The Secret to Creating Your Legacy
What thoughts run through your mind most often? We all write our own narrative every day based on the way we think. We proceed towards our most dominant thoughts in life, and as a result, we control the direction of our journey. No one has the ability to affect our desired outcomes unless we choose to be influenced by their opinions and ideas.This message is simple and profound for every person in the world today: your narrative matters.
"We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking."
~ Santosh Kalwar
The Mind Is Fertile Soil
My grandmother Minnie Campbell told me about the fertile soil of the human mind. I can remember her sharing stories and antidotes to drive the point home. She asked me many times, "Paul, who will write your story and control your narrative?" She would then answer her own question by saying, "Whoever you surrender your pen and mind to becomes the author of your life." These were powerful words 45 years ago, and they remain so today. Don't ever surrender your pen or your mind to another. Be the only author of your life and legacy.
If Planted, It Will Grow
The mind will harvest every single seed you allow to be planted or decide to plant. If you plant negative thoughts, they will grow at an accelerated pace and thereby destroy your journey. The opposite is also true, and that is why you must be your own gardener. Decide what you want to grow in the garden of your mind, and plant the positive seeds required to turn your hopes and dreams into a harvestable reality. Be the guardian of your own thinking, so you can shape and develop your narrative.
"Thoughts are like an open ocean, they either move you forward within its waves, or sink you under deep into its abyss."
~ Anthony Liccione
Thoughts become actions, and actions set in motion your cause and effect. Cause and effect determine your personal direction, which takes you to your ultimate destiny in life. Embrace your journey and turn each day into another magical experience. Your emotional state originates internally long before it manifests itself outwardly. If your desire is to experience the beauty of being in a positive emotional state consistently, plant positive seeds in your mind. It's that simple.
"I chose to plant the seeds in my fertile mind that would grow joy, peace of mind, happiness, gratitude, and love, and so they did grow and grow...and so did I."
~ Minnie Campbell
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Copyright 2016: Paul Cummings Enterprises.
About the author: For over 30 years, Paul Cummings has taught dynamic life changing strategies on sales, customer service, communication, building a better business, and leadership. Millions have had the opportunity to learn what it means to live and work at Level 10.
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