The Conundrum of Artificial Consciousness (Part 3)

The Conundrum of Artificial Consciousness (Part 3)

Part 2 of this story focuses on the spectrum of Consciousness’ that goes beyond the brain. We saw the evidence of consciousness in plants and even single cells. We want to understand whether it can go beyond cells to non-living things. Are particles conscious? Is nature conscious? Is consciousness part of the fabric of the Universe?

Not everything can be proven by Scientific experiments and unmistakable evidence. We must argue about a few things to understand, especially when dealing with subjects like consciousness with the surrounding evidence and insights. There can be strong arguments for and against the concept. ?

As I deep dive into consciousness, I see articles that point in a different direction for consciousness but also leave questions behind. Matter from the outside can have physical shapes and forms, but from the inside, energy and particles follow specific laws. They are aware of their surroundings. They are connected and exchange information to keep a balance. The observer effect indicates that?when an observer makes an observation, the quantum wavefunction collapses, making the observation impossible. So, are the particles aware that they are being observed? At least Quantum physics points us in that direction. The weirdness of Quantum physics may be encapsulating the consciousness.

Our body is made up of organs. They communicate and exchange information. Are they conscious? When the body is lifeless, this flow of chemicals stops, and the exchange of information stops. What stops this when a person is dead? There is something different between the dead body and the living self. What makes the brain shut down? What makes the heart shut down? When they shut down, what happens?

If we start logically isolating things, Consciousness goes beyond matter. Why are the particles conscious? Is there anything that governs nature and the laws of nature around us? There is a cause and effect inherent in nature. Nature is also aware of the changes and takes evasive action. Some Philosophers agree that consciousness is the fabric of the Universe and embedded into everything. David John Chalmers is an Australian philosopher and cognitive scientist specializing in the areas of philosophy of mind and philosophy of language. Chalmers suggests that Photons “might have some element of raw, subjective feeling, some primitive precursor to consciousness.” Neuroscientist Christof Koch captured a similar phenomenon in his book Consciousness as “substrate-independent.”

Jonathan CW Edwards, Professor Emeritus of University College London, who spent decades in understanding the conscious mind, says in his seminal work “Is Consciousness Only? A Property of Individual Cells?” and I quote “It is therefore proposed that a bound conscious experience is a property of an individual cell, not a group of cells. Since it is unlikely that one specific neuron is conscious, it is suggested that every neuron has a version of our consciousness or some form of sentience.”

I intended to come to some understanding of consciousness. I have tried to agree and disagree based on various conflicting research I have gone through. However, after the literature reviews and arguments, I am increasingly convinced that consciousness is beyond the brain and exists in species that do not have brains; it is present in single cells, particles, and nature.

What does this mean to us?

If consciousness is inherent in nature, there is a greater possibility that it is following specific laws of nature. if it follows the laws of nature, it can be modeled to some extent, and there is a greater possibility that mathematics can solve this conundrum of consciousness to some degree.

Now, let me revisit the hypothesis I started with in Part 2. They were

1. Consciousness is real, and it exists within individuals: Based on the various research I have referred to, consciousness is real, provided we stick to the definition. "The quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself”

2. Consciousness is connected to ethics and intelligence: The researchers vehemently agree and disagree, but based on various debates and the inclination I have seen so far, it seems yes. We may discard it at any point if this is found to be disconnected.

3. Consciousness can be understood to some degree, and our understanding can be evolved: We will try to understand Consciousness further. I am yet to investigate how it can be understood. Various models are available and attempts are being made. But in subsequent iterations, we will understand.

4. Consciousness originated with life in the Universe and may be part of every living cell: The various experiments carried out so far on Single cell organisms indicate that there is consciousness in even a single cell as it is aware of its surroundings.

So far, three of the four hypotheses I started in Part 2 appear correct. In Part 4 (yet to be written), I will cover the machine consciousness models discussed so far and see if we can bring anything closer to it. One may argue that my findings are skewed toward proving my hypothesis correct, which I may gladly accommodate, but with a request that if someone can bring a strong argument against it, I will revisit my understanding and be happy to republish with the rebuttal. We may be guided in the wrong direction unless we objectively evaluate it.

This story is the continuation of Part 1 and Part 2.

Disclaimer: The blog does not reflect the views of my organization or the profession in which I am involved. I am also not an expert on consciousness and/or General Intelligence. This topic is debatable, and I have raised it to generate healthy controversies and trigger thinking in this direction to help evolve the concept. I fully understand that there may be various contrarian views, and the content may have contradictions. The above content is not in-depth research but can be considered preliminary observations. I will continue to think, investigate, and write on Consciousness occasionally to further my understanding of this subject and generate more awareness and debate.


Is Consciousness Part of the Fabric of the Universe?

Does consciousness explain quantum mechanics?

Towards new concepts for a biological neuroscience of consciousness

Is Consciousness Only A Property Of Individual Cells?


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