Controlling Weeds
When dealing with weeds in your garden, it can be quite a hassle. Especially when it becomes a huge part of your garden. First things first, some weeds are good for your garden, so it’s best to not eliminate all the weeds in your garden.
There are weeds that lay under your garden and you will have weed seeds every square inch of your garden. It’s best to let it stay there if you have to dig through more than 2 inches of soil. If it is below 2 inches of soil, you don’t have to worry about the sunlight hitting the seeds and it will not activate the weeds. Best advice is to only dig when you need to. If you do have to dig, make sure you cover it with mulch right away to cover the weed seeds. Mulch keeps your soil cool and moist. Mulch also helps, especially organic mulch because it attracts crickets which will eat the weed seeds. The key to removing weeds is to pull when the soil is wet and to use a hoe when the soil is dry. When the soil is dry you can cut off the top portion and the roots will just end up drying up and dying. Finally, even though it’s best to space out your plants, don’t space it out too much. Having plants planted closely together while providing them with enough room for its roots to grow below the soil helps prevent weeds to grow.