explanation. Some of these IT system are pretty damn good too.
But they still fail. They are unable to?make the leap between being a ‘a purpose built application’ and ‘a purpose built application that?people like to use’.
An IT system, or computerized system to eliminate ambiguity, is a lot of lines of code woven together?to automate a task that would otherwise have to be carried out manually by people. Obviously, a?computerized system employs a computer to do the task. Much faster, with zero errors and saves a?load of space too.
The whole point of using a computer is basically because computers do things faster than people. And?then computers can do things people can not, but that’s a different story altogether. So,?unsurprisingly computerized systems and programs are (or should be) designed with speed in mind.?Whatever a person can do, a computerized system should be able to do faster.
That is the rule! If it?isn't, it should be!
But today?isn't?1979 or 1994. It is 2015. People expect more. They silently demand more from their?numerous computing devices. They don’t want just speed. They want more. Speed was achieved a?long time ago. Now people need more.
Even the fine art of synchronization between devices is not?appreciated anymore. People just?aren't?as easily impressed as before. Email?doesn't?impress people?nor does instant chat.
People?aren't?impressed by photo sharing sites with all their fancy editing tools?and whistles anymore. People?aren't?even impressed by video sharing sites anymore. People are just?ungrateful nowadays. They just don’t take time to appreciate the effort and countless sleepless nights?that went into designing and creating a ‘me too product’. That’s right, a ‘me too product’.
A ‘me too product’ is basically a copy of a solution that already exists in the market place. There?should be a separate place in hell for people who do not care to use their imagination when designing?web applications for use by people. Why copy someone else when you can create your own??
Watching a product team shamelessly rip ideas off someone else's hard work on the internet makes?me sick in the stomach. But there is the occasional moment of glee when the team copies the?mistakes of the original creator.
But have you ever tried correcting them when it happens? It’s even?funnier. No one listens to you. The standard excuse is; this is how the market expects it, therefore we?should do the same. No points for guessing what happens next. Nothing. Nothing happens.
The ‘me too product’ goes along. It gets built exactly as it already exists in the market place with just a?few more complications. Don't be surprised if you encounter a lot of shortcuts along the way. So now?you have a product just like the one there already is, except that this one doesn't?work as well. Do you?see the problem now?
I guess there is no hope for the imitators and copycats. We’ll just let them do their thing in the hope?that one day they will realize and right their wrongs.
But for those who are looking to build new stuff. To push forward the frontiers of information?systems. To make a difference. To have mattered. Those who want to be remembered in the pages of?history. Those who want to have contributed to betterment of living conditions for their fellow?humans.
Those who want to help those who can’t help themselves, there is hope. An information?system or a web application requires two main ingredients. Everything else is the topping. First, the?application should serve a function (a function that none of your competition is addressing).
Second,?doing it via the application should be easier than when doing it without the application. Third (yes there's a third, it's a secret ingredient so it doesn't count), it?should work. ALWAYS.
‘Easier’ takes a lot of things into consideration. I guess the easiest way to explain it would be that the?user can consider the job done at the press of a button. Another way of explaining it would be, ‘a?convenient way of getting things done’.
You see, ‘Convenience’ is the internet’s best kept secret (not?anymore now though because of me). I mean how many of us check twitter and facebook on our?smartphones purely because. It’s not like we had anything important to do on either of them. But we?hung out there because all it took was touching an icon on your smartphone’s home screen.
The key to a good application is keeping in mind that someone else will be using it. Not you. Someone?else. Someone who?doesn't?care how difficult it is to keep your code from spilling its guts?out.?Someone who just wants to get done what you told your app could do.
Don’t mess around with the?user’s mind. He probably?doesn't?like the games he has to play to get something done. He never?has?and never will.
Keep it simple. Keep it honest. Keep it convenient.
Convenience in the space of web applications is a fine art. How much of it can you do before it?becomes annoying or even worse, an inconvenience? Ideally, your app or solution should always be?within reach. Given, that it always works and you have communicated to the user about what your?app can do, your app is more likely to be used in preference to carrying out a task manually.?
Don’t forget for one second that your app should be able to do the task faster than when done?manually. If your user encounters network interruptions this is your problem too. Because, if your app?is an online one, interferences with network defeat the purpose your app was built. Look into new?ways of tackling this problem.
Synchronization between devices is one way of dealing with it but it?isn't?the only way. You should always look to developing your own signature way of overcoming?obstacles instead of copying your competition.
Your app should be like a person who never forgets what he’s supposed to do. Always accessible and?within reach, yet not too close so as to be sickeningly in your face all the time. Every time your user?wants to get something done, your app should be there ready to carry out a task. And not just carry?out tasks. It should also, equally importantly, be a source of accurate information.
Nearly all, if not all,?data that passes through the app should be translated in to meaningful information. Your user will then?make use of this information to make informed decisions. It is when your app can carry out a function?all the while in a manner that is convenient to your user, you will notice your user adopting your app?as part of his life and will continue to use it on a regular basis.
So long as someone?doesn't?make?an?app that has more functionalities and/or offers more convenience, your app is likely to be most?preferred.